Author Topic: The $%*! frustration thread  (Read 592612 times)

Lance VII

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5130 on: April 14, 2010, 04:52:34 pm »
I'm annoyed with my roommates (again.  Always, really).  I want to be pensive and quiet and they are being loud and obnoxious in the other room.  These past two weeks have been very hard and Blonde Screecher (one of the roommates) is becoming increasingly more passive-aggressive.  I have no idea why she thinks it's perfectly alright to act like a 13 year old, but whatever.

I can't stand passive-aggressiveness.  Or bitchiness.  Or immaturity.  Thus, I can't stand Blonde Screecher.
Kill it with fire.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5131 on: April 14, 2010, 04:56:49 pm »
Kill it with fire.

Oh, if only.  Her and her Tool Box boyfriend.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5132 on: April 14, 2010, 06:34:05 pm »



Not in relation to the above.  I've just been sick the whole sick.  It came as a result of nothing but junk food and desserts yesterday (wedding reception up in the Bay Area). Anyways, it's not like I've been confined to bed. I've had a minor headache, runny nose, and heavy eyes.  I can still operate, but everything is reduced to basic functions in terms of daily activity.

I hope it's one of those 24-hour illnesses.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5133 on: April 18, 2010, 02:24:17 pm »
A Facebook fan page led me to this:

I laugh, but it's still frustrating. You should check out their description.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5134 on: April 18, 2010, 11:10:51 pm »
^ Hahahaha. Is this really serious? It sounds like a joke to me.

Many people have asked us, "Why a National Man Day"? For those of you who actually had to ask that question, the answer is simple;

There comes a time in every man's life where he must stand up for what he believes in...
That time is June 15th!
On June 15th, men across the nation will unite in one cause and one voice saying, "I am man!"
On that day, men across the nation will blow things up, they'll shoot big guns, they'll punch each other for no reason, they'll pump some iron, or they'll watch every Rambo movie from beginning to end... Straight through.
And when asked why we do these things, we'll say "Because I'm a MAN!"
At what point did a time come when that answer to a question become unacceptable? Since when has being a man been lame? Since men have let down their guard and become sissies, that's when.
It's time to take back the crown of masculinity. It's time for men to be men.
What should you do on this day? Be the man God made you to be. Be a good father, drop kick your best friend when he least expects it, dump a whole tank of gasoline on a pile of sticks and ignite it by shooting another can of gas! Be responsible for your actions, go out there invite every man you know, play ball with your kid, eat an 18 oz steak, get your wife some flowers, punch another guy in the jugular and just be a MAN!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5135 on: April 19, 2010, 10:36:00 am »
At the very, very, very (like...minuscule) least some of those things are positive.  "Be a good father / be responsible for your actions."


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5136 on: April 19, 2010, 01:58:50 pm »
I really hate being this kind of fan but...

8-Bit Theatre. Apparently it ended 4 weeks ago, and nobody but Brian Clevinger(and I doubt even he knew, really) seemed to know this until he posted it on his blog-thing Saturday(didn't check it until today, because I also read How I Killed Your Master). So, what we're looking at here is a comic that didn't update for four weeks, without any news to his fans for four weeks regarding whether or not it would continue. It might he said, with an epilogue, but Lord knows he's not going to get to that now that he's working for Marvel. And I'm not dissing on him because he joined up with Marvel, either. Having a big name webcomic artist working with one of the Big Two comic companies brings a metric tonne of legitimacy to the webcomic culture that any fan would love to have. But when the majority of your site traffic comes to see a project for yours, and has been doing so for 10 years, and you suddenly quit to move on, there is some feeling of...for lack of a better word at the moment,  disappointment there.

I realize that 8BT has taken a back seat to Atomic Robo and his various other oddities for a while now, and I accepted this when he had to scale back updates for it. But imagine if Penny Arcade stopped making it's tri-weekly comics altogether and focused on PAX, or if Munroe stopped xkcd altogether. The difference between the two is that xkcd and Penny Arcade have no storyline, and thus a sudden end wouldn't exactly be earth shattering. Although, I'm sure that if they did, they'd tell the fans weeks in advance rather than four weeks afterwards, so that the hopeless fanboys like yours truly wouldn't keep checking every week.

Also, the ending sucked.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5137 on: April 19, 2010, 03:05:32 pm »
Two things, ToD:

1) On March 31st Brian had said that the comic would continue, so it is quite certain he didn't realize he had reached the end.

2) The ending could have been worse:

Onto my own frustration... well, it is mostly a minor annoyance than anything else. The elevators here are clearly the work of some fiendish devil. There are three elevators, and the waiting area for them displays what floor they are on. I'd been suspecting this for a while but I've started to pay specific attention. Every time I summon an elevator, the one furthest away is the one to respond. Example: I am on floor 2, and there is an elevator on 1, 4, and 7. All are stopped. I request to go up. The elevator from the 7th floor is the one to respond. Alternately, I am on the 5th floor, and the elevators on are 1, 4, and 6. The elevator on the 1st floor is the one to respond. And occasionally the elevator I summon will start moving, overshoot my floor, and then another elevator that had been stationary will start to respond to my request.

It's a mad house, A MAD HOUSE!

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5138 on: April 19, 2010, 05:35:02 pm »
Elevators are one of the most interesting and difficult challenges in civil engineering! They are the prime limiting factor in tower design, and the logic to run them efficiently is very complex. It must anticipate elevator usage demands from all floors, between all elevators, in both directions (up and down), based on the time of the day and even the day of the week. One thing that particularly contributes to people's frustration that "the elevators are ignoring them" is that they can't see other elevator requests in action. Think of it this way: If your building has seven floors, that means 42 point-to-point trips are possible at any one time. But there are only three elevators, so if more than three trips are on the logic board at once, either the extra trips will have to be queued (which is never a first resort) or trips will have to be stacked. Then you get into thousands of potential multi-point trip combinations in a single elevator run. Elevator efficiency can degrade spectacularly badly if the logic is inferior; you've never seen that in action, but just imagine it. Depending on the number of passengers, wait times could easily stretch past the ten-minute mark and toward half an hour.

There are two things you can count on: 1) An elevator will never reverse direction until it has reached the farthest floor in that direction at which service has been requested or the logic itself has told the elevator to go. 2) People inside the elevator always have priority over people still waiting to use the elevator.

One huge step architects and civil engineers can take to improve elevator efficiency is to have as few exit levels as possible--preferably only one, unless we're talking about much taller towers. If a building is on a hill and has street entrances on two levels, that severely degrades the elevator efficiency. If there's a parking garage with multiple parking (i.e., exit) levels in addition to the main level(s), it gets even worse--which is one reason that parking garages often have their own elevators. I am firm advocate that elevators in towers should only have one main exit level, with more added only as absolutely necessary for service and handicap access. (This doesn't count double-deck elevators, which by definition have two exit levels.) All other traffic should be aggregated to or distributed from the main elevator level by use of escalators (for malls, large lobbies, etc.) or secondary elevators (for parking garages, handicap use, and service access). The next best measure is to restrict the main floors at which elevators will stop (which only works well when there are enough elevators and traffic and exit-level spreads for the traffic to be evenly apportioned), so that, for instance, Elevator A will only go to Level 1 while Elevator B will only go to Level B (both elevators will stop at all non-exist levels). In some scenarios, it's the other way around: A given elevator won't serve the even-numbered non-exist floors, and its counterpart the odd-numbered ones, etc.; this has the effect of reducing stops, which are the major source of elevator transit delay. However, either scheme (but especially the former) tends to be confusing to passengers, who respond with characteristic annoyance. If it were my tower, annoyed people would not be allowed to use the elevator. (They'd get to use the Stairway of Surprise.) Beyond these measures, the best way to move people with elevators is to make the elevators faster, the stops shorter, and the bank larger. I had some friends who lived in a tower with almost 30 floors Downtown, and only two elevators. Often enough, one of those elevators would be set aside in midday for people moving in or moving out. Yet service was almost always hearty; there were only a couple of instances that I had to wait more than a minute for the elevator. That's because they were friggin' fast, and had excellent logic. I tried watching a counterpart building in the development, whose elevator traffic is visible from the street, and I was amazed at some of the patterns I saw. Among other things, I realized that the elevator holding floors didn't care which elevator was stationed there. Sometimes it would be Elevator A, and sometimes Elevator B. That's pretty cool. Simpler elevator logic wouldn't be able to handle a paradigm shift like that. Can you tell I like this subject...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5139 on: April 19, 2010, 08:03:22 pm »
I'm getting the urge to make something again. Problem is, I don't have any clay, no sewing machine, and I don't know how to carve. Indecision and lack of materials sucks.

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5140 on: April 19, 2010, 08:09:54 pm »
My frustration of the moment is the "business model." You've all probably heard that term before--maybe even ad nauseam, like me--and I've even used the term myself on numerous occasions. Nevertheless, to be perfectly honest with you, frankly I think it's a gibberish concept. While some specific business models can be very precise, nobody seems to really understand the general case. My research for a short article on the subject revealed even more confusion, ambiguity, and lack of commonly-cited principles when it comes to describing what a generic business model looks like, or even what its basic definition is. Some have tried, but efforts of that nature are suspicious in that they serve to obscure the concept rather than clarify it; at any rate, there seems to be no general, authoritative consensus as to what a business model is--which is grossly out of proportion with its ubiquitous usage in the business world.

Just one more piece of evidence that the whole damn business universe is a land of fables and sorcery.


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5141 on: April 19, 2010, 09:58:09 pm »
It all makes sense now!

Lord J Esq

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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5142 on: April 19, 2010, 11:30:26 pm »
@ Uboa: I like your version better.

@ Truthordeal: If you're immunized against liberal pessimism, Noam Chomsky (who is the premiere liberal pessimist of our time) gave an interview recently that touches on some of the Tea Par stuff we were discussing recently. You can read it here.

@ Everyone: Noam Chomsky is probably one of the best encapsulations in modern times of all there is in liberalism that I myself am not about. That said, he's a smart cookie and we do agree on things every once in a while. But he sure as hell frustrates me plenty enough!


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5143 on: April 20, 2010, 01:00:42 am »
Noam Chomsky is one of those people whose name I've heard a million times before, but I have no idea what it is he does.

I really dislike this article though, but not because of what Chomsky is predicting. This Chris Hedges fellow seems to write on and on about Chomsky's credentials and very little about the actual prediction itself, which, being the headline of the article, one would think would be the main point. All the same...


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Re: The $%*! frustration thread
« Reply #5144 on: April 20, 2010, 04:12:45 am »
See, I know about Chomsky coming from the linguistic perspective. Chomsky as well as being a political figure is also a world-renowned linguist specializing in syntax and grammar.

You might like him, Truth. He's an anarchist. Anarchism and libertarianism are the same thing, right? :p.