I didn't know there was a number for suicidal problems and I am getting a cell-phone soon.
I'll keep it in mind as I do tend to feel suicidal at times. It's not enough to get me locked up but I really do get them like a movie.
This frustration thread actually helps me not think suicidal thoughts.
I have an understanding as to why.
I have had an accident since years ago and I hurted my tailbone and when I am in pain it causes
my whole body to lock-up and it's gotten very bad since it wasn't taken care of due to reasons I won't explain out here in the open. PM me if you are intrested as I'll listen even if I don't respond in a timely matter.
I've recently discovered that when I am in pain I just lock up. I am not sure if it's an Autistic thing or not. Talk about Planet Weird!
I am getting seen by a chiropracter on May 7th so I am not going to be on here until then as I just do simple stuff and am going to school also.
PS: When I get back I am going to find out about making my own RPG cause I have an idea but I don't do well with ideas while in the motion of pain.
PSS. Shee I don't know who Vick is but I understand your frustration when organize groups make a big deal out of stuff that's not as important as say.......The economy crisis and all the goverment lies.
We should just worry about fixing our country before we start crucifying someone even though ti's wrong period to crucifix someone like that.
Sorry if that was confusing. Shutting up now. (zips lip)