I hate my older brother sometimes. He's such a pig. Here's what happened. My mom got a tray of four corn muffins. My sister doesn't want a whole one at the moment, so she goes down and picks at one. I debate over whether I want to have corn muffin for breakfast, but decide not to have one. I go through my day, and when I get home I want muffin. I go to the tray and guess what I see?
One muffin that has been picked at.
My sister tells me that my mom had one and my brother had two, then starts bitching about how no one ever asks her if she wants something. It just frustrates me that my brother decides he gets two without asking my sister, and if I hadn't eaten the last one, I bet he would've eaten that one!
Life is unfair, but my brother is a jerk. Aside from being a pig who eats everything that isn't 'gross' (and even changes his mind about these things), he's selfish and lazy. My mom recently told him that the three of us kids needed to work together to bring up the trash, right? He comes upstairs and says that my sister and I have to do it, while he stays inside and deals with the dishes. And this isn't the first time this has happened. One time, I woke up early and saw a list my mom left us. It was chores. I shrugged and mentally said that it was cool. I messed around on the computer a bit, then went back to bed. My brother woke up, looked at the list, and when my sister and I got up, he told a different story, where he did less stuff and got to sit around and do nothing.
And get credit for our work.
Another thing he does. He makes us bring the PlayStation down to his lair room, and says that we can play it whenever, right? He's either watching TV, playing PlayStation, or has it on and not saved but is using his computer. On top of this, he has turned the TV so that it is facing his bed, making it impossible to play from the other chairs in the room. Mind you, this is not just his room, but the family room, where people come in and where you have to go through to get to the kitchen. He promised he wouldn't do shit like this, which pisses me off.
I hate him sometimes. And by sometimes I mean ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
EDIT: And let's not forget the second one, shall we? The evil fucking bitch who doesn't understand that people other than her SLEEP. I'm tired and she's gone to exercise the fat she thinks she's covered with away, right? I turn off the monitor, turn off the speakers, get into bed and take a nap. Next thing I know she's screaming at me to come up to the car. So I go up to the car and bring down the laundry. Because she's so weak, she asks me to take the basket that needs to go upstairs... upstairs. I do so, because I don't want to fucking deal with her shit, and as I'm coming up the stairs (rather loudly because the thing is heavy) she tells me not to stomp and doesn't bring up the hamper that needs to go up as well, even though the hamper is lighter and less cumbersome, and it's not even out of her way. It's right by the stairs.
Part of me says that she believes she is the only fucking human being on earth and we're all here for her amusement and ease. Given that the room I'm in right now will never truly be MY room because her shit is still in here and she believes she has every right to walk right in without so much as a knock, causing awkward moments (her catching me completely naked holding our cat Rosie, who conveniently blocks all my parts) for everyone. Keep in mind when we shared a room, I had to knock and ask if I could come in before coming in to play video games or going to sleep. But she didn't. She just walks right in. She doesn't knock when my mom's door is closed, but everyone, EVERYONE, has to knock to get into her room. Even my brother, who still has his shit in there.
She's also the only being that needs sleep. Because if she's taking a nap or it's 'early' (by early I mean noon when she gets her ass out of bed) she can stay in bed as long as she wants. But given that I was just pulled out of bed to bring two things of laundry up without her help and now cannot get back to sleep, I obviously do not. Neither does my mother, given she has been woken by my sister randomly coming into her room at night to get the food she's stashed in there. Or steal the cat. And my brother doesn't sleep either, given that she will make the loudest noises in the kitchen when she's getting her food even though he's asleep.
God, I hate my family sometimes. My mom is cool most times, and I'm okay with my dad when he doesn't owe me money, but my brother and sister? Want them OUT.