Author Topic: become a mod today!  (Read 4651 times)


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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become a mod today!
« on: June 23, 2007, 01:41:26 pm »
my site forums are just starting out, and aside from the offer in my sig i have a new one: put this in your sig and make atleast 5 good long posts on this board a day (without spamming) this is because of the following: most people will click the sig links of any members they like. so i you'll have this as your sig:

Code: [Select]
[color=red]my friend is turning his site into an anime site, and he needs a community. if anyone has time can they stop by and make some topics and posts? [/color]
now i know a lot of you are going to say "put this in your sig" and i tried, and it said my sig was too long, so thats why i made this.

anyway if people do this it'll help out CC (5 great posts a day) and it'll help me out too, and the poster as well who will be a mod.

i think CC is a great site and community, and thats why i want to offer this to its many great members.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 04:37:10 pm »
Nobody here cares about how many posts anybody makes. I think you've never been in a real Internet forum, so this place confuses you.

Also, hosting is cheap and easy these days; as is setting up a forum. The only people you're going to attract this way, especially with some generic Anime-site theme, is a bunch of worthless fucks who aren't able to stroke their egos by making their own forum with no members, and I don't want to those types of people them making "good long posts" on this board at all, as I'm sure many others wouldn't either. Go do this on some teenage gaming site where "discussion" equals stating the obvious about random shit, because you're just making a fool of yourself here.

Besides, this way you're just asking to get a bunch of emotionally unstable, wishy-washy backstabbing adolescent kids who will eventually ruin your forum (and probably constantly lie to you about who they are). If you want to build a community, start with the site. Open it up to user contributed content, provide a means for user comments, and let the forum run mostly unmoderated a while, and you'll eventually find and meet people whom you can grow to trust and rely on when your site reaches a point where you need people for moderating the forums or editing the site's content.

The only reason this site has a forum to begin with is that Zeality was stirring up so much discussion about the Chrono games on the general board of a music remixing site that a lot of the regulars there were tired of seeing it, even though many found it interested. A community had formed like a cancerous tumor out of another forum, and there was a need to give that community, however small it may have been, a place to freely hold discussion, as well as organize and present the things they discussed.

And then the only reason this site ended up being anything much more than that was Zeality's own need to expand the scope of the site and make it a collection of any and all resources involving the Chrono series. Naturally, this grew out of a need for more concrete evidence on which to base the analysis, all of which would be easily accessible and referenced, but later it grew into its own end.

Nowhere in the game plan was "build a forum" and "attract a lot of users" then "bask in eternal glory of a bunch of stupid 12 year olds posting about their difficult adolescent lives and random gaming shit while feeling important by acting as an authority figure enforcing arbitrarily strict rules based on a tradition of other forums run by teenagers needing to feel important," which is why these forums are different from what you expect. You'll notice we've never been "hacked" or had to deal with the dreaded "admin gone crazy" type of drama. There's about as much drama here as there is at or There's a reason for that, and if you stop and think a little, you'll be able to avoid that kind of mess as well.

Finally,we don't have a lot of "mods" here, because the only moderation here is based on two rules:

1. Are we legally obligated to take it down and/or notify the authorities?
2. Is it interesting and/or meaningful?

The attitude here is that if you get offended in an argument, that's your problem. Don't expect some "mod" to see something and fix it for you. Oh, and don't post Naruto spoilers.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2007, 04:39:17 pm by Ramsus »


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2007, 04:48:41 pm »
Yeah, I should probably implement some kind of spoiler rule. Something like "You can expect spoilers in topics on certain subjects." The reason I didn't catch the Naruto one because it was a stealth footer to some completely unrelated post. "HEY, CAN I RUIN THE STORY FOR YOU? :) :) BY THE WAY ________________________!!!"

Anyway, legendary post.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2007, 05:39:41 pm »
Oh, and don't post Naruto spoilers.

Is that the only spoiler? Or are there other ones, like SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!

Yeah yeah, old one I know, haven't seen the spoiler for the 7th one yet.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2007, 05:53:47 pm »

If I should come across a spoiler for HP7 before it's even released (and also after prior to my reading it), I shall be most annoyed.


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2007, 06:43:04 pm »
Nobody here cares about how many posts anybody makes. I think you've never been in a real Internet forum, so this place confuses you.

Also, hosting is cheap and easy these days; as is setting up a forum. The only people you're going to attract this way, especially with some generic Anime-site theme, is a bunch of worthless fucks who aren't able to stroke their egos by making their own forum with no members, and I don't want to those types of people them making "good long posts" on this board at all, as I'm sure many others wouldn't either. Go do this on some teenage gaming site where "discussion" equals stating the obvious about random shit, because you're just making a fool of yourself here.

Besides, this way you're just asking to get a bunch of emotionally unstable, wishy-washy backstabbing adolescent kids who will eventually ruin your forum (and probably constantly lie to you about who they are). If you want to build a community, start with the site. Open it up to user contributed content, provide a means for user comments, and let the forum run mostly unmoderated a while, and you'll eventually find and meet people whom you can grow to trust and rely on when your site reaches a point where you need people for moderating the forums or editing the site's content.

The only reason this site has a forum to begin with is that Zeality was stirring up so much discussion about the Chrono games on the general board of a music remixing site that a lot of the regulars there were tired of seeing it, even though many found it interested. A community had formed like a cancerous tumor out of another forum, and there was a need to give that community, however small it may have been, a place to freely hold discussion, as well as organize and present the things they discussed.

And then the only reason this site ended up being anything much more than that was Zeality's own need to expand the scope of the site and make it a collection of any and all resources involving the Chrono series. Naturally, this grew out of a need for more concrete evidence on which to base the analysis, all of which would be easily accessible and referenced, but later it grew into its own end.

Nowhere in the game plan was "build a forum" and "attract a lot of users" then "bask in eternal glory of a bunch of stupid 12 year olds posting about their difficult adolescent lives and random gaming shit while feeling important by acting as an authority figure enforcing arbitrarily strict rules based on a tradition of other forums run by teenagers needing to feel important," which is why these forums are different from what you expect. You'll notice we've never been "hacked" or had to deal with the dreaded "admin gone crazy" type of drama. There's about as much drama here as there is at or There's a reason for that, and if you stop and think a little, you'll be able to avoid that kind of mess as well.

Finally,we don't have a lot of "mods" here, because the only moderation here is based on two rules:

1. Are we legally obligated to take it down and/or notify the authorities?
2. Is it interesting and/or meaningful?

The attitude here is that if you get offended in an argument, that's your problem. Don't expect some "mod" to see something and fix it for you. Oh, and don't post Naruto spoilers.

you post too long, and you talk way to much shit even if it is incased in mild helpfulness. anyway, i am not trying to become a athority figure like you implied. i just like my forum and sites design, and want to have it become active so other people can see it.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2007, 06:57:56 pm »
Short version: You're a fucking idiot. If you're going to be lazy and inept and start yet another worthless forum with no purpose other than to pet your own ego, then try at least stringing some actual words together, you worthless fuck.

Lord J Esq

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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2007, 07:11:54 pm »
Ramsus, ladies and gentlemen! He also does Bar Mitzvahs.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2007, 08:11:03 pm »
Short version: You're a fucking idiot. If you're going to be lazy and inept and start yet another worthless forum with no purpose other than to pet your own ego, then try at least stringing some actual words together, you worthless fuck.

Go Ramsus, Go Ramsus, GO!
Go Ramsus, Go Ramsus, GO!
Go Ramsus, Go Ramsus, GO!


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2007, 09:06:35 pm »
Short version: You're a fucking idiot. If you're going to be lazy and inept and start yet another worthless forum with no purpose other than to pet your own ego, then try at least stringing some actual words together, you worthless fuck.
ahh, short and striate to the point. much better ^.^
anyway i dont see where i made up any words.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2007, 11:15:31 pm »
Short version: You're a fucking idiot. If you're going to be lazy and inept and start yet another worthless forum with no purpose other than to pet your own ego, then try at least stringing some actual words together, you worthless fuck.
ahh, short and striate to the point. much better ^.^
anyway i dont see where i made up any words.

Read it this time.


  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2007, 11:46:44 pm »
dude, what part of my "i aint reading anything thats bigger than 3 lines" lifestyle do you not understand?


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2007, 11:55:12 pm »
The part where it damns you to being a complete fucking idiot.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2007, 12:33:28 am »
The part where it damns you to being a complete fucking idiot.

No, I think you understood that perfectly!

Your site will be totally unsuccessful if your attitude is "pay someone to do it" and "community regarding general fans of whatever". There are people who saw fortune fall into their laps on the internet, like the kid who made Narutofan. But that kid did centralize content and promote his community, so even he had the drive to work.


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Re: become a mod today!
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2007, 12:53:34 am »
When Ramsus has feelings on something, he sure spouts it out without any holding back or sugar-coating. I like that in someone.

In any case, believe me, your attempts will fail miserably. I did ths very same thing and all I accomplished was preserving a minor little community(one not worth preserving, I determined later) from another site for a short while and wasted ninety-eight dollars for the year of hosting.