Author Topic: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.  (Read 4077 times)


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The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« on: June 18, 2007, 01:24:02 am »
Yes. I know. It seemed like an abandoned project. One page, and some unfinished artwork. But that was mainly due to college beating me down, and a number of setbacks (mostly by trusting other people to help.). I've never given up on the project that was an ambitious comic that would become a thing of legends in my mind for going beyond the norm of a fanfic or comic.

Yes, A.L.S.A.T. (A love story across time.) is back in full swing. Since summer gave me loads for freetime, I've decided to spend it doing the comic as much as I could. I'm going to place 100% of my available time into working on pages and churning them out with the quality I can muster. For all those who said they'd help, thanks, I could really use the help.

I'm like to say this before my next big update: A.L.S.A.T. won't be the typical fancomic: it won't be cute, and it won't be short. I'll be a long story. I have a single goal in mind for it: to rival a Doujin from Japan called RETAKE. If you've read it, you'd find it beyond the norm in quality and story telling, even as a hentai. I wish to produce something on a similar level then Retake, if not beat it in those terms. So, thanks for not calling it an abandoned project, and Thank you for your patience.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 03:11:43 am »
nice, I can do the website if you want me to since the other guy at TCL seems to have not been ding much of it, i've got a legit copy of dreamweaver i can use.
ill get to work on the old cover you want coloured as soon as the rapidshit cooldown passes.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 11:01:03 am »
I'm quite interested in seeing this project develope and would be more than happy to assist in whatever need be done. I would have offered to handle web design and building, but seeing as Saridon has already offered I'll step back on that. A question though to Saridon: Why do people make use of Dreamweaver? I do web design as part of my full time job as well as an at home hobby for friends and family, but I never rely on a front end application. A color coded text editor such as jEdit (which I use for perl as well) suits me just fine in designing whatever project need be. I mean it as no offense to you, Saridon, I'm simply curious as to what benefits one may have in using a middle man.

My personal thoughts aside, I look forward to any developements for the A.L.S.A.T. and offer my services to grey_the_angel in whatever may need be done.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2007, 02:05:49 pm »


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 04:37:36 pm »


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2007, 06:58:38 pm »
I'm quite interested in seeing this project develope and would be more than happy to assist in whatever need be done. I would have offered to handle web design and building, but seeing as Saridon has already offered I'll step back on that. A question though to Saridon: Why do people make use of Dreamweaver? I do web design as part of my full time job as well as an at home hobby for friends and family, but I never rely on a front end application. A color coded text editor such as jEdit (which I use for perl as well) suits me just fine in designing whatever project need be. I mean it as no offense to you, Saridon, I'm simply curious as to what benefits one may have in using a middle man.

My personal thoughts aside, I look forward to any developements for the A.L.S.A.T. and offer my services to grey_the_angel in whatever may need be done.

because i don't know much HTML and it supplements that.

also facepalm?


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2007, 07:03:21 pm »
because i don't know much HTML and it supplements that.

Good enough for me. I was just curious as I have a couple of friends that swear by Dreamweaver yet they can never give reason why. But if you're unfamiliar with the html or don't have reference I can see it being useful for rapid developement.

I don't think ZeaLitY liked my random splurge. That, or he just wanted to throw out some Picard.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2007, 09:53:27 pm »
I'm quite interested in seeing this project develope and would be more than happy to assist in whatever need be done. I would have offered to handle web design and building, but seeing as Saridon has already offered I'll step back on that. A question though to Saridon: Why do people make use of Dreamweaver? I do web design as part of my full time job as well as an at home hobby for friends and family, but I never rely on a front end application. A color coded text editor such as jEdit (which I use for perl as well) suits me just fine in designing whatever project need be. I mean it as no offense to you, Saridon, I'm simply curious as to what benefits one may have in using a middle man.

My personal thoughts aside, I look forward to any developements for the A.L.S.A.T. and offer my services to grey_the_angel in whatever may need be done.

Ugh, but jEdit is so ugly, even if it is a good editor.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2007, 10:03:19 pm »
Ugh, but jEdit is so ugly, even if it is a good editor.

I can't deny it being rather ugly and rough in some areas, but it gets the job done. I normally only use it when first starting something up. Afterwards I'll just be lazy and edit things in the cuteFTP editor to save time in the uploading process.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2007, 11:46:29 am »
Apologies for not being around your comic forums, grey, but there wasn't really anything I could help with. I was just there to create the place.

But anyway, good luck with your project/s, and don't give up on it, dammit.


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Re: The revival of A.L.S.A.T. and the promise of summer.
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2007, 01:55:25 pm »
Apologies for not being around your comic forums, grey, but there wasn't really anything I could help with. I was just there to create the place.

But anyway, good luck with your project/s, and don't give up on it, dammit. that an excuse so that you don't need to do anything? Hehe, juuuust kidding........*eventhoughIwassupposetoworkonthewebsitebutIdidn'tprobablybecauseI'mlazy*