The amount of PWNAGE Sephiroth would get from Crono would put the comparrison-battle of Bahamut-Zero v. fly out of a job with Crono v. Sephiroth being the replacement.

* laughs manically sounding like Evil person... or Crazy person*
Sephiroth: "Why must I do this."

Crono: "The bet was the one who lost HAD to do the other a favor."

Sephiroth: "I'll never be a hero...or die after I become one if my mom is still around."

Crono: "Why?.

Sephiroth: "WHY!!!! the amount of chores you do for one day is 9,999 pages long I'D KILL MY SELF IF CLOUD ASKED ME TO DO THAT!!!!

Crono: "Yup and now YOU do them for a Year I could have humilliated you by wearing a dress in public ...buuut I didn't."

Sephiroth: "I'd rather take the dress than: Mow the lawn, bake cookies, do chairity work, Do the laundry, *yelling at the top of his lungs* BAKE 900 PIES- Crono: "but whats wrong with baking pies. I love to make pies...its the olny food I'm actually good at making.-*extreemly upset* I'LL KILL YOU" *ding*

Sephiroth: " *happy voice* Oh, my pies are done

Crono: "See no one dose nott like pies. Oh don't forget to feed my cats!"

Lucca: "See Marle they're more like an argueing married couple than two conflicting powers that made a wager."

Marle: "....."

Did anyone like my little story about how the end result would turn out. I hope all of you find it to be humorous. it isall ment in good fun so if you take offence to this I deeply apologize.