Author Topic: Next years marching season for WHHS  (Read 683 times)


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Next years marching season for WHHS
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:37:09 am »
Well, the year is coming to an end for us school-goers, and next year's marching season is beginning to be planned.

2 years ago, we did selections from The Beetles
Last year we did selections from Phantom of the Opera, this would be the main theme:
This year, we did selections from King Kong, Opener, Beautiful, and Finale are the names of the pieces:

And, the director of our band is choosing pieces for next year, this one being a candidate which will most likely end up in our show:
( This is from the NCAA )

But, after browsing the site, I found many pieces which would defiantly beat all of these in terms of crowd pleasers, sopme, cool, others, old, and some plain funny..

Micheal Jackson - Thriller:

Ain't No Mountain High Enough:

Stacy's Mom:

Metallica - Enter Sandman:

Get Ready For This - (Personal Favorite):

Born To Be Wild:

Star Wars:

(ROFL) Sponge Bob:

Crazy Train:

After browsing the site and finding a lot of wonderful pieces, I can't help but wonder, some things just aren't good crowd pleasers, while others, are just plain awesome songs.
I can't help but wonder why he chooses the things he does.
I can see it it terms of talent, challenging us, so we would play our best, but at the same time, the people of the band wouldn't want to try as hard for something that isn't pleasing.  If it were something that they would recognize, I'm sure that the members would make an attempt to play it better, and with bettter skill.