Author Topic: Final Fantasy 12  (Read 11007 times)

Mystic Frog King

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2007, 05:30:29 pm »
Yes. It's star wars, with some 'manipulation of the entire human race' thrown in for good measure.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2007, 05:31:58 pm »
Or Chrono Cross. Thing is, the usual retort to such comments is that "The story is deeper than that; you just don't understand it!" That's been said by defenders of Final Fantasy XII, Vagrant Story, and Chrono Cross alike.

Thing is, unlike with Vagrant Story and Chrono Cross, there really is no deeper meaning to the story of Final Fantasy XII. It's just poor, pure and simple.

No, it is not. I won't start explaining again how there is a change of scope, or how such a big change of emphasis causes a bigger impression than it in fact is. Like, it's the third or something topic about FFXII, this thing doesn't even have a reason to exist. People should freaking check existing topics and post there, so that other users didn't have to write the same lines over and over again. This has become a freaking annoying discussion, already.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2007, 05:51:18 pm »
Yeah, well I hate necroposting.  Dead topics are dead, no reason to revive them.  After I had left here, I was suprised that topics that I had debated the crap on in the anaylsis section are still somewhat active.  It may be allowed, I just don't like the idea.

Does Fran ever get a bigger part in the story?  I mean, she is a bunny girl.  They can't possibly squander the potiental for a bunny girl, can they?


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2007, 06:55:09 pm »
A topic isn't dead unless a moderator closes it.

Creating multiple topics about the same subjects is an annoying practice, as it becomes a branch of the former discussion without taking into account the posts on the other topics.

Your point would only make sense in a practical and logical fashion if instead of using the concept of "topics" you'd use the concept of "subjects". If a subject is dead, very well, let it lay dead and do not create other topics about it. Otherwise you're polluting the forum.

Breaking down a singular discussion into branches makes it harder for the users to keep up with people's arguments, makes some users unnecessarily re-write their points and has the single de facto usefulness of giving shallow posters an oportunity to re-bash or re-"lol sephirots teh funksta" on a determined subject.

It's as if people didn't give a shit and thought "as if I'm gonna like click my mouse button and like see if there's already a topic about it, you know like let those boring moderatars do it and like merge the thing loalz whatever you know".


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2007, 08:07:09 pm »
I don't see how creating a new topic after a subject DID die pollutes the forum.  And I'm not going to argue this any further, as it is a retarded arguement.  I don't see why the hell you would type so much about something trivial, about me saying how I don't like necroposting, when neither of us have a say in it.

Let's stop derailing this topic.

Fran.  Does she ever do anything?  Other than be a bunny girl?


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2007, 09:35:29 pm »
I don't see how creating a new topic after a subject DID die pollutes the forum.

Breaking down a singular discussion into branches makes it harder for the users to keep up with people's arguments, makes some users unnecessarily re-write their points and has the single de facto usefulness of giving shallow posters an oportunity to re-bash or re-"lol sephirots teh funksta" on a determined subject.

Learning how to read would be a good start.

I don't see why the hell you would type so much about something trivial

Too bad, Sherlock.

about me saying how I don't like necroposting, when neither of us have a say in it.

My posts have been about the creation of topics that already exist, if you were unable to notice.

Just because your post triggered my reply, it doesn't mean that such reply is about your post. In fact, there is absolutely nothing in it to make someone think so. Really, I find myself unable to see why the hell would you believe I give a batshit about your posting deslikes.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2007, 09:40:18 pm »
Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story are both WAY better than FF12. >_>;


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2007, 02:35:18 am »
Yeah, you don't care, and that is why you keep responding in rather long posts.  And not only that, but in both of them, you make yourself look like a complete, condescending ass.  I mean, normally when people DO care, they just blow it off.

Breaking down a singular discussion into branches makes it harder for the users to keep up with people's arguments, makes some users unnecessarily re-write their points and has the single de facto usefulness of giving shallow posters an oportunity to re-bash or re-"lol sephirots teh funksta" on a determined subject.
WAHHH I have to type things more than once!!!  Deal with it.

Too bad, Sherlock.
Yeah, because you don't care about this at all.  I mean, why else would you dedicate so much thought into two posts.

I don't give a shit about what you think about making other topics.  If I want to make a topic about something, I'll make the damn topic.  You can cry about it all you want.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2007, 03:43:00 am »
^ I think someone just got owned. 8)


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2007, 02:24:41 pm »
The only FFs I ever cried, quit on...were Mystic Quest (so...BORING) and FFII (I level up HOW? Maybe when I've got more time then sense on my hands). I think all of the others are deserving of seeing their endings...Plus, I think FFVIII had one of the best endings! Although that whole game is less about your character's party (hooray for another mostly underdeveloped cast!) and more about Laguna...*shrugs*

Laguna deserved it. He was the best character in the game. His battle music just ROCKED!


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2007, 04:32:59 pm »
People people please!  Such harsh language... Can't we all just get along :cry:  Btw, bunny girls arent as good as other humanoid girls with other animal traits...think about this, think cat girl, or fox girl and then let this harsh argument go :lol:

Daniel Krispin

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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2007, 05:09:36 pm »
Well, in my opinion, from what I saw of it, FFXII was probably... hmmm... okay, the problem with comparing to other RPGs I played in the past is that they have that effect of nostalgia connected to them, so to make it an equal comparison I have to take my view of them down a rung or two. That said, I'd say that... FFXII probably equals CC, is almost as good as CT, almost as good as the Knights games, equal to FFVI, and is better than any other one that I've played and not mentioned.

CC is equal in dissimilar ways - it has a better mood and feel than FFXII manages to achieve - however, for other reasons, FFXII pulls ahead, and so in the end they equalise.

CT manages to stay ahead of it purely for its simplicity and mood, the very things that make it a classic.

The Knights games, well, their stories outmatch any Japanese RPG I've ever seen - in subtlety and power - and their music is excellent, and their voice acting wonderful. If only George Lucas would hire some other director to make these games and that era into movies, Star Wars would be back in its glory days. Now I know some people might try and throw at me certain games like, say, Xenosaga, as an example of a good story (mind you, I'm limited here by the games I have played, so that's why I say 'that I've seen'), but I found Xenosaga's story... ill-contrived, for several reasons. It didn't strike me as good storytelling by a longshot and, frankly, seemed amateurish more than anything (after all, anyone can throw in allusions that supposedly sound 'cool', but they didn't come together... and allusions like that do not make a grand story!) CT is simple storywise, but for several reasons (chiefmost being the out-of-the-blue inclusion of Zeal, it's ahead of the pack.) CC... too complicated a story. It makes sense, I know, but it got lost in its own complexity, and really... a story shouldn't be quite that confusing. It had its flaws. Let's see... FFVII struck me as, well, nothing special. FFVI was pretty good, but didn't match Knights. As far as I've seen, though, FFXII was doing a good job in its story. Alright, so it was cliched, but it used its cliche well.

Anyway, yeah, so from what I saw, I rank FFXII highly. I particularly like the voice-acting for Balthier, and I like the character of Ashe... okay, I've only played FFVI, VII, and X, but out of those, VII and X had no really good female characters. But VI had Celes. And Ashe is the closes I've seen to Celes.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2007, 05:51:46 pm »
You didn't think Tifa in FF7 was any good?  I would say Aeris too, but she gets killed.

So far, I'm just not liking the characters as much.  Balthier seems to be the best character (character wise, unit wise I haven't used him much), and I cannot stand Vaan.  He is like an even worse Titus.  Panenlo seems to be a filler character so far.  I HOPE Fran gets some more development, because I like her.  I like Basch though, and hopefully something interesting with her happens soon.

Ashe seems okay, but I need to see more out of her.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2007, 06:04:17 pm »
Ashe and Balthier were the only two real high points to the game. I loved their voices, the quality of the voice acting, and their characters.

Everyone else can take a hike, especially Fran...for some reason she disgusts me. Maybe it's the voice actress...or maybe it's just my own personal distaste for how video games always dress females in as little clothing as possible.


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Re: Final Fantasy 12
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2007, 06:10:46 pm »
Ashe and Balthier were the only two real high points to the game. I loved their voices, the quality of the voice acting, and their characters.

Everyone else can take a hike, especially Fran...for some reason she disgusts me. Maybe it's the voice actress...or maybe it's just my own personal distaste for how video games always dress females in as little clothing as possible.
Fran's clothing is one of her pluses.