Author Topic: Your Crazy Dreams  (Read 1082 times)


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Your Crazy Dreams
« on: April 30, 2007, 03:42:10 pm »
So, let's talk about dreams, shall we? I'll start off with this amazing dream I just awoke from that I had to share with everyone.

Okay, so there was a lot of stuff at the beginning I don't remember, but where my memory begins, there's this vampiric-like boss man--a head honcho of the vampiric creatures, if you will--and his right-hand man standing in what appears to be the backyard of my old house from Ohio. (Huge backyard, with a large grassy area and a pine grove bordering part of the large fence in back.) Head Honcho's appearence keeps one point he looked like Lynx and at another I think I called him Magus... but anyway, he was directing some other vampiric peeps towards some goal while I was locked in pitched battle with his right-hand man.

And this wasn't just any kind of battle....I was using magic. I distinctly remember casting, among other things, Thundaga, Firaga, and Graviga. The interesting thing was that instead of huge special effects the spells just looked like pulsing waves of light emenating from my hands. Anyway, that Graviga blasted right-hand man apart, so Head Honcho turns my way and attacks. I easily defeat him and toss him to a vulture that appeared out of nowhere, and start casting Curaga on a bystander who had been injured.

After that I go into the house and into the kitchen, where on a microwave in one corner stands a telephone--one of those you'd see in an office, with all the buttons for different lines. Anyway, inside that telephone is a vial of blood...this vial keeps the vampiric creatures alive. Unfortunately, as I would realize just a moment later, it also allowed them to ressurect themselves.

Head Honcho and right-hand man, though appearing very different, soon came after me...this time weilding firearms. Even so, I overpowered right-hand man, took his firearm and blasted him apart with it, and then grabbed Head Honcho from behind and started blasting his knees and other extremeties trying to get him to submit. Eventually he did just fall over and stared at me with murder in his eyes.

Realizing that no matter how many times I killed them they would keep coming back, I decided to take the diplomatic route: I told Head Honcho that no matter what it took, I'd find some way for the vampiric creatures and humans to live in harmony with each other. (To be honest I'm not seeing why we weren't in the first place...maybe that was some detail I missed out on in the first stage of the dream.) I'd alter the vial of blood in some fashion or something....I don't entirely remember what I said here.

The crazy thing was? He listened. Head Honcho nodded, told the other vampiric creatures to leave, and then evaporated, leaving me with the words "You had best keep your promise."

Flash forward to what I think was supposed to be a transition into twenty years into the future. I was standing in the same kitchen, only with lots of changed things around me, and Dr. Rodney McKay from Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis was standing before me, muttering to himself as he tossed broccoli into a steamer. I chatted with him about the vial--learned he'd made some progress but not enough--then went back out into the backyard.

Out there, a large Stargate--Pegasus/Atlantis style--was standing, complete with the DHD. Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson were standing near it, directing some people using a crane to drop the Stargate into a nearby pond to "hide it" from some other people who would be showing up soon. After the Stargate splashed down into the pond Sam went into the house and Daniel and I joked about how we would be using the Stargate if it remained under water. Then we went back inside as well.

We headed into the large(and I do mean it is huge) family room, where the main characters of SG-1 and Atlantis were sitting on couches, eating popcorn and watching a movie...I distinctly remember the faces of McKay, Carter, Jackson, Lt Aiden Ford, Ronan Dex, Teyla Emmagin, Dr. Elizabeth Wier, Col. Jack O'Niell(though his rank insignia kept shifting from Colonol to Brigadier/Major General) Teal'c, and Dr. Carson Beckett. We all had fun watching the movie for a bit.

Then there was this final segment in some other place that made little sense compared to what happened before...I remember having my shoulders massaged(and when I awoke they did feel much better than they have been, so yay for the powers of perception) and then helping the woman who massaged me up some stairs because her leg was broken...then I walked back down to my ex-girlfriend(but still friend) Chelsea who was all panaicked about how that woman brought in some ultra-miniature gun model that would, and I quote "kill us all with its oily goodness" whatever that was supposed to mean. I told her to calm down, turned away, and that's when I awoke.

So, what kind of dreams have you people been having lately, eh?

Burning Zeppelin

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Re: Your Crazy Dreams
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2007, 05:19:26 am »
Funny you should make this thread. I had a weird dream recently.

So, it all began at ANZAC day. We were cleaning up the streets for some reason. Then a Ku Klux Klan parade was coming by. But apparently nothing happened (aka I forgot) and we were told a FOX sattelite was falling down. We had one hour to go to this mountaintop. We met some natives (Americans, though we were in Australia), I was partnered with some hot girls in a buddy system, and Bert Newton started talking about keeping safe. Wait, Bert Newton? Yes. I don't know why. He was our teacher. Anyway, we heard a rumbling (now here is where it started feeling real), and we started feeling vibrations. My friend says the Earth shakes when the sattelite is half a meter above the ground. It started getting louder, louder, louder, white light. Poof. We're dead. I wake up/

Funny how it turned into a bad dream.