So I just watched the Avengers today, and I just have
one three things to say:
2) Although, to
truly enjoy the movie you'd have to watch the prequel movies, such as
Captain America,
Iron Man (one and two), and
The Hulk.
3) This is probably the most recommended Super Hero movies ever.
Oh, yeah a few more things. For one, that Calcutta scene always makes me laugh. xD True, they were aiming for poverty / illness stricken world to shoot where Dr Banner would lend his expertise, but here's what made it incredibly funny: the characters were speaking
Hindi instead of the native tongue
Bengali; even then, their accents sounded incredibly weird, as if spoken by a foreigner, and the words were immensely broken or mispronounced (not counting Banner's own); they really should have asked Bollywood or
actual Bengali for their expertise; that kid there was so awesome!
Another thing you'd probably notice (if you tend to hinge onto every word, no matter how "sciencey" it is), is a Doctor Who reference: Iron Man, at one point, tells Captain America that they would need to "Reverse the polarity",
a term once used by the Third Doctor.
Loki said he had an army, while Tony Stark says they have "The Hulk". He wasn't even close to kidding.
Hawkeye and Black Widow are
freakin' radical! Where would the story have been without these two? (Even though the only development Hawkeye got character-wise -- not counting super-abilities -- was a third-person reference in a conversation between Black Widow and Loki)
RDJ stole the show! Though knowing the nature of the obnoxious Tony Stark from the comics, I feel RDJ gives more depth to 'Iron Man' than anybody ever could.
On top of that, the movie wasn't just a cliche super-hero movie -- it was a parody of cliches before it at the same time. What do I mean? It's clever in the way it uses older story-telling templates in an interesting way, but you'd have to watch it to know what I mean.
Watch it watch it watch it!