Author Topic: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread (old)  (Read 31303 times)


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #165 on: April 10, 2007, 10:24:09 pm »
Also to say that the Black Omen will be a level 80+ area. Though Lavos will always be **.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #166 on: April 10, 2007, 10:27:34 pm »
Now that's a great idea, the HP thing...previously going beyond level 50 or so was essentially pointless except for completionists...yet now with the rebalancing it should work well.

And I'm glad those Cleft of Dimension creatures will be tough. We need some serious difficult areas in this game, most assuredly. Wouldn't hurt for the Black Omen to be close in difficulty, either.

I'm also glad to see Justin's technique investigation is going he approaches his goals we will eventually be able to work in those techs we discussed a month ago, such as the ultimate Ice/Water techniques for Marle and Frog, and the double techs for Magus with everyone, and so on and so forth.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #167 on: April 10, 2007, 10:33:44 pm »
Indeed. As well as Tsunami sword with random "Water Wave!", Ragnarok Sword with random "Flare" and Bolt Sword with random Lightning1 (though the sword will be good for a long time - it will be balanced so that you get it in Medina and it will  last you until Magus's Castle before getting a better sword) I felt that you get each weapon too fast, so I'm rebalancing all of them and spreading them out more. There will be less weapon and armour shops and more of the better (or magic) equipment will be found in secret rooms or not so common places.

The Cleft of Dimensions battles are almost a mini-boss battle in themselves. It takes 2-3 turns of Dark Matter + Luminairs to kill the Sphinx enemies I made out of the Goons. Also, the Cleft of Dimension enemies are immune to physical attack (like the Cult of Kefka's Tower, aka Fanatics Tower in FF6 - only Magic harms these beasts)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2007, 10:35:30 pm by Zakyrus »


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #168 on: April 10, 2007, 10:38:56 pm »
Indeed. As well as Tsunami sword with random "Water Wave!", Ragnarok Sword with random "Flare" and Bolt Sword with random Lightning1 (though the sword will be good for a long time - it will be balanced so that you get it in Medina and it will  last you until Magus's Castle before getting a better sword) I felt that you get each weapon too fast, so I'm rebalancing all of them and spreading them out more. There will be less weapon and armour shops and more of the better (or magic) equipment will be found in secret rooms or not so common places.
Good...the way we just so easily obtained items this way and that way is insane.
Also, I want Charm to be placed either earlier in Ayla's tech list--we can simply swap it using Justin's technique--and for the Nus in the Hunting Range to not give thirty's too cheap to resist exploiting to get charm quickly. Charm ought to be gotten earlier, say, the third tech.

The Cleft of Dimensions battles are almost a mini-boss battle in themselves. It takes 2-3 turns of Dark Matter + Luminairs to kill the Sphinx enemies I made out of the Goons. Also, the Cleft of Dimension enemies are immune to physical attack (like the Cult of Kefka's Tower, aka Fanatics Tower in FF6 - only Magic harms these beasts)
Woah...tough stuff indeed. Don't get too carried away with them, mind...we want these to still be doable.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #169 on: April 10, 2007, 10:43:41 pm »
Still beatable. But you have a 1/3 chance that one of your party members will die in that battle(very tough but good indeed), as long as you don't piddle around, you should be fine.

Nu's will soon only give 5 tech points. (I want to slow down the rate of techs learned -- but I will increase amount of EXP awarded from all monsters)

I'll just increase the amount of starting TP Ayla has, this is a quick fix for her getting Charm sooner. Later on, we can change this around so that's the second thing she learns.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #170 on: April 10, 2007, 10:47:12 pm »
Still beatable. But you have a 1/3 chance that one of your party members will die in that battle(very tough but good indeed), as long as you don't piddle around, you should be fine.
Okay. Should be quite interesting.

Nu's will soon only give 5 tech points. (I want to slow down the rate of techs learned -- but I will increase amount of EXP awarded from all monsters)
I'll just increase the amount of starting TP Ayla has, this is a quick fix for her getting Charm sooner. Later on, we can change this around so that's the second thing she learns.
Thank you...I abuse Nus too much just to get Charm simply because it's so useful and throws much of the balance out of whack to do so...the earlier one can actually get Charm the better. Of course, we'll have to structure it so you can't, say, charm weapons meant to be available after Magus' Castle before Magus' Castle (many of the enemies in the Reptite Lair possess the weapons you could barter for in the trading hut after defeating Magus) but that shouldn't be too difficult.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #171 on: April 10, 2007, 10:53:54 pm »
He he. That's ok. I also use that Nu in the Cursed Woods/Hunting Range to get my techs up, one time I had Lumunair before fighting Masamune!  :x

As for Charmed stuff, most enemies will have crap unless they area really tough or they are a boss that can be charmed. The Anubis bow (second best bow for Marle) will be charmed of Cyrus's ghots (most people will never know about this one as Cyrus's ghost normally has nothing) also, you obviously can't get this after the Northern Ruins is complete. So it'll be sooooo easy to miss. He he.

I may be able to dynamically change the charmed/dropped item before the battle begins. If I can do that, then we could have every enemy drop a common,uncommon,rare item as well as a common,uncommon,rare charm item! That would be primo.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #172 on: April 10, 2007, 11:00:52 pm »
He he. That's ok. I also use that Nu in the Cursed Woods/Hunting Range to get my techs up, one time I had Lumunair before fighting Masamune!  :x
Now that's how you wreck the balance of the game.

Maybe a lock on certain tech--no, that would be unfair to the player...the lock for techs on Crono, Marle, Lucca, and Frog until you visit Spekkio is bad enough.

As for Charmed stuff, most enemies will have crap unless they area really tough or they are a boss that can be charmed. The Anubis bow (second best bow for Marle) will be charmed of Cyrus's ghots (most people will never know about this one as Cyrus's ghost normally has nothing) also, you obviously can't get this after the Northern Ruins is complete. So it'll be sooooo easy to miss. He he.
No. I am firmly against this sort of thing, because it is EXACTLY like the Zodiac Spear from Final Fantasy XII in its hidden method...leave hints for where it might be, at least...I also question the need for placing the second best bow for Marle there when there is an inferior bow in the ruins themselves and another inferior one on the Mystic Mountains.

I may be able to dynamically change the charmed/dropped item before the battle begins. If I can do that, then we could have every enemy drop a common,uncommon,rare item as well as a common,uncommon,rare charm item! That would be primo.
That would definitely be nice...a dynamic charm system and item drop system would work wonders. I would caution that we do not use this on certain bosses, thus making their charms and/or drops always the same regardless, though perhaps for minor bosses, such as, say, Yakra, it'll be fine.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #173 on: April 10, 2007, 11:08:53 pm »
Now that's how you wreck the balance of the game.

Yeah, really. Everything then on was a damn cakewalk.

No. I am firmly against this sort of thing, because it is EXACTLY like the Zodiac Spear from Final Fantasy XII in its hidden method...leave hints for where it might be, at least...I also question the need for placing the second best bow for Marle there when there is an inferior bow in the ruins themselves and another inferior one on the Mystic Mountains.

What are the chances anyone is going to even find it? The ability to Charm Cyrus is 1/8.

That would definitely be nice...a dynamic charm system and item drop system would work wonders. I would caution that we do not use this on certain bosses, thus making their charms and/or drops always the same regardless, though perhaps for minor bosses, such as, say, Yakra, it'll be fine.

Indeed. However, something like Omega could have a Meteorite shard (needed for the Atom Edge) in 1/255 chances (and yes, you can run from Omega - because otherwise that would be insane. Though the Atom Edge itself is insane.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #174 on: April 10, 2007, 11:11:33 pm »
Ok, I'll switch the stats of the Anubis bow to be slightly better than the Valkyre (and I mean slightly). Then the Orion bow mantains it's integrity.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #175 on: April 10, 2007, 11:14:23 pm »

What are the chances anyone is going to even find it? The ability to Charm Cyrus is 1/8.
Well, I suppose you've got a mild point there...I still would prefer hints towards it, because I hated the way Square Enix refused to let anyone know about how get the Zodiac Spear in-game. (It relied upon not opening certain chests throughout the game, and if you opened those chests, you lose out on it.

Good for the reworking of the Anubis bow...I love that name...what's the name of Marle's ultimate bow now, though?
Indeed. However, something like Omega could have a Meteorite shard (needed for the Atom Edge) in 1/255 chances (and yes, you can run from Omega - because otherwise that would be insane. Though the Atom Edge itself is insane.

Fine by me.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #176 on: April 10, 2007, 11:20:50 pm »
Artemis (it has Pagan as well as Greek symbology behind it)

Artemis's Bow is the sliver of the brand New Moon.

Like so:


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #177 on: April 10, 2007, 11:23:21 pm »
Artemis (it has Pagan as well as Greek symbology behind it)

Artemis's Bow is the sliver of the brand New Moon.

Like so:


You know...we're going to want someone to eventually draw up images of these new weapons and items we're know, in the style of the images seen in the concept art here on the Compendium of other weapons, items, and so on.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #178 on: April 10, 2007, 11:27:24 pm »
True. That would be cool, especially the Tsunami Sword (which will always have a "mini-tsunami" trailing behind the sword as Crono swings (don't ask how THAT works-- it's magical) I always envisioned how this would look to see in game or in art.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #179 on: April 10, 2007, 11:28:31 pm »
Also, the Artemis Bow will eventually actually shoot a crescent moon at the enemy.