Yeah the vid card is insane, 16X antialiasing and I can barely get FPS to get below 45 frames! (it set me back like $600 though
Games litterally look like movies. I would say DirectX10 is ALEAST 5 times faster, smoother and better looking than DirectX9 (and scarily, that's NOT an exaggeration) I ran this NVIDIA demo, and people models look REAL, with facial expressions and subsurface scattering (it's frightening how fast games are becoming real)
Anyways, (shifting my paranoia from evil AI that will probably rise from the gaming world and kill is all)...
Nice work on the cut, I'll get it when I find the stupid Com32.dll thing I need to get CTEP editor working. (gotta rebalance the monsters yet again)
On a simular note, the monsters are rebalanced by this formula:
HP is increased, EXP awarded is increased, TECH points and Gil decreased
This is perfect, because the battles take longer (but not harder) and you level up way faster, techs take much longer to gain (so you are stuck with the lower leveled ones longer) and Gil is precisous... also ALL bosses stats are increased though...
I beleveive after tweaking them everytime I started over to test all the cuts (which was ALOT of times!) that I have a VERY perfect balance for battles.