Author Topic: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread (old)  (Read 31296 times)


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #150 on: April 10, 2007, 09:08:15 pm »
Mystic Mountains expansion is helps enhance that severely unused era. So is the Valkyrie still going to be Marle's best bow or will it be superceded by the Orion? (I ask because we wouldn't want to make this easier to acquire bow more useful than the harder to acquire Valkyrie.)

The map itself looks wonderful...definitely a superior mapping job to others I've seen...the only thing I can't figure out is where the Gate is and where the initial area--where the Reptites go "RAWR EAT HUMANS THAT JUST FELL" and Ayla appears for the first time, unless that's meant to connect somewhere to one of these three areas on this map.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #151 on: April 10, 2007, 09:15:17 pm »
The upper left is the gate/treasure area (with Trihorns), the lower left is the place where you fall down to and meet Ayla. The lower right is the river (now extends into a lake). The right half of the entire Mystic Mts will be level 70 stuff (you'll want to come here after you have the Valkyre bow, it will be harder of an area). The best part is the upper half will be completely inaccessable until after you talk to the Laruba Cheif and get his permission to enter that area (it's full of strong dinos -- which is the reason blocked off in the first place)

To be tauntingly evil: I will include the expanded maps in the beta -- but they will in no way be able to get to the upper right areas -- something to tease them with  :lol:


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #152 on: April 10, 2007, 09:20:37 pm »
Oh yeah, thanks for your opinion on my mapping style. I like to steal other map parts from areas in the game and fuse them together but change them enough so they still have a CT feel but not obviously copied from other areas.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #153 on: April 10, 2007, 09:26:16 pm »
Oh yeah, thanks for your opinion on my mapping style. I like to steal other map parts from areas in the game and fuse them together but change them enough so they still have a CT feel but not obviously copied from other areas.
That's a much better way to create maps than, say, the mapping seen in Demo II of Crimson Echoes. With this you actually create solid maps that look realistic, as opposed to map areas that essentially huge rooms with lots of extra unnecessary tiling all over the place that just looks ugly. Take the Porre Military base, or that outpost place below the Cathedral in 1002 as examples of what I mean.

There was one area in the Millennial Fair in your map that did the same thing...the area with the Black Jack dealer...but presumeably that was simply left unfinished rather than intended to be that way.

Oh, I don't think you ever answered the idea I had about using Daedalus and the Village That Time Forgot as a way of referencing other fan projects...was that a good idea, or no? At the least I wanted to reference Chrono Crisis since it's the main fan project I see actually releasing, and there may be others worth referring to as well.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #154 on: April 10, 2007, 09:33:42 pm »
Daedalus idea is good.

If I can ever expand items and make food items there will be a chef guy at the table that will combine stuff with herbs and make items for you.
The lower part (screen not scrolled that low) will eventually have a mini-game that's like the Samurai showdown from Kirby Super Star. You go against an opponent and press any button when you hear a sound. You get a small window of time to react before the oppenent wins, there are 5 rounds and they get harder. Your SP win increases depending on how far you choose to go, but if you lose you lose all SP that you could have won.

The opponents be:
1-  Blue Imp or Green Imp
2 - Diablos or Naga-ette
3 - Goblin or Juggler
4 - Slash or Flea
5 - Cyrus graphic


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #155 on: April 10, 2007, 09:37:00 pm »
Ah...somewhat like the Arena of the Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy VII, only actually worthwhile.

Presumeably these opponents would be scaled up in attack power and whatnot and would be used more like stand-in opponents rather than truly being these creatures...we may eventually wish to replace them with specific creatures intended for this battling.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #156 on: April 10, 2007, 09:47:51 pm »
Actually it's more like a game to test your reaction. (think in terms of the Bell game or the "mimic" game) only in a "battle" sense. Though I would like to add some kind of battle arena or something.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #157 on: April 10, 2007, 09:49:34 pm »
Oh, I see...that's actually a great might be difficult to impliment but once implimented that ought to be fun stuff.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #158 on: April 10, 2007, 09:55:46 pm »
Actually I would really have to do is copy the mimic game code, change the timing depending on what "level" you are, and add aninmations and some other stuff.

You would start with 5 SP go agianst a Blue Imp and have maybe 1 second to react when the start sound plays, if you win your SP doubles and you go against (randomly) a Diablos or Naga-ette, if you win your SP doubles and you are asked if you want to continue...and so on, but your "reaction time tolerance" decreases every round!


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #159 on: April 10, 2007, 09:58:58 pm » difficulty curve, eh? Will we program separate levels of difficulty, say one set of five opponents is "easy" another set "moderate" and so on?


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #160 on: April 10, 2007, 09:59:35 pm »
There may actually be two or three sets -- though that woudn't be done for quite some time.

Also, if I make the Dance mini-game in the Fair, I'll make a duplicate version Ioka Meeting Site (after Black Omen -- seeing as that's a good amount of "time" that had to of went on between Lavos falling and you coming back after the Omen rising. Though the Meeting Site dance will be way harder and you win rare items such as herbs and gems!


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #161 on: April 10, 2007, 10:04:19 pm »
Good idea. Might want to make sure you can't win super rare items, like megalixirs and nightshade.

Also, we need to cut down on the easy ways to obtain megalixirs, elixirs, hyperethers, and so's too easy to just charm lots of them off of various enemies everywhere.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #162 on: April 10, 2007, 10:08:34 pm »
Item dropss are going to be rebalanced in the final version of monster rebalancing.

Yeah, also I hate the chest in Genocide dome that gives you 50,000 Gil! It should be 10,000 at the very most.

I agree, Rare items like Mega-Elixirs should only be dropped/charmed from bosses or Cleft of Dimension enemies in the final.

Same with Power Tabs from Tubsters (though Tubsters got hacked to make Behemoths).


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #163 on: April 10, 2007, 10:15:30 pm »
Right. We don't want to make it near impossible to get the items either, mind...simply much harder, to help balance it out...I don't know how many times through one normal playthrough I ended up with 30 odd megalixirs and 60 odd hyperethers...hell, through my current New Game + playthrough I've been using to rewatch scenes as necessary while rescripting them I've got something around 20 power tabs and fifteen speed tabs not being used at all.

Which reminds me...we definitely need to rebalance statistics well, such as my previous suggestion of increasing Marle's hit statistic so she could be more powerful physically in the beginning segments of the game.


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Re: Dialogue Enhancements Commentary Thread
« Reply #164 on: April 10, 2007, 10:22:40 pm »
Right. We don't want to make it near impossible to get the items either, mind...simply much harder, to help balance it out...I don't know how many times through one normal playthrough I ended up with 30 odd megalixirs and 60 odd hyperethers...hell, through my current New Game + playthrough I've been using to rewatch scenes as necessary while rescripting them I've got something around 20 power tabs and fifteen speed tabs not being used at all.

Exactly. I want perfect balance so that you start to get Mega-Elixirs and stuff almost every battle in the Cleft of Dimensions. You're going to need them trust me! Even at level **! (and I haven't even redone the monster AI yet!) The Cleft of Dimensions will always be tough (but not insane if level 95+)

Which reminds me...we definitely need to rebalance statistics well, such as my previous suggestion of increasing Marle's hit statistic so she could be more powerful physically in the beginning segments of the game.

The starting stats are easily done(I'll just give Marle more Hit to start) & and slightly tweak the hit on her beggining weapons. I would eventually like to make the stats scale to 999 HP way later (like around level 80 or so).