Oh yeah, thanks for your opinion on my mapping style. I like to steal other map parts from areas in the game and fuse them together but change them enough so they still have a CT feel but not obviously copied from other areas.
That's a much better way to create maps than, say, the mapping seen in Demo II of Crimson Echoes. With this you actually create solid maps that look realistic, as opposed to map areas that essentially huge rooms with lots of extra unnecessary tiling all over the place that just looks ugly. Take the Porre Military base, or that outpost place below the Cathedral in 1002 as examples of what I mean.
There was one area in the Millennial Fair in your map that did the same thing...the area with the Black Jack dealer...but presumeably that was simply left unfinished rather than intended to be that way.
Oh, I don't think you ever answered the idea I had about using Daedalus and the Village That Time Forgot as a way of referencing other fan projects...was that a good idea, or no? At the least I wanted to reference Chrono Crisis since it's the main fan project I see actually releasing, and there may be others worth referring to as well.