Hi folks, I've just discovered the Compendium and I've been poring over all the information that you guys have compiled on CT. One thing that always struck me as odd was the fact that Crono and co. are just dead in CC. Crono and Marle are supposed to have died in a siege on Guardia Castle, and that's it. Well I don't believe it.
Has anyone ever considered the possibility that Balthasar informed everyone of his plan beforehand? I mean, we know him and Lucca were in contact, Lucca knew about the Prometheus unit, and Lucca knew of Kid's real identity. Maybe The only way to fix the TimeDevourer problem was Balthasars plan, and they had to stay out of the picture and let things take their course.
Not like our heroes, but they couldn't very well just try 2 kill the TD, that wouldn't have solved anything.
Robo is the Prometheus unit. Would loyal old Robo go along with a plan that would involved having his friends killed? I think they are all in on it, maybe with the exception of Frog and Ayla. Magus was probably chillin, watching everything go down, ready to go in if things didn't go right.
The ghosts in the Dead Sea? That was the future they tried so hard to avert. Even if they died 1000 years prior, their ghosts would still be haunting the future.
Opassa Beach? Maybe the same ghosts. Maybe they died on some other journey far off in the future. Maybe they are waiting outside of time, projecting themselves to Serge and co. as a sign of inspiration. Maybe Crono went skiing and hit a tree and Marle died of grief. Chalk it up to the plotholes in CC.
Perhaps after CC ended Crono and co. came out of hiding, went back in time, and thwarted the siege on the castle. Or MAYBE Crono and Marle were already gone, leaving the kingdom open to attack. Lucca stayed behind to play her part in Balthasars grandscheme. I mean, setting Luccas orphanage on fire? Lucca COMMANDED fire, Lucca WAS fire!!!
Anyhoo, just thought I'd put it out there for discussion.Just my opinion folks. Great job on the site by the way!!Keep it up!!