The Frozen Flame...a mysterious object thought to be the{line break}
catalyst for human evolution into the species we are today{line break}
it had been considered mythological until rediscovered twenty{line break}
years ago by a Zealian explorer.{page break}
Unlike the Sun Stone, it could not be used directly as a source{line break}
of power and thus was merely an object of curiosity to be{line break}
studied, until the discovery of Lavos, when it was realized that{line break}
the energy it emits is identical to that of Lavos.{page break}
As such, the Frozen Flame is used as the core of the Mammon{line break}
Machine now, to focus the energies of Lavos into a useful{line break}
form all of Zeal can use as power.{page break}
Currently, only one who can bond with the Flame magically is{line break}
able to control it and the Mammon Machine. Only Schala Zeal{line break}
the crown princess and heir to the throne is magically powerful{line break}
enough to bond with the Flame.{page break}
The origins of the Frozen Flame are unknown. Many suspect it{line break}
is a fragment of Lavos, though how or why it would come into{line break}
existance remains to be explained, though some use it to suggest{line break}
Lavos intentionally used it to turn us into what we are now.{page break}
As such, they suggest that Lavos is a god to be worshipped{line break}
though many scientists discount this as mere foolishness.{page break}
We may never know the origin of the Frozen Flame, but it is a{line break}
powerful tool in keeping our glorious kingdom prosperous, and{line break}
and as such should be kept safe at all costs.{full break}
It all began aeons ago, when man's ancestors picked up a shard of a
strange red rock...{full break}
Its power, which was beyond human comprehension, cultivated dreams...
In turn, love and hate were born...{full break}
Only time will see how it all ends.{null}