Author Topic: Interview with Ted Woolsey  (Read 2413 times)


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Interview with Ted Woolsey
« on: February 13, 2007, 10:57:50 am »
The February 12 Player One podcast has an interview with Ted Woolsey about the trials of translating for Square.  He talks about the difficulty of the translation process and the fans' reaction to his translation of games like FFIII (FFVI in Japan).  Of course he mentions Chrono Trigger--it was actually one his favorite games to work on. 

The interview is about 43 minutes into the podcast.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2007, 03:02:39 pm »
Been brought to our attention here.

Not sure which Forum it ought to be in though, but I suggest either this topic to be locked or the other one.

If you posted in the right spot nice work, otherwise better luck next time :lol:.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 10:07:59 pm »
What's that? We don't lock topics around these here parts.

At least, that's the attitude I try to encourage. After all, maybe the newer topic is better written and easier to spot, in which case it could naturally overtake the older topic.

After all, we here at the Compendium aren't resource Nazis. Hell, double post if you have to. Sometimes it makes more sense.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2007, 10:13:52 pm »
I dunno I just thought there isn't a point to have 2 topics saying the exact same thing. Sorry  :(


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2007, 10:38:48 pm »
I dunno I just thought there isn't a point to have 2 topics saying the exact same thing. Sorry  :(

Huh, what's that? There's nothing to apologize for. You made a good point, and there's plenty of room for discussion, but locking topics should always be a last resort (just like bans and deletions). This is a place where you should be able to relax a bit on the whole "strict forum rules" thing. As long as you don't admit to, plan for, or instruct on illegal acts and try to make meaningful posts, that's all the admins should care about. Follow those guidelines, and I'll definitely be behind you 100% of the way, regardless of what happens.

Fearing rules and administrative action all of the time builds unhealthy power structures and inhibits real discussion. The best way to prevent that from happening is to reduce moderation to a bare minimum and encourage people to take it upon themselves to be more thoughtful and polite.

In that sense, I should probably set a better example, but Zeality already does a pretty good job most of the time.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2007, 10:43:06 pm by Ramsus »


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 10:41:44 pm »
Huh, what's that? There's nothing to apologize for. You made a good point, and there's plenty of room for discussion, but locking topics should always be a last resort (just like bans and deletions). This is a place where you should be able to relax a bit on the whole "strict forum rules" thing. As long as you don't admit to, plan for, or instruct on illegal acts and try to make meaningful posts, that's all the admins should care about. Follow those guidelines, and I'll definitely be behind you 100% of the way, regardless of what happens.

Fearing rules and administrative action all of the time builds unhealthy power structures and inhibits real discussion.
...this place's laidback nature and friendly admins confuses the hell out of me.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2007, 12:10:43 am »
Huh, what's that? There's nothing to apologize for. You made a good point, and there's plenty of room for discussion, but locking topics should always be a last resort (just like bans and deletions). This is a place where you should be able to relax a bit on the whole "strict forum rules" thing. As long as you don't admit to, plan for, or instruct on illegal acts and try to make meaningful posts, that's all the admins should care about. Follow those guidelines, and I'll definitely be behind you 100% of the way, regardless of what happens.

Fearing rules and administrative action all of the time builds unhealthy power structures and inhibits real discussion.
...this place's laidback nature and friendly admins confuses the hell out of me.

Try surviving in the video game music remixing community. All the power-play jerks and Captain Abuse himself at OCR will give you a good idea of how not to administrate a fan organization.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2007, 12:17:03 am »
Heh, it's tough getting used to the fact that admins are just like the rest of us. It must be the title lol I dunno. Sort of makes them feel above the rest of us because they are admins. It's not that the come off bossy or anything like that, but the feeling of superiority comes from the title itself. Admin, the word just sort of screams power.

I know I've been told a thousand times by Zeality, and now by you Ramsus, but somehow it hasn't sunk in. I won't apologize anymore, that would just be redundant, since I've done that a few times, but I know I'll still view you guys as the leaders of this website. I dunno if it is because I'm new, or that's the kind of person I am, but it will probably be awhile before I view myself on equal ground as the Zealitys etc.. of this site.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2007, 12:24:19 am »

Try surviving in the video game music remixing community. All the power-play jerks and Captain Abuse himself at OCR will give you a good idea of how not to administrate a fan organization.
Oh that I know all too well. I used to frequent the Ansem Report(once the primere KH fansite which fell from grace after KH Ultimania showed up and has never been able to reclaim its former glory) and had to deal with that kind of crap all the time from admins, up to and including lots of favoritism, general assholeishness, and all that. This place is so much of an opposite to just confuses me a wee bit that it could be that laid back, is all.

But meh, it's what it is.

Glenn: I know that feeling too. I used to look up to Ansem Report elites like Neatchee or Nox and act as if they were special people. Then I finally realized they were what they really were. I wasted a lot of time with the people at that website...hell, I even had a website of my own for about nine months that dealt with trying to keep the forums there alive(the site kept crashing for one reason or another.) Sad stuff. Just remember, everyone on the internet is human, just like you. No one's all that special, at least not in that sense.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2007, 12:32:34 am »
Glenn: I know that feeling too. I used to look up to Ansem Report elites like Neatchee or Nox and act as if they were special people. Then I finally realized they were what they really were. I wasted a lot of time with the people at that website...hell, I even had a website of my own for about nine months that dealt with trying to keep the forums there alive(the site kept crashing for one reason or another.) Sad stuff. Just remember, everyone on the internet is human, just like you. No one's all that special, at least not in that sense.

Yea, I definitely know what your saying. I think it's just cause I'm the new guy. Don't want to make such a huge splash, I'm just that kind of person I guess ...*shrugs*.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2007, 07:08:38 am »
Huh, what's that? There's nothing to apologize for. You made a good point, and there's plenty of room for discussion, but locking topics should always be a last resort (just like bans and deletions). This is a place where you should be able to relax a bit on the whole "strict forum rules" thing. As long as you don't admit to, plan for, or instruct on illegal acts and try to make meaningful posts, that's all the admins should care about. Follow those guidelines, and I'll definitely be behind you 100% of the way, regardless of what happens.

Fearing rules and administrative action all of the time builds unhealthy power structures and inhibits real discussion.
...this place's laidback nature and friendly admins confuses the hell out of me.

I like it. I greatly respect every one of the admins and their attitudes here.

Check out if you want to see an example of a site with strict rules (no posts are allowed to be under four words) and corrupt admins. Mystic Frog King from this site is a member there, and got a two month ban for making an advertisement. The actual creator of the advertisement's site and one who started the whole advertising thing there only got a one month ban. Completely illogical.


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2008, 01:26:52 am »
Anyone ever find a transcript for this?


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2008, 01:33:33 am »
Yes. I read about a transcript being posted a few days or so after the podcast. I even posted it in the news thread.
(I got this just now by looking it up on Google.)


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Re: Interview with Ted Woolsey
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2008, 01:52:41 am »
Excellent. Earlier tonight I suddenly asked myself, "why the HELL am I not archiving those interviews posted by Chrono'99 and others?"