Since everyone seems to have missed the real problem here:
I need to make some phone calls. There's a butt load of people who bet against me back in 1999 when I said N. Korea would have the nuke by 2010. I was serving in S. Korea at the time.
I think what we really need to concern ourselves about here is, unlike Iraq, North Korea can and will sell nuclear tech and weapons to criminals and terrorists if the price is right, especially if the world decides to cut of humanitarian aid. It'll be like Team America: World Police. Only with less sex and more death.
Ya, know, if ol' Jong-il was smart, he would have thrown those resources in to producing nuclear power for his improvised nation, then under the white flag of 'truce', sell excess energy to South Korea. Get them hooked on it, then hold it for ransom whenever they start doing anything he doesn’t like. You know, just like how Iran is doing to us with oil. History -- recent history -- has proven that tactic works.
But...but...I like sex more than death. Shit. Well, you served over in that region, so you've probably got a much better grasp than I do on the political situation on the penninsula. What can be done at this point?
Dude, the only thing I paid attention to in Korea was video game black market. FF VIII for 10 bucks? FF Anthology and Azure Dreams for $3? Hell yes, I’ll mod my PS1.