Did Robo die in Chronopolis in 1020 A.D. upon Serge's entrance into the Frozen Flame terminal? Was he literally the Prometheus Circuit?
Circuit-Copy Theory
It is possible that Robo is still alive in the future. Since he's a computer he could probably copy himself over to the CC computer system, while still keeping his orignal body.
Neutral Commentary
ZeaLitY: It might be difficult for Robo to relegate himself to the status of integrated circuit if Atropos were still alive, as he'd have a reason to continue living. However, it is obvious that in some way Belthasar recruited him for the job; due to machine logic and Robo's having saved the world once, he might be likely to answer the call of higher duty once more.
bozistheboss: Since Robo's data can be copied, I don't think that the Prometheus in FATE is Robo himself, but rather a circuit named after Robo/Prometheus. Lucca did make a 'mini-me' copy of Robo, after all. Also, the circuit was 'based on the initial Ashtear model circuit board, with extra logic added.' This leads me to believe that there may have been varying brands of Ashtear model circuit boards available in 2400 AD. The Ashtear models were probably based off of her little Robo copy.
Ybrik Metaknight: I think that the Prometheus in the FATE computer system is probably the original Robo. It just makes more sense from a writer's perspective to have one of the heroes from the original "die" in the second game; makes it more tragic.
Prometheus-Ultimania Theory
Chrono Cross Ultimania [Bubblebobby2000 Translation]
"Prometheus," the name of the circuit that was set up inside of FATE, came from the true name of a member of the party from the previous work [Chrono Trigger], Robo. But this circuit, was not the system used by Robo. At the end of previous work, after Robo returned to the future, Lucca thought of him [missed him?] and had this completed. It was a safety program that prevented the corruption of machines. This was not built with a specific motive. But in the future after it was invented, Belthasar who had the same thought as her, inserted it into FATE's circuit.
Oswego del Fuego: Just look at this direct quote from Lynx:
LYNX: That hidden circuit was based on the initial Ashtear model circuit board, with extra logic added by another scientist.
Well, if it were Lucca's design, it couldn't have been Robo. Robo was *not* built by Lucca.
Personally, I think that Prometheus is the cute mini-Robo pictured in the ending from the PSX version.
ZeaLitY: Robo preferred to be called by his adventurous name rather than Prometheus, especially after the Origin of Machines sidequest. This hampers the likeliness of it literally being him.
ZeaLitY: Ultimania has been blatantly wrong in the past, such as assuming that the Frozen Flame is the same material as Dreamstone. In addition, nothing in the game suggests this is the truth, save the quote Oswego del Fuego has produced.
How can Lucca fix Robo? She only has experience with Gato.
Minor-Damage Theory
Radical Dreamer
While I'm hardly suggesting that Lucca could repair damage to Robo's central logic circuitry, I'm reasonably sure she could tighten a few bolts and plug the green wire into the green port. I do believe that Robo was minamally damaged during the Day of Lavos, since it only seemed to take Lucca a few hours to fix him. He was pretty far removed from Ground Zero, so I'm guessing some of his internals just got knocked loose, but nothing was seriously damaged, except perhaps a few wires, etc. And while technology advances, a wire is a wire, and some things are pretty constant. She did have experience building robots, after all. It also took her quite some time to get him working the first time.
As for the R-Y Series [incident], I'm guessing that was mostly damage to his shell, which I'm sure could be fixed, or, failing that replaced. It's not like there were no other deactive R-Y Series robots lying around...