Author Topic: Baten Kaitos  (Read 6241 times)


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2006, 12:11:52 am »
Well, I finally got around to beating it.  Fun, fun.

Quote from: Pyt Fumv
The block puzzle is HELL. I hate it, too.
God, I don't know if anyone didn't hate those puzzles.  Blech.  One of them made me toss a controller.

And those 'fish' you talk to are called Greythornes. Depending on how many you talk to, they change the ending. Also, if you talk nice to your Guardian Spirit, or whatever, it changes the ending, too.
Really?  I didn't know that.  I talked to almost every Greythrone through the game (expecting an easter egg) and always played nice with Kalas, so I guess I got the best ending.

My only major complaint was fighting that guy in gold armor and his goons (I haven't played it in months, forgive me) twice in a row.  Seeing as how that was probably the hardest boss fight in the game, and Namco decides to hit you with a repeat right afterwards.

The final boss (Malpercio...  not forest Geldoblame, haha) exceeded my expectations, though.  He looked cool as hell.  When the party talked about him being a whale, I imagined, you know, a big unthreatening whale.  Then I saw him, and I was wowed.

Yeah, I definitely dug it.  I'm glad I picked it up.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2006, 12:11:46 pm »
Well, I finally got around to beating it.  Fun, fun.

Quote from: Pyt Fumv
The block puzzle is HELL. I hate it, too.
God, I don't know if anyone didn't hate those puzzles.  Blech.  One of them made me toss a controller.

And those 'fish' you talk to are called Greythornes. Depending on how many you talk to, they change the ending. Also, if you talk nice to your Guardian Spirit, or whatever, it changes the ending, too.
Really?  I didn't know that.  I talked to almost every Greythrone through the game (expecting an easter egg) and always played nice with Kalas, so I guess I got the best ending.

My only major complaint was fighting that guy in gold armor and his goons (I haven't played it in months, forgive me) twice in a row.  Seeing as how that was probably the hardest boss fight in the game, and Namco decides to hit you with a repeat right afterwards.

Yeah, double Giacomo battle was the toughest fight in the game for me... So annoying!!!

The final boss (Malpercio...  not forest Geldoblame, haha) exceeded my expectations, though.  He looked cool as hell.  When the party talked about him being a whale, I imagined, you know, a big unthreatening whale.  Then I saw him, and I was wowed.

They never said Malpercio was a whale... They just said it was the one that ate the whale in old legends. But yeah, he was awesome looking.

Yeah, I definitely dug it.  I'm glad I picked it up.

Heh, I didn't even buy it. I've had my friend's copy for over a year now. He doesn't want it back, yet, either, due to a combination of laziness and a broken Gamecube.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2007, 11:11:15 pm »
I have a question for those who finished both Baten Kaitos and Chrono Cross (warning, spoilers are coming of course) :


At the end of the game (Baten Kaitos), we see that Melodia's hair turned white to blue. What is your point about that change ?
Since Masato Kato-sama was the director and scenario writer of Baten Kaitos, like he was for Chrono Cross, do you think I'm completely mad if I think that we can make a connection with Schala's case in Chrono Cross ? I mean, Schala was absorbed by Lavos like Malpercio absorbed Schala. And after saving the 2 girls, they appear with a different hair color.
Surely I'm thinking too much but I'd be glad to have your point.  :)


Anyway, back on Baten Kaitos, I just love this game. This is one of my favourite games behind the Chrono saga and Xenogears. A wonderful game, with an universe reminiscent of my loved Chrono Cross. The music is absolutely AWESOME, Sakuraba-sama's best work ever in my opinion. The chara design is really original, and so is the gameplay. And concerning the story... when I remind myself about the beginning of Disc 2, after the Lava Caves... never seen that before, but I won't spoil more. Those who finished the game perfectly know what I mean.

Now I'm playing to Baten Kaitos Origins, and this game seems even better than the previous one.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2007, 07:00:15 am »
Where was your question? 0_o;


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2007, 03:23:32 pm »
His question was in that block with white text. He didn't want anyone to see spoilers, so you have to highlight it in order to see the question.

Sheesh Faf, maybe I ought to retire from being the Master's Mate if you can't even figure that out!  :lol: Hey Zeality I think I ought to be bumped up to Master lol.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2007, 07:12:59 pm »
Lee: That's actually a really strange coincidence (if it is just that), something that didn't even come to my attention until now.  I believe Melodia's change is just as inexplicable as Schala's, but it's definitely an interesting point.

Speaking of BK Origins, though - should I get myself a copy?  I'm really curious, but I don't want to buy a cruddy rehash.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2007, 07:48:47 pm »
His question was in that block with white text. He didn't want anyone to see spoilers, so you have to highlight it in order to see the question.

Sheesh Faf, maybe I ought to retire from being the Master's Mate if you can't even figure that out!  :lol: Hey Zeality I think I ought to be bumped up to Master lol.

I'm posting from the Wii, which cannot highlight text, so I was unaware of that. I'll hold my role as Master, thank you very much.

And Rufus, I've heard Origins is a vast improvement over the first. I'd say it's well worth a shot.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2007, 09:40:58 pm »
I'm posting from the Wii, which cannot highlight text, so I was unaware of that. I'll hold my role as Master, thank you very much.

Ahh, I'm sooo jealous! :( I WANT A WII!!  :x
The Master's Mate will soon be the Master, just wait and see yarrr.!  :lol:


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2007, 10:26:57 pm »
I just got into the first Baten Kaitos. Just got into Diadem and I wanted to know if it was any good(I love it so far).


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2007, 12:25:47 pm »
I just got into the first Baten Kaitos. Just got into Diadem and I wanted to know if it was any good(I love it so far).

It's great. =] My only complaint is the voice acting, which, in quite a few cases, is painful. An example of this is Mayfee, a minor character you'll meet later.
Also, you'll probably be having a bit of a problem in Diadem Castle. It's difficult, (although not necessary) but try to defeat all of the 'mini-game' soldiers there - they award you with 'aura' Magnus. That's the only place in the game where you can get them.

The game becomes very enjoyable, especially at the beginning of Disc 2. It has an amazing plot twist I've never seen done in an RPG before.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2007, 08:54:47 am »
It's great. =] My only complaint is the voice acting, which, in quite a few cases, is painful.
Oh, you mean like Xelha, for the whole friggin' game? ;)
To be honest I could stand most of the voice acting. Kalas' was kind of cheesy, and Lyude's just sounded like it was a terrible voice actor doing it (ESPECIALLY after seeing the intro in May 2004, linked below -- Lyude's voice in that is fantastic, as are all of the characters'). Savyna's I think fit especially well, and Mizuti, well, she's just so bizarre any voice could fit. Gibari's voiceovers were done fairly well as well I'd have to say, though some points sounded strained.

I haven't actually beaten Baten Kaitos yet. My party was severely underlevelled because I avoided fights like the plague -- not because they took long, but because I was so dead-set at getting through the story because I enjoyed it immensely. As such, my save file is still at the point at which you climb the steps at the final dungeon (name escapes me at the moment) and fight the final boss at the top. He's nasty as hell though, especially that arrow that hits you with like every status ailment.

I do actually want to try BK:Origins, because if it's at all like its predecessor in terms of story or characters, then I'm sure I'll love it. I've got a friend with it and I'll probably ask to borrow it once I can hook up my Wii (as in, being able to hook it up to the TV which currently has nowhere to go in my room). Suffice to say, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean was severely underrated, and while the voice acting makes you wish you could hear nails on a chalkboard, the game is designed extremely well in all other aspects.

And definitely, I echo the sentiment in this thread, that my hat is off to Motoi Sakuraba for the musical score. I knew it was going to be fantastic when I first heard 'The True Mirror' in gameplay footage. Add the fact that BK:EWatLO was released relatively close to Tales of Symphonia, which Sakuraba also composed for, fantastically, and that very quickly put Motoi Sakuraba very high up in my books for fantastic composers.

...I hate you all! I really want to play Baten Kaitos again! But I have nowhere to set up my GameCube or Wii! :(


After Googling and YouTubing, why couldn't the English voices have stayed like this? If you want to see and hear a higher resolution, IGN still has the May 2004 video available. It's the 'Opening FMV. May 3, 2004'.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 09:14:13 am by Kae »


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2007, 01:29:38 pm »
Is it just me or was Gibari completely different in the opening FMV? He seems moody and quite angry in it, but he's always cheerful in the game. Makes me believe they made the opening FMV waaaay before creating character personalities.

At least you'll be able to play Origins. I can't; the UK isn't getting it.

As for Motoi Sakuraba's work, I loved The True Mirror too. I still listen to it a lot, and regard it as the best battle theme in an RPG. It's the single piece of music that made me want to hunt down the OST. I love the tracks Soft Labyrinth and Rumbling Earth as well. By the way, I've heard some of Origins' soundtrack... Not sure what to think of it. Poacher was mediocre, but the battle theme, The Valedictory Elegy, is fantastic. Giacomo's battle theme is back again, in the form of Chaotic Dance 2. It's considerably more upbeat and catchy than the original, but gets annoying quickly.

Anywho... I'll probably import Origins.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2007, 01:40:33 pm »
In regards to Gibari, I believe his line in the opening movie is the same with both the old voice actors as well as the new ones, so what he says is a moot point.

And as for Chaotic Dance 2, I'll have to wait and see. I have a high tolerance for highly annoying things, as evident by the fact that even though I don't like them at all, I still play through the game with voice acting on, so I can see myself being able to tolerate Chaotic Dance 2 if it's really as irksome as you say. As for the first soundtrack, I'd have to say that Violent Storm, The True Mirror ~Guitar~, and To the End of the Journey of Glittering Stars (in no particular order) would the best tracks from it. I love listening to all of those tracks immensely.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2007, 01:51:09 pm »
Funny enough, I noticed that Rena's Theme from Star Ocean 2 plays in a few of the tracks in this game. Motoi Sakuraba put in a pretty big easter egg. Of course, the tracks could've been created before BK, and they merely decided those tracks suited it. Who knows...

Anyway, what were your characters' levels? I think I had level 70s... Without training. Sheesh.


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Re: Baten Kaitos
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2007, 03:52:34 pm »
As for Motoi Sakuraba's work, I loved The True Mirror too. I still listen to it a lot, and regard it as the best battle theme in an RPG. It's the single piece of music that made me want to hunt down the OST. I love the tracks Soft Labyrinth and Rumbling Earth as well. By the way, I've heard some of Origins' soundtrack... Not sure what to think of it. Poacher was mediocre, but the battle theme, The Valedictory Elegy, is fantastic. Giacomo's battle theme is back again, in the form of Chaotic Dance 2. It's considerably more upbeat and catchy than the original, but gets annoying quickly.

Anywho... I'll probably import Origins.
I love both Poacher and Valedictory Elegy. Urssa Lava Cave (The Endless Night if I remember) was really good too, but it's true that Sakuraba did an awesome work in the battle themes. But the best of the best is definitely Le ali del principio, interpreted by Mio Sakuraba (Motoļ's daughter, when she was 8 ).
I hope you'll be able to play Baten Kaitos Origins soon, it's really one of the best RPGs ever in my opinion.

By the way, thanks a ton Rufus for your answer to my question.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 05:10:43 am by Lee »