It's great. =] My only complaint is the voice acting, which, in quite a few cases, is painful.
Oh, you mean like Xelha, for the
whole friggin' game?

To be honest I could stand most of the voice acting. Kalas' was kind of cheesy, and Lyude's just sounded like it was a terrible voice actor doing it (ESPECIALLY after seeing the intro in May 2004, linked below -- Lyude's voice in that is
fantastic, as are all of the characters'). Savyna's I think fit especially well, and Mizuti, well,
she's just so bizarre any voice could fit. Gibari's voiceovers were done fairly well as well I'd have to say, though some points sounded strained.
I haven't actually beaten Baten Kaitos yet. My party was severely underlevelled because I avoided fights like the plague -- not because they took long, but because I was so dead-set at getting through the story because I enjoyed it immensely. As such, my save file is still at the point at which you climb the steps at the final dungeon (name escapes me at the moment) and fight the final boss at the top. He's nasty as hell though, especially that arrow that hits you with like every status ailment.
I do actually want to try BK:Origins, because if it's at all like its predecessor in terms of story or characters, then I'm sure I'll love it. I've got a friend with it and I'll probably ask to borrow it once I can hook up my Wii (as in, being able to hook it up to the TV which currently has nowhere to go in my room). Suffice to say, Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean was severely underrated, and while the voice acting makes you wish you could hear nails on a chalkboard, the game is designed extremely well in all other aspects.
And definitely, I echo the sentiment in this thread, that my hat is off to Motoi Sakuraba for the musical score. I knew it was going to be fantastic when I first heard 'The True Mirror' in gameplay footage. Add the fact that BK:EWatLO was released relatively close to Tales of Symphonia, which Sakuraba also composed for, fantastically, and that very quickly put Motoi Sakuraba very high up in my books for fantastic composers.
...I hate you all! I really want to play Baten Kaitos again! But I have nowhere to set up my GameCube or Wii!

After Googling and YouTubing, why couldn't the English voices
have stayed like this? If you want to see and hear a higher resolution,
IGN still has the May 2004 video available. It's the 'Opening FMV. May 3, 2004'.