Well, i have started to create a new Chrono trigger sequel. It will be made in RPG Maker xp, like much of the other fan made sequels. The Story will start 50 years afte CT. I havenīt finished Chrono Cross yet, because i didnīt like it

, so iīll just stick to the CT history, and just borrow some ideas from CC, like the Porre revolution or the Frozen flame. The Battle system wonīt be very good, iīll try to use the RPG maker system whit some changes, iīm not good at scripting. Well, there are some Descriptions:
The Ages:
Modern Age:
Year: 1900 AD
GUHN (Global Union of Human Nations): This "Nation" owns the two Zenans, Choras and south Medina. Itīs a Federal nation, governed by a technocratic system, this system consists basically of a technocratic counsil and the Directo, who is the "ruler" of the Union. Their system is very racist and mystics are not allowed into their borders. The highly controled people, live "Happily" in this new nation, because of the represive laws that governs the country.
Medina: Medina has become in a city full of refugees from the GUHN. Their technology is two centuries outdated and the GUHN has an embargo against it. Their people live in poberty and unhappyness, but itīs also the base of operations of a group of rebels that are planning to take over the GUHN.
Civil: Civil technology is highly advanced, all itīs computarized. The citizens are marked whit chips to track them. And teleporting technology has expanded greatly. In Medina, the technology is more backwards, teleporting technology hasnīt been "discovered", computers are highly used, but there are still many things that arenīt cmputarized, cars are still highly used, and the people live whitout of beign marked.
Naval: The GUHN donīt use ships anymore, their only use teleporting or airships. In Medina, ships are still used for illegal trading whit some parts of GUHN.
Air: In Medina, airplanes are still used as war machines. In the GUHN they use high tech Airships, that have better control and better firepower, they also use it for transport. Also the GUHN has developed space technology, they have space ships and a colony in the moon.
Military: The GUHN, use high tech laser machineguns and teleporting devices in their military. Medina is still stucked whit bullet weapons.
Industrial Age:
Year: 1400 AD
Choras: The Republic system installed after their independence is still going. It has become a world power, and itīs trying to expand to win more resources. Their Republic has become with time, less and less representative, making the citizens lose their faith in the republic.
Medina: Medina has been a peacefully town. But the arms race between Porre and Choras, has make the government preocupied, and are starting to arm because of a possible war whit Choras.
Guardia: Guardia has been trying to keep peace trough diplomacy whit Choras and Porre. Like Medina are starting to arm because of the fear of a possible war whit Porre. But its role is more active than Medina.
Porre: Porre has grown into a World Power, leaving Guardia behind. Their coal, taken from the Denadoro Mines and the Cursed Mines, has helped them to upgrade their military. Their System is an absolute monarchy, centered in winning more power to overcome Choras.
Civil: The civil technology is very coal based, but pretty advance. Computers, Television, Microwaves, etc... are used in the houses.
Naval: Basically based in steam powered dreadnoughts and submarines.
Air: The airplanes have been invented in Guardia, but its still growing, the planes are biplanes and triplanes, no bombers have been invented, the only bombing airship is the Zeppelin.
Military: The military is based in rifles, cannons, gatling cannons. But in Porre the machinegun has been recently invented.
Year: 1050 AD
Porre: After rebeling against Guardia, it became an Absolute Monarchy. After the King Tata I died, King Tata II came into power, but in contrast whit his father, he didnīt concentrate too much in the Military, so the military whitdrew from Guardia and the Invasion of Choras was cancelled. Anyway they still have a big military and have a represive regime in Porre, but itīs softer than the Tata Iīs regime.
Guardia: After the whitdrew of Porre, Guardia begin reconstructing, their Constitutional Monarchy became an Absolute Monarchy again, trying to focus more in the military this time, to prevent another attack. After the Porre revolution, Guardia lost his Imperial Power, and lost Choras and South Zenan.
Choras: After Porre conquered Guardia, Choras declared independence from Guardia, because Guardia no longer will be able to protect them, became a Republic and started a commercial expansion policy, founding the town of Melchior and beggining to mine the Heckran cave.
Medina: Stayed Neutral in the Conflict between Guardia and Porre, and has lived in peace whit humans, peace that helped Medina to become an economic power.
Techonolgy: Like CT 1000 AD.
Funding Age:
Year: 1 BC
Alagira: Alagira is an Emirate centered in the South Zenan Desert, it owns all of South Zenan and almost all north Zenan, the only thing not controled by Alagira in North Zenan is the City of Truce. In this Year a new war started and the Emirate has decided to attack Truce to gain control of all North Zenan, and that way closing the Zenan market to Choras.
Choras: Choras is a Republic ruled by a Senate. The Senate is discussing the issue of helping Truce in this war, act that could unleash a world war. Anyway some Choras People have been helping Truce secretly.
Truce: Is a kingdom in a state of war agains the Emirate, and itīs trying to get help from Choras in this war that its almost lost.
Technology: The technology is stucked in a dark age, itīs little lower than the one in 600 AD, the difference is that bronze is still widely used, and construction hasnīt grow so much. Religion has taken a big role in the world.
Bronze Age:
Year: 8000 BC
Zenan: This is the south part of the great city of Zenan wich was separated by an earthquake. It has been the center of the world for thousand years, but now the people of North Zenan have emigrated to Choras, where a new city has been founded.
Choras: Recently founded is trying to rise and bring prosperity to its people.
Hanwak: A tribal village, north of the town of Zenan. Their people hate Zenan, because of their expansive policies on the past. They are the only town of the world that does not pay tribute to Zenan.
Technology: Bronze Age technology
The Playable Characters:

Full Name: Idil Landrew
Age: 22
Species: Human
Home Time: 1050 AD
Home Area: Choras, Choras
Profession: Sailor
Weapon Type: Lances
Magical Element: Water
Spear Missile (Throws the spear to an enemy)
Stab (Stab an Enemy)
Whirlwind (Confuse an Enemy and deals damage)*
Water 2*
Lance Strike (Three hit lance attack)*
History: Son of Elrod, captain of the Truce - Porre Ferry until the Porrean revolution started. After that he (his father) became a explorer. Like his father Idil is also a explorer, captain of the Avenger, his fatherīs Ship, member of the Choras exploration agency, founded by Toma XV. The history of the game starts when Idil goes to explore a misterious island on the east.

Full Name: Orson Alde
Age: 32
Species: Human
Home Time: 1400 AD
Home Area: North Zenan, Truce
Profession: Spy
Weapon Type: Gun
Magical Element: Wind
Sleep Wind (Makes an enemy asleep)
Poison Sting (A poison bullet poisons an enemy)
Remedy (Cure all status)*
Barrage (A Barrage of Shots)*
Wind 2*
Explosive Shot (An explosive bullet is shot to an enemy)*
History: A very nationalistic person, who loves Guardia even more than his own life. He became a spy at the age of 18. Have been serving Guardia since then, he has a reputation of beign one of the best spys in the world. He has a kind of rivality whit Hame, a porrean spy, believed to be the best (Also, called "The shadow"). Currently in a spying mission on Porre, trying to find out if they are planning an invasion in Guardia.
Full Name: Lydia Rendhel
Age: 20
Species: Human
Home Time: 1050 AD
Home Area: Medina, Melchior
Profession: Messenger
Weapon Type: Bow
Magical Element: Lightning
Stun Arrow (Stun an enemy)
Antidote (Cures Poison)
Speed (Rises Speed)*
Quick Arrow (Attacks an enemy, double damage)*
Lightning 2*
Stun Attack (Stun all enemies and deals damage)*
History: She is a messenger that works on Medina-Melchior-Choras rute. He first met Idil on one of her trips between
Melchior and Choras, after that they became really good friends, and later she became Idilīs girlfriend. Anyway they
donīt see very much often because of their jobs.

Full Name: Elsen Guardia
Age: 25
Species: Human
Home Time: 1 BC
Home Area: North Zenan, Truce
Profession: Soldier
Weapon Type: Sword
Magical Element: Earth
Slash (Atack an Enemy, more damage)
Petrify (Petrifies an Enemy)
Rock Defense (Rises defense)*
Spincut (Attack an Enemy, double damage)*
Earth 2*
Quicksand (Same as Black Hole)*
History: Older brother of the king of truce, Fence Guardia. He claims to be the rightful owner of the Trucean Throne, because he was the older brother, and by tradition, the heir to the throne. But his fatherīs testament, the throne was given to Fence. Elsen believes that it is a fake testament, made by the lords loyal to Fence. After the war whit the Alagira Emirate started, Elsen became more worried about Truce is future, than "his" throne, so he is currently in Choras trying to convince the senate to help Truce in the upcoming war.

Full Name: Bork
Age: 27
Species: Human
Home Time: 8000 BC
Home Area: Central Zenan, Zenan
Profession: Mason
Weapon Type: Hammer
Magical Element: Fire
Breaker (Lessen enemy defense)
Stunner (Deals more damage, and stun an enemy)
Fire Rage (Rises Attack)*
Fire 2*
Double Strike (Double attack whit hammer)*
Crater (A hole in the floor trows magma)*
History: Bork is a builder in the great town of Zenan. After the earthquake he has been trying to reconstruct Zenan and searching for the earquakeīs cause, he thinks someone made it. He believes that a Shaman of the northern town of Hanwak, made it, because of the hate this town has against Zenan.
Full Name: Doln Evain
Age: 15
Species: Human
Home Time: 1900 AD
Home Area: Medina, Medina
Profession: Thief
Weapon Type: Daggers
Magical Element: Shadow
Steal (Steal a treasure from the enemy)
Fire Trap (A fire attack to an enemy)
Shadow (Shadow Bomb)*
Stroke (Attacks and Lessen Defense)*
Fast Steal (Steal a treasure from an enemy, more chances)*
Shadow 2 (Dark Mist)*
Knife Slice*
Dark Matter*
History: Abandoned by his mother, he was rised by a poor mystic family in Medina, since a kid he has been stealing
to survive. He hates the GUHN, because of their rascist laws agains mystics. He frequently infiltrates the GUHN to steal weapons of technology that could help Medina to break the GUHN.
Full Name: Helen Inaer
Age: 24
Species: Human
Home Time: 1 BC
Home Area: Choras, Choras
Profession: Senator
Weapon Type: Rods
Magical Element: Light
Slow (Slows an Enemy)
Light 2*
Cure 2*
Life 2*
History: Daughter of an important senator of the Choras Republic. She choose the same path that her father and
became the first woman senator. She has been trying to make Choras joins the war agains Alagira. Because the senate donīt want to enter the war. She has been working secretly whit Trucean people giving them weapons to fight the Emirate.
* The tech can be only learn after speaking to spekkio
If there is something that is wrong (In the History) please let me know. Also there are a lot of thins that arenīt completed, i will update them when i complete them.
The Graphics will be like the CT ones, a lot of new tilesets and sprites have to be created so, if anyone wants to help in this area, (or in any other area, especialy Ruby language scripting) send me a PM.
The music will be triggerīs and maybe some cross music too.
Sugestions, Critics and insults are welcome.
PD: English its not my language so there may be some gramatic or orthographic errors.