You see this?

Use it.
Even better

You copied me, damnit!
But he is right, please do it. First of all, it won't uh...clog up the server so much...(thank God n00bs aren't so bright! Did I just say n00b? Gargh). The Modify button let's you edit (To modify or adapt so as to make suitable or acceptable) your first post, as to not double (Twice as much in size, strength, number, or amount) post.
Well, try to think of it this why Fleshy, would YOU like someone who entered your town, ripped up all the livestock, consumed all the vegetation, and raped every man, woman and child? Think of it that way, and you will realize why we aren't particularly fond of Matt (try and create the link).
And another thing, DOING THIS ALL THE TIME isn't part of forum ettiquette. Even Maddox says it sucks.