This is the final list for the Dropdown combo box for hit effect.
0 - Nothing
1 - Nothing
2 - Randomly inflicts Stop
3 - Randomly inflicts Poison
4 - Randomly inflicts Slow
5 - Causes HP Leak
6 - Randomly inflicts Lock
7 - Randomly inflicts Confuse
8 - Randomly inflicts Sleep
9 - Randomly inflicts Blind
10 - Absorbs your HP
11 - Nothing
12 - Nothing
13 - Takes all your HP
14 - Absorbs your MP
15 - Absorbs more of your HP
16 - Brings you down to 1 HP
17 - Gives you all it's HP
18 - Takes half of your HP
19 - Deals more damage
20 - Deals even more damage
21 - Absorbs a little of your HP
22 - Deals more damage than usual
Stuff like Ruminator's ability to kill you with one hit, and Nu's drop you down to 1 hp effects. Everything after these are glitches I've found.
So far so good, dropdown for that is done, and the dropdowns for the items in the enemy rewards tab has been finished as well.

Now on to Playable Character Stat editing...