Author Topic: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread  (Read 18444 times)


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #60 on: December 15, 2006, 08:34:27 pm »
Yeah, that's a problem. We can always switch up names. I think it'll go through more revisions anyway when Maelstrom / Cyber / whoever else start working on the actual difficulty curve of the game after the events / locations are finished.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2006, 08:39:36 am »
Here's some suggestions for the ultimate armors. According to the CT Editor Companion, two elemental protections + status protection + stat bonuses is the most one armor can have. So:

Highest def - ArayaShiki
High def, status protection - PrismGuard
Medium def, Lightning/Shadow protection - Vitruvian
Very low def, Fire/Water protection, status protection: Stunt Suit

Then somewhere in between these ultimate armors, the ultimate specific armors:

Female - Camilline
Robo - ZerothGear
Ayla - ForestLion / Lion Head and or (?) StellaLion (or SolarLion?) / Lion Crown
Magus - CrimseHood / GoldenMask

I think JeetKuneDo should be a normal armor and Funnel X17 a normal Robo-specific helmet. The Lee Band could be an accessory since the Bandanna is one. I'd remove the other stuff altogether (Scythian, Electra, Madscience, CyrusPlate and Oneiros), because I believe it's quite apparent that we came up with these names only because we needed to "fill the slots". In the case of the CyrusPlate, this is because Glenn has already so much screentime and importance in the game that it's not necessary; moreover, he'd be the only character to have a complete set totally unique to himself with this equipments: upgraded Masamune, Oneiros, CyrusPlate, and Hero Medal (even Magus and Ayla have no specific accessory, at least).

Of course, I don't want to coerce anything, so everybody feel free to comment, critic, oppose, veto, etc.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #62 on: December 16, 2006, 11:57:14 am »
Damn, and the quest to get the Cyrusplate was a touching one too. :(


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2006, 01:58:17 pm »
He made some touching farewell in CT already. I think it would be kind of "too easy" to make him reappear and say something like "hello Glenn, that was a joke: I'm still hanging around here as a ghost actually! So how's it going since last time?". Also, Cyrus' armor has no logical reason to be more useful and resistant than what the party can already have (considering Magus easily defeated him 10 years before CT).

Daniel Krispin

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2006, 08:27:46 pm »
It's good to be getting some harsh criticsm on these. That always bodes well.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #65 on: December 19, 2006, 02:21:30 pm »
He made some touching farewell in CT already. I think it would be kind of "too easy" to make him reappear and say something like "hello Glenn, that was a joke: I'm still hanging around here as a ghost actually! So how's it going since last time?". Also, Cyrus' armor has no logical reason to be more useful and resistant than what the party can already have (considering Magus easily defeated him 10 years before CT).

Ah but the Cyrus armor is enhanced by Cyrus's willpower and tenacity. Being a spirit he was able to imbue the armor with durability.

Also the "black box" clause what's the difference between a kali blade and a shiva blade, time. So if you receive the Cyrus plate in 1999AD there is no reason to not believe the armor would be more powerful.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2006, 02:56:40 pm »
There would still be the Glenn favoritism issue. He just has so much dialogues, scenes, and with this he'd have a unique equipment set. There would also still be the problem of how to obtain the armor: Cyrus' ghost made his final farewells in CT in a sidequest, so making his ghost return again in another sidequest in this sequel would result in the very same scene, albeit recycled with an armor instead of the Masamune II. And without this ghost, the other way to get the armor would be to dig up his tomb... an act which doesn't fit Glenn's sense of honor, in my opinion.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #67 on: December 19, 2006, 03:30:13 pm »
There would still be the Glenn favoritism issue. He just has so much dialogues, scenes, and with this he'd have a unique equipment set. There would also still be the problem of how to obtain the armor: Cyrus' ghost made his final farewells in CT in a sidequest, so making his ghost return again in another sidequest in this sequel would result in the very same scene, albeit recycled with an armor instead of the Masamune II. And without this ghost, the other way to get the armor would be to dig up his tomb... an act which doesn't fit Glenn's sense of honor, in my opinion.

What if Glenn used the TDC to speak with Cyrus instead? That would make it much different from the original Cyrus speech. We could make Cyrus believe it was a dream. The two could talk about the future. Glenn could tell him to not go to Denderino Mountain because he would die, but Cyrus says that if Fate says he is to die, then he must face Fate head on. Suddenly, they hear younger Glenn coming so our Glenn decides to leave. Cyrus could give him an acessory instead, so everyone could use it. Call it the MiracleBand or something. There, no more Glenn favortism. Now it's just another character sidequest.


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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #68 on: December 19, 2006, 08:07:06 pm »
Well another idea (if the Cyrus idea were dropped)
would be to have him win his ultimate equipment from boss fights

we could have Glenn win "Serran Mantle" from a fight with Serran a helmet called the "Grand Lion" won from the coliseum. The possibilities were endless, we could even have the best equipment boss fights be in the Glenn optional quest towards the end of the game.

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #69 on: July 17, 2008, 11:09:27 pm »
After a few years it is time to put these in!  I'm out for the weekend but something someone can do that would help tremendously is out the weapons in order of damage magnitude like level one weapons followed by the characters. Also for each weapon out whether it should be in a shop or a treasure chest or other?

Zeality you mentioned a couple
Pages back you had made a wiki page I don't suppose that is backed up somewhere?  If so can you move it to ce/items?



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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #70 on: July 17, 2008, 11:16:37 pm »
Zeality uploaded a backup of the CE miniwiki over in the plot thread.

Some of the later chapters might not fit due to plot changes.

Agent 12

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #71 on: July 17, 2008, 11:39:06 pm »
Ok the plot might not be right but the weapons and armor should be the same pretty much so we can Port that over. Sorry about bad grammer in my previous post my phone picks out instead of put.



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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #72 on: July 18, 2008, 12:07:34 am »
Ok the plot might not be right but the weapons and armor should be the same pretty much so we can Port that over. Sorry about bad grammer in my previous post my phone picks out instead of put.


Say, what phone are you using?

Agent 12

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Re: The Amalgamated Weapons, Techs, Items, and Enemies Thread
« Reply #73 on: July 18, 2008, 12:44:04 am »
Blackberry pearl I don't like touching my screen so iphone is not for me I love my blackberry though.
