Okay...how about this:
Finish off Dalton
You must go through an icy lake dungeon. Magus must attend. They find Dalton in a cove, and locate Zeal ruins. He notes that he has finally completed his machine to guarantee him immortality by taking him to a strange and interesting place. Magus notes that he can't let Dalton do that, and Dalton calls him out concerning moral ambiguity. Dalton asks him what the difference is between his carving out an empire and the cavorting around time Magus has done. He then insults Magus's sister, and Magus battles him. After killing him, they call Belthasar and ask how the future has been changed. Belthasar notes that it hasn't been changed at all. Magus pauses for a second. This is a major step into his change to the Magil archetype, in which Magus is a cool guy.
Requirements: Magus must be in the party to get into the dungeon
Availible: The Fated Hour
Defeat Serran, Help Warriors
In 602 A.D., they hear that the Mystic Warriors grew tired of reigning over Medina and left. They succeeded in getting the Mystics not to venerate Porre, though. They say the Mystic Warriors went to Serran's fort. There, the party find anachronistic monsters and become concerned. They find the Warriors at the head of the fort again; the warriors note that they uncovered information on Magus's old summoning spells, and are attempting to summon a mighty monster for kicks. Belthasar phones in and notes that they're somehow routing monsters from time through the End of Time. They note that they found Serran and locked him up, and that he's mentally unstable. They succeed in summoning something fierce (cue cameo from another RPG), and at the end, the warriors are sucked back through the portal. The chaos frees Serran, who reveals he has been abandoned by King Zeal, and might be able to curry his favor if he can kill the party. They end Serran once and for all.
Requirements: None
Availible: The Fated Hour
Find the Guardia Heirlooms
King Guardia XIII's will is found; it tells Marle to locate the mythic weapons that were used to found Guardia. They should be located in a mountain complex behind the castle. Only royalty are allowed to access the mountain, famously treacherous for cliffs and accessible only through a canyon behind the castle. They enter and find the Zelda spoof dungeon. They locate the items, but the spirit of a dead Guardia knight, ca. 381 A.D. He tells them some story, and notes that he'll test them to see if the Guardia royalty are still worthy of wielding these weapons. They succeed, so they get the PaxGuardia (Frog), Naveed (Marle), and his own sword Geistrand (Crono).
Requirements: Marle is in the party
Availible: The Fated Hour
Stop the Porre Lab
In 1002 A.D., Toma XIII has gone missing. The party search at the sealed pyramid and find the door to something. However, they can't open it, and Ash it worried about Toma; Belthasar suggests finding the original Toma. They bring him to 1002 A.D., and he opens it up. They enter and go down a few hallways to find a Porre lab conducting experiments on Mystics. The lead researchers are Luccia's parents; she's there as a kid. ANyway, they'r etrying to infuse humans with magic, and create monstrosities as a result. Toma attempts to bust out his descendant as the party fight some of their creations. They eventually find Luccia and her parents, who confirm that these ruins belonged to some weird civilization. The boss comes out and tramples her parents. They defeat the baddie, and her parents tell her to finish their research and complete a cyborg before they die. The party set bombs to demolish the place to limit knowledge of Zeal. They take her outside with the Tomas, who have an interesting scene together. William Ishito shows up and remarks that Porre might form a Black Wind unit to replace the losses there, and that he'll join it to make sure things don't get out of hand. His 6 year old brother Norris is with him and notes that he'll join to, as he wants to be a hero. Ishito shrugs it off, and Toma goes to check out his museum before returning to 602 A.D.
Requirements: Find Toma in 602 A.D.
Availible: The Fated Hour
Lucca's Orphanage
Lucca starts an orphanage. You find a kid in Millenial fair and talk to him. After this is triggered if you go to Guardia forest you see him being attacked. You talk to him and realize he has no parents, and Lucca takes him in. Now the sprite is loaded in Lucca's room.
Requirements: Lucca is in the party
Available: Any time after Frog is recruited
Repairing Atropos
To repair Atropos, the heroes must go...shopping at a mall in the future. It will be tiled by the Blackbird. At this mall, certain items can be traded for. Johnny runs his own speeder and electronics shop, but only preferred customers are allowed in. One of his gyro's is also out of whack, sidelining him for the time being. The party first must find a member's card to get in his store. The party search around and find a media store dealer, who laments that the fashion woman dealer isn't returning his last copy of Weekend at Chronie's. They try to persuade her; she remarks that she'll exchange it if they can get her some interesting, ancient clothes she can start a line with. They go back to 11998 and find a Zealian man willing to part with his clothes. As they receive them, he immediately turns into an Earthbound villager, saying "What the!? I grew a beard!?" The fashionista is overjoyed to get the clothes, and returns the tape. They get the member's card, and enter. Johnny notes that they obviously aren't the owners of that card, and have to race him to be able to buy anything just like everyone else. But first, he needs a new gyrometer.
They ask the mechanic for one; he lets them buy it for 10000g, but will also take a nice first-generation electronic antique if they can find one. If the party opts for this, they return to 1002 A.D., and try to steal a radio out of the Porre storehouse. Guards find them. They reason that maybe Ishito can get one. The screen goes black and they're off to the side of the storehouse with Ishito. They send him over and he has to ask three questions about Porre to confirm he's not a spy. If he screws up, they have to pay the 10,000. They go back and race Johnny. Johnny notes afterwards that he can get the part for Atropos from his shady robot suppliers in northern Zenan, but he needs a favor. The jewelry dealer has held up a large shipment of performance enhancing chips for racing smuggled inside earrings and assorted jewelry; they're usually outlawed through trade embargo. He needs to unload those fast or his suppliers will get angry. They talk to the jeweler, who offers it to them if they can find unique jewelry. Back in prehistory, they confront the trader guy, who says he'll make them a damn necklace if they get the materials. After going to the hunting range, they get the necklace, take it to the jewelry lady, and give Johnny the shipment of chips. He finally gives them the Atropos piece. Restored to full capacity, she finishes Robo's new Crisis arm.
Requirements: None
Available: After the Reptite timeline is finished
Find Agent
Belthasar keeps a datacube of timeline data in prehistory just in case the future were to be adversely affected or changed. He sent an agent back to retrieve it, as since Gaspar is at the End of Time again, he'd rather store it there. However, the agent was lost with the cube, and the party must find him. They first search a river, finding him and a prehistoric woman surrounded by winged apes. He notes that they're strongly attracted to the object. They finish the apes off, but meanwhile the agent has continued running. They venture to Singing Mountain and find him on the vista. They defeat more apes and an ape boss. He notes he fell in love with this woman, and wants to stay with her. belthasar reluctantly calls in and tells him that she would have died from the apes if he hadn't saved her, and that she needs to be removed from the timeline anyhow -- meaning he can return to the future with her.
Requirements: None
Available: The Fated Hour