A short question: Can you make it possible to change them ingame, like the different windows you can chose in the options of CT? Like maybe one red, one blue or black etc.. Would be cool.
You mean change each window to be a different graphic theme? If that's what you mean, it probably wouldn't be worth the effort to do so (serious recoding of the window drawing routines O_o ).
If you mean something else, I'm sorry and I'd need you to elaborate, or give a good example of it.
I'm able to add in every one of your guys' spell requests for King Zeal. I can add in a textbox for each spell, but I would need the string number for them. Or you guys can give the spells some new names in TF. Heck, after I do this AI, I could even find the palette for some tech graphics and change the colors of them using snespal, so the tech of your choice has it's own new color and name.
OK, Great job on the King Zeal sprite! If I have him do a physical attack, it will be like Queen Zeal's kissing attack, I'm not sure how to change each enemie's physical attack yet (possibly an unknown in Chrono Tweaker or Blitzkrieg's editor).
I'm still working on the AI, I started out good, and learned that the pointers only go so far, so I had to find some free space nearby.
I hereby claim CFC74 for King Zeal's AI data.
His data will be at CFC74
His AI pointer is at 0C8B52 - changed from FA 93 (Zeal's original AI, still there for later use) to 74 FC
I posted this here so I can come back and fix things if something goes awry (I doubt it, nyuck nyuck nyuck), and so others can see the script isolated in the ROM and maybe tweak it later on down the road if they so wish. And so everyone knows what is being changed for the list of changes.
I think once we release CE, we should release the list of changes too, the list would contain every memory value and ROM address change. Once they are done playing our modification, they can look in this huge log of changes, and see what was done where, and how it was done, encouraging them to start one themselves. TF edits don't need to be in the log or anything, since they can open it up in TF and see what's going on, but memory addresses and tricks (like scroll mask manipulation) can be written down for them. Another thought to toss around, something to do after we are pretty close to complete.