Author Topic: Want a new Chrono game?  (Read 111312 times)

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2008, 06:43:04 pm »
You know, I've always had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that Square Enix is intentionally stalling on a new Chrono game.  Obviously they have their eyes on us, the fan community.  They are constantly watching us and if something gets out of line (in their eyes), such as both Chrono Trigger 3-D remakes, they shut it down.

So that much we know: Squeenix is watching us.

But we're a very fervent and sometimes aggressive crowd, and we are (for the most part) extremely protective over all things Chrono.  I wonder if good ol' Square Enix hasn't been hesitant simply afraid to create something that would anger us (the buyers, the money spenders).

But most importantly we're so fervent in our passions for Chrono that we have reached the point where we ENTERTAIN ourselves.  Not only are we beyond fan art and fan fiction, but we are in the midst or creating our own Chrono games.  If we are capable of entertaining ourselves, why would Square Enix feel the need to make another game?

Not saying that any of the above is true, but it's all things that have passed through my mind.


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2008, 07:02:06 pm »
Their eyes were shifted to those because they were 3D remakes of one of their games...if it had been a fan 3D remake of FFIV instead the same thing would have happened. I think the stall is simply because the team has been busy with other stuff.


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2008, 08:29:15 pm »
Alright, on paper this sounded utterly retarded, but what if... What if SE knows about the Compendium? And what if one of our members is actually one of their moles!? Reading what boo wrote, I can only think that one of us might be one of Square's spies.



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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #78 on: May 26, 2008, 09:55:21 pm »
Square may have already lost a significant amount of profit by fibrillating on a Virtual Console release of Chrono Trigger, because fans have now managed to distribute it via Virtual Console for free. I'll not provide a link, just in case there be a spy among us. *looks around suspiciously*

Even though the Chrono fan community has gained the skills necessary for entertaining ourselves as Boo has pointed out, I imagine that a new Chrono story by Masato Kato would still grab our collective attention, especially since Kato tends to "up the ante" instead of rehashing old material and characters.

Hey, remember when everyone said that Final Fantasy XI was preventing us from seeing a new Chrono because it sucked up much of the talent that otherwise could have been employed in producing Chrono Break? Well, guess what:

Though I haven't a clue as to who will be involved in that other than Hiromichi Tanaka, so I'm unsure how this will impact the probability of seeing a new "official" Chrono.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2008, 10:00:18 pm by FaustWolf »


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2008, 10:01:11 pm »
Hey, remember when everyone said that Final Fantasy XI was preventing us from seeing a new Chrono because it sucked up much of the talent that otherwise could have been employed in producing Chrono Break? Well, guess what:

Uh, that's Infinite Undiscovery...and what did FFXI have to do w/the Chrono team???


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2008, 11:03:38 pm »
So do you guys think they will come out with a remake or a new game altogether when the time comes?


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2008, 12:50:34 am »
I think it's a totally separate project from Infinite Undiscovery -- ID is a single-player game, whereas the one Tanaka talks about is a MMORPG, unless it changed into ID during its development? There's separate Wikipedia articles for each game too.

The best evidence I can readily find regarding FFXI's influence on the Chrono franchise is this quote from Richard Honeywood:
Final Fantasy XI is pretty much it for a while. We still have a lot of possible expansion packs we could do, and plenty of support to give. As far as Chrono is concerned, that's huge; but we can't do two or three things at the same time, and it's tough to do FFXI and another Chrono game at the same time or too close together. We'd love to do one though, but yeah, not yet. (2003-05-14).

That's from the Chrono Break Wikipedia article. If members of the "Dream Team" who were tied up by FFXI also get tied up in this new MMORPG, it's good bye Chrono for the time being, again. Hopefully I'm wrong on that, and hopefully this doesn't answer brifye's question above.


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #82 on: May 28, 2008, 12:44:18 am »
I love my nostalgic games, but I need to see more games that will give me that special feeling. So far I have not came across anything yet. I'm so hating the New Final Fantasy Games so Square needs to deliver with a new Chrono Game!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #83 on: May 28, 2008, 02:18:05 pm »
or the RPG in question is 'Rapture'.


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #84 on: May 28, 2008, 02:52:27 pm »
That's the codename under which it's being developed, at least. I have no clue if that's the name they'll finally go with (or if it's been made the official name already). I just worry that it's going to suck away resources right at the time that Kato and Mitsuda are getting back together for World Destruction -- though that's admittedly being developed by Sega and not Square Enix, it shows that Kato and Mitsuda still have a strong working relationship, and might both be hired again to work on another Chrono if only Square had the wherewithal to undertake the project.

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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2008, 07:49:59 pm »
Better than nothing, right?

Yeah, but not better than Baten Kaitos...

You are officially awesome now.


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #86 on: October 10, 2008, 05:18:29 pm »
Somebody want another game? PM me to become arbiter of a summarized game idea involving Magus, and events proceeding CC. Maybe someone will take it into consideration, and won't end up like me; Forever Zero. First come first serve- only one person gets this trophy! Call now!

Never mind, I'll post it in the Kajar Laboratories.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 06:25:14 pm by ChronoSuper »


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #87 on: October 15, 2008, 09:10:31 pm »
Hey all,

I'm new to this forum but have been a loooong time chrono fan. First of all, I'd like thank Zeality et al for such a great site...very complete and well laid out :)

I'd love to see a new game out, but I wan't too optimistic until I saw the CT-DS game coming out this November. Made me wonder why, of all the hit games Squaresoft had to choose from, did they remake this and not, say another FF game (the DS is powerful enough to pull this why not?). In addition, the kids that play DS were probably not old enough to know CT from the SNES, so why re-introduce it with all the work that goes into porting a game (especially to a more eye-candy intensive generation)? It's almost like if there were a port of "Kid Icarus" for the would make you wonder.

My guess is that they are gauging interest in CT not just from us stalwarts, but also from new, younger gamers. If the game's sales beats their markeing expectations, I'd expect Chrono Break to be slated for production once Square-Enix has the resources in place to do it (Kato being the primary creative necessity). buy buy as many copies as you can! ;-P

Anyway, here's to being hopeful of a new game in this great series...I just hope the plot is a little less complicated and better paced than CC (although I still liked that one too).


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #88 on: October 26, 2008, 07:50:22 am »
Hey all,

I'm new to this forum but have been a loooong time chrono fan. First of all, I'd like thank Zeality et al for such a great site...very complete and well laid out :)

I'd love to see a new game out, but I wan't too optimistic until I saw the CT-DS game coming out this November. Made me wonder why, of all the hit games Squaresoft had to choose from, did they remake this and not, say another FF game (the DS is powerful enough to pull this why not?). In addition, the kids that play DS were probably not old enough to know CT from the SNES, so why re-introduce it with all the work that goes into porting a game (especially to a more eye-candy intensive generation)? It's almost like if there were a port of "Kid Icarus" for the would make you wonder.

My guess is that they are gauging interest in CT not just from us stalwarts, but also from new, younger gamers. If the game's sales beats their markeing expectations, I'd expect Chrono Break to be slated for production once Square-Enix has the resources in place to do it (Kato being the primary creative necessity). buy buy as many copies as you can! ;-P

Anyway, here's to being hopeful of a new game in this great series...I just hope the plot is a little less complicated and better paced than CC (although I still liked that one too).

I agree with this. Please try to make people buy this game as much as possible. We need it to be a great success for Squeenix to considerate worth another sequel. If this game fails to meet their expectations, you can pretty much say goodbye to the franchise forever :(


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Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« Reply #89 on: December 01, 2008, 07:16:49 pm »

Sample 1 USA Letters

Dear Square Enix,

I am a fan of the Chrono series, which includes the games Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. I very much enjoyed these titles, and am part of a large community of fans who share in my experiences. I am writing you to express my desire for a new Chrono game, and my full support in purchasing a new title. The series is unique, engaging, and very fun, and I would be overjoyed to see a new addition to its already outstanding lineup of games.



I remember this!! The old letter I created and had translated to Japanese on the same paper that I sent to SE. Good to see it is posted here for others to use as well. Though over many months old since a new reply, the truth comes down to this. In all honesty, the harder us fans push for such an action, the increased chance we have to obtain a response - especially coming from overseas.

We have so much to gain and so little to lose.