I like this version MUCH better ( Where is the lower staircase? )
Still there, just behind the door. ^^
don't know if ya can but i saw tree's in the windows, just thought it might give the tower more character if it had clouds in it's windows. just come feed back, great job you guys (and girls?) i cant wait to see what the Crisis team will do next.
The windows aren't done yet, and the mountainous backgrounds on his room map are just temporary.
The walls look good but I believe the floor can be improved... The fact that there's no shadow under the objects makes it a bit strange-looking.
Also, I think there's a visible discrepancy between the angles of the room, the objects and the character. It's noticeable if you compare the plant pot with the dustbin, or the character with the desk (the desk on the bottom right side seems very inclined, not horizontal). The painting easel too seems differently inclined than the rest of the tower's item.
Overall the tile is still very good though, and its greatest quality is that it's original (it is right?). I'm sure it will still be improved.
The floor's still a work in progress, Val's in the process of adding shading and light effects (Most of the objects such as the desk DO have shading under them, it's just a little hard to see.) We'll also be making it look more reflective and metallic.
Right now Validus only has access to Microsoft Paint, and everything you see's been done in that. (Yes it's original XD) The plant's angle I had not noticed... I'll definately get Validus to fix that up. As for the desk, I really don't see what you mean about it looking inclined.