Author Topic: Known Bugs & Beta Testing  (Read 59304 times)


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #150 on: August 19, 2008, 07:46:38 am »
* Magus new tech "Double Tab" still has the old description
* The Guards in front of the Courtroom still say their CT line
* Can't enter the left house of Porre(During the chapter "The Darkness of Noon" at least)
* Truce: The house to the right of the Wheel is called "Chronopolis" on the worldmap.

Also, how do I beat the chapter "The Darkness of Noon"? I just saw the King dying, and Marle said she wants revenge or something. I thought I should go to Chronopolis, but the Gate at the Fair is off limits...I didn't find any agent who transports me back, too, nor anything else that helps me progress.

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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #151 on: August 19, 2008, 12:02:55 pm »
Go to chronopplis but use the Medina imp gate

whoops ....medina isn't accessible in that chapter....bug fixed in latest version...for now i'm opening up the ferry to medina go to the gate imp house to reach chronopolis.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 03:25:21 am by jsondag2 »


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #152 on: August 20, 2008, 05:39:17 am »
Well, now when I talk to the ferry guy in Truce, the added text appears. After that, instead of actually using the ferry, I get send outside of the ticket office without using the ferry, thus I'm still stuck.


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #153 on: August 20, 2008, 02:45:31 pm »
Me again:

* There is still a problem with clone characters in Chronopolis after changing party members. As example: Magus, Marle, Lucca are in the party, you talk to Robo(below the Mother Brain PC thingy) in order to switch party members. You now exchange anyone for Crono. After you return, you can just walk to the left and see Crono sleeping while he is in your party.
~Note: I know this is a knows issue, just wanted to mention it is still there.

* Not really a bug, and it doesn't really belong here, but I wanted to mention it before I forget: Glenn's weapon "Stinger" only costs 2 GP in a shop(for example Shopping Mall near Chronopolis)

* Dark Ages: If you enter the lower House of the mist Village(the one near the Beast Forest), you characters disappear inside the hut. If you walk north, the screen becomes stuck and you can't walk back and leave anymore(which you could if you just pressed down after entering the hut).

* Magus "Steal" ability has Water attribute(the tech it replaces was Ice 2). While this is nothing major and you only notice it if you use it against a Golem(Copy Ability), I thought it was still worth mentioning.

* When you search for the Porre Lab and need to get Toma from 602 A.D. after you went to the former blue Pyramid in 1002 A.D.(where the Lab is located), nothing happens when you talk to him in the San Dorino Inn except him talking about his Denadoro Mtn. climb... What do I have to do to go on?

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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #154 on: August 20, 2008, 02:56:43 pm »
About the lab did you already return the masamune?  You have to get it from ozzie and take it to beast forest then go to the pyramid then get toma from 602


EDIT:  I wanted to clarify that even if you didn't do the above steps it doesn't mean it doesn't not a bug definitely report issues like this.  We need to make sure that the steps are clear or atleast easily identified. 
If you did do the above steps and still can't move on it's a much bigger problem :)

« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 03:56:51 pm by jsondag2 »


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #155 on: August 20, 2008, 07:59:16 pm »
I already did both(get Masamune from Ozzie and bring it to the Beast Forest), because that's what I think Belthasar told me before telling me to find and stop the Porre Lap. After that I went to 1002 A.D. Medina, where it was mentioned to get the 602 A.D. Toma, where I am stuck.

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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #156 on: August 20, 2008, 08:39:51 pm »
I already did both(get Masamune from Ozzie and bring it to the Beast Forest), because that's what I think Belthasar told me before telling me to find and stop the Porre Lap. After that I went to 1002 A.D. Medina, where it was mentioned to get the 602 A.D. Toma, where I am stuck.

Hm....I'm not able to repro this. 

OK:  When you talk to Hutch he should say:

HUTCH:  Toma dissapeared!  I dont know{line break}
where he went but I'm pretty sure he{line break}
was onto something here.  If only I{line break}
think like him!{null}

And then if it happens to be your first time talking to him the party should discuss bringing toma from 602 there.
This also sets the storyline to 94

Now if you talk to Toma:
If storyline >= 95 toma becomes hidden

If storyline == 94 he should say

TOMA:  Travel through time?  Haha have{line break}
you had more to drink than I have!{null}
(joins party)

If storyline >= 93 he should say

I just got off an expedition of the{line break}
Denandoro Mountains.  I've heard{line break}
rumors of a legendary sword being{line break}
found there but all I got was a whelt{page break}
from some jerk throwing rocks at me.{null}

Hm....because toma IS there and is saying that line the storyline MUST = 93...if it was less than 93 he wouldn't be there, if it was 94 he'd join your party and if it was >= 95 he would be hidden.  So if you talk to hutch and the storyline is 93 he should say the toma is missing line and advance the plot to 94 triggering the toma event.....the only thing i can think of is somehow the storyline is being sent to 94....then something happens and it gets reverted to 93 again. 

Can you try one more time to

a) talk to hutch
b) confirm he is saing the toma is missing line
c) go directly to 602 AD and talk to toma see if he joins you.

If that works can you try to remember if you are did anything between those steps....maybe I am inadvertantly setting storyline by talking to belthasar or something.....or worse there is old original chrono trigger code reverting the storyline variable back.


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #157 on: August 21, 2008, 02:37:55 am »
I'll update the first post in this thread here but I wanted to let you guys know that I have set up a quick "bug submission" form.  I'll probably be updating it throughout the days but I wanted a way to quickly get a grasp of bugs per chapter/total/of a certain type.    If possible I would prefer if for now you post in the forum and submit a bug but....i guess if you really don't want to do that you can put it here and i'll transfer it over.  Once round 2 is over I'm going to work on sidequest and such and I want people to go bug CraZY.  I'm talking every single possible complaint you can think of.  From crono's foot being behind a tile to not being centered after going through an exit.

I would LIKE to have 500 bugs reported and fixed before actual release (still awhile away) we'll probably need more than cyber reporting bugs haha.  I have a feeling he's going to be pretty busy helping me tweak enemies/armor even further anyways.


PS:  I know it's a horrible site i promise I can do better....


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #158 on: August 21, 2008, 06:12:43 am »
The Toma thingy worked fine after trying it again, so hopefully it was a mistake of mine.

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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #159 on: August 21, 2008, 12:36:24 pm »
Fixed the bug blocking you from the once more onto the breach in the latest patch.


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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #160 on: August 22, 2008, 04:42:43 am »
Cyber it seems like you may have started doing another run through (i'm guessing cause of the bug with golem you mentioned).  Would it be possible for you to jot down when/where equpment becomes available to you?  Weapons/armor/accessories.  I want to have a double check of the list I'm creating here:

i understand that you probably started a second run while you were blocked cause of bugs so now you are gong back to run 1 but I just wanted to give you a heads up.  Something were definitely lacking is accessories throughout the game so it might be something you want to think about while making a second run.  I think the only accessory i added was what you get based on your decision with the porre/mystic conflict.

Another thing you're pretty good at reminding me to do is adding tabs in chapters so that's another thing you may want to mention (if you feel like you are going to long w/o some sort of tab jot it down).

I guess let me know when you want to do run 2 and I'll try to think of things to be on the lookout for.



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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #161 on: August 24, 2008, 01:03:23 am »
What kind of bugs fall under "Dialogue"?

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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #162 on: August 24, 2008, 03:14:52 am »
Hm good point.  If it's dialogue after chapter 5 we'll wait for Zeality to get done with making it.  I'll add a dialogue section later for chapters before that. 



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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #163 on: August 24, 2008, 11:45:21 am »
During the Dalton Chapter, maybe hint that Dalton build something in the West(maybe the elder says this, being wise and stuff).


The teleporter Dalton uses after being defeated doesn't work. Is this a bug or aren't you supposed to follow him? I didn't read the dialog, so I'm not sure if he told me what to do...
Somehow I'm always stuck...

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Re: Known Bugs & Beta Testing
« Reply #164 on: August 24, 2008, 02:26:02 pm »
I should make that teleporter active that's much better than having them backtrack through that dungeon.  I think right now the dialogue tells to go back to last village and the villagers tell you that they saw a guy near north cape. 
