Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis > Reality, Real-World Connections, and the Supernatural

Porre = Nazi Germany?

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Glensather Galanodel:
I just thought of a way that Porre could both rise quickly, and why they're so militaristic in Chrono Cross.

Forgive me if this has been addressed before.

If you look around Termina in CC, you notice that the Porre flag is at once everyone, as are its men. This is reminiscent of a martialed town, but if you look at the flags, then they kind of look like a swastika if you cut off two of the "legs". Kinda like Nazi's, yeah?

Anyway, a theory about Porre, which I came up while looking at this, suggests that they also rose to power quickly because a militaristic, idealistic man rose up and began to lead Porre on the fast track to militarism. The leader rallied the citizens and soldiers behind a common cause (possibly saying that any and all hardships suffered by them was because of Guardia and its evil might), and used that to build the citizens' loyalty to him. He then mobilized the country, sending people to both El Nido and Fiona's Forest for raw materials. Like the Nazis, he hid a rapidly growing army behind "gun clubs" (since Porreans were "above" swords), "science clubs," (labs hidden in the best spot: out in the open, developing new technology rapidly), and so forth.

It took Nazi Germany about 8 years, plus or minus a few, to grow as big as it did behind Hitler. By comparison, we could say that due to the accelerated rate of everything in the Chrono world, it would take about 4 years for Porre to become the power like it did. Following its amazing power growth, it then proceeded to take over Zenan, most likely starting with Guardia first. Using technology both researched and reverse-engineered or simply used from El Nido, they would quickly take over, using a uniformly advanced army/navy and possibly even Air Force.

So... thoughts?

Then guardia would be Poland? It's to much spekulation I think. The symbol on the nazi flag was simple the symbol for(not sure) temple or something. If Square/Enix designed Porre like Germany back then, there would be massmurdering, an ideology, and all that crap. And important would be, Guardia should have knows what Porre was going to do (like GB, France and all the others knew what Germany is doing). A country quickly gaining power does not mean it must have been Germany, it can be every dictatorship or even democracy.
I don't think so, but a nice idea.

I think you can draw many more parallels between Porre and either the British Empire of the 19th century or Imperial Japan in the early 20th century. Something else worth examining would be Napoleonic France.

Darth Mongoose:
If you reverse a swastica, it becomes the kanji 'ban' (yes, like bankai in the anime Bleach) which, on tourist maps and stuff here in Japan, is used to show a temple. Even knowing this prior to coming, I did a double take the first time I saw a Japanese tourist map that appeared to be covered in Nazi logos!

I don't think Porre is meant to equal any real world thing, perhaps it's influenced by some, but it could well be influenced by the Japanese Imperial Army taking over China and Korea. I don't think even by drawing a paralell, you'll end up understandting the game better.

Porre was a very nationalistic, militaristic and expansionistic state.  Porre may have been authoritarian or fascist, but there is little or no information on its domestic policies.  I think the comparison with Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Soviet Russia or Imperial Japan is apt.

I would say that Guardia was a declining colonial superpower, much like Great Britian.


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