Marbule Gallery - Completed Fan Creations > Retranslation of Chrono Trigger

Name and Ending Policy


For now, let's leave in the original names and honorifics. Though we could elminate them at a later date, we might as well include them along with the original names for the first script. The honorifics convey something that is usually lost on the English side of things. So we'll preferrably have


rather than "the great Janus" appearing all the time. Again, we can change this after the script's done if needed.


Note that Robo has a habit of speaking in katakana, which can make his intended meanings a little difficult to translate.

Which brings up questions like 'Schala/Sara' and 'Mammon Machine/Majinki' and 'Masamune/Grandleon'... What's the general consensus on which names to use?

I suppose we'll leave it as-is for now, with the original names intact. If a ROM is made with the new translation, we can change things for better localization. The current script just aims to break everything down to the barebones original.

Actually, a script with the original names would be hard to read, wouldn't it? Most fans would have no idea what's being spoken of. Alright, how about this: we'll go ahead and leave the original names in now. Once the final translation is done, we can simply do a find & replace on everything to make a second, more readable script. The find & replace shouldn't take any extra work.

Fenris Wolf:
I think this is a good idea.  I think most folks would appreciate the names that came out in the US release.

Is it safe to assume that katakana can be adapted as we translate it?  Like in getting rid of extra U's and I's, or switching R's for L's and so on?

Sure; I don't think any item name really hinges on the Engrish.


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