Author Topic: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project  (Read 54442 times)


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« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2006, 10:18:05 am »
The sprites are different, just the same Textbox(Meaning it's always saying "0F" and showing an animation, starting with 00, 01 and so on)


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« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2006, 11:26:30 am »
Okay, it sure was long but I've finished Robo:

00 - Normal pose
01 - Walks
02 - Walks (2 frames)
03 - Battle stance
04 - Void
05 - Is hit
06 - Runs
07 - Void
08 - Dead, facing right
09 - Surprised
0A - Turns round + win pose
0B - Win pose
0C - Goes from normal pose to battle stance
0D - Void
0E - Stands up while facing up
0F - Void
10 - Hands up
11 - Normal pose
12 - Sat down exhausted
13 - Beats his chest
14 - Void
15 - Bows then raises a hand
16 - Bows
17 - Shakes his head, saying "No"
18 - Void
19 - Holds his head as if cogitating
1A - Laughs
1B - Climbs up
1C - Void
1D - Sat down
1E - Left hand raised
1F - Right hand raised
20 - Both hands raised
21 - Winks
22 - Hands up, in the air with winks and "wagging" body
23 - Blocks an attack
24 - Spins with raised hands
25 - Void
26 - Hands up, in the air
27 - Normal pose
28 - Sat down with empty eyes
29 - Bowed
2A - Empty eyes
2B - Walks while facing up (still frame)
2C - Void
2D - Void
2E - Void
2F - Void
30 - Void
31 - Punches
32 - Punches the ground
33 - Punches harder
34 - Builds up
35 - Leans forward (Robo Tackle animation)
36 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
37 - Void
38 - Hands up then sits down
39 - Opens body
3A - Opened body
3B - Spins holding something on his shoulders (Rocket Roll animation)
3C - Void
3D - Opens his head/mouth while sat down
3E - En garde
3F - Is hit from the right, with no tears in the eyes
40 - Jumps
41 - Jumps (2 frames)
42 - Throws his arm
43 - Sat down with opened head/mouth
44 - Spins in the air with raised hands
45 - Void
46 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
47 - Faces left
48 - Walks left
49 - Walks left (2 frames)
4A - Battle stance
4B - Void
4C - Is hit from the left
4D - Runs left
4E - Void
4F - Dead, facing left
50 - Surprised, facing left
51 - Turns round + win pose
52 - Win pose
53 - Goes from facing left to battle stance
54 - Void
55 - Stands up while facing right
56 - Void
57 - Hands up, facing left
58 - Normal pose
59 - Sat down exhausted, facing left
5A - Beats his chest, facing left
5B - Void
5C - Bows then raises a hand
5D - Bows at the left
5E - Shakes his head, saying "No" at the left
5F - Void
60 - Holds his head as if cogitating, facing left
61 - Laughs at the left
62 - Climbs up
63 - Void
64 - Sat down, facing left
65 - Left hand raised, facing up
66 - Right hand raised, facing up
67 - Both hands raised, facing up
68 - Winks at the left
69 - Hands up, in the air with winks and "wagging" body, facing left
6A - Blocks an attack at the left
6B - Spins with raised hands
6C - Void
6D - Hands up, in the air, facing left
6E - Normal pose
6F - Sat down with empty eyes
70 - Bowed at the left
71 - Faces left with empty eyes
72 - Walks right (still frame)
73 - Void
74 - Void
75 - Void
76 - Void
77 - Void
78 - Punches left
79 - Punches the ground at the left
7A - Is about to punch left (still frame)
7B - Builds up, facing left
7C - Leans forward, facing left (Robo Tackle animation)
7D - Holds something at the left (Max Cyclone still frame)
7E - Void
7F - Sat down, facing left
80 - Battle stance (still frame)
81 - Opened body
82 - Holds something on his head, facing up (Rocket Roll animation)
83 - Void
84 - Sat down, facing left
85 - En garde, facing left
86 - Is hit from the left, with no tears in his eyes
87 - Jump animation without leaving the ground
88 - Jumps (2 frames)
89 - Is about to punch left
8A - Sat down with opened head/mouth
8B - Spins in the air with raised hands
8C - Void
8D - Holds something, facing right (Max Cyclone animation)
8E - Faces right
8F - Walks right (2 frames)
90 - Walks right (2 different frames)
91 - Battle stance, facing right
92 - Void
93 - Is hit from the right
94 - Runs right (still frame)
95 - Void
96 - Dead, facing right
97 - Surprised, facing right
98 - Turns round
99 - Win pose (incomplete animation)
9A - Faces right
9B - Void
9C - Sat down, facing left
9D - Void
9E - Hands up, facing right
9F - Normal pose
A0 - Sat down exhausted, facing right
A1 - Puts his hands on his chest
A2 - Void
A3 - Bows then raises a hand
A4 - Bows at the right
A5 - Looks at his right, facing right
A6 - Void
A7 - Holds his head as if cogitating
A8 - Laughs at the right
A9 - Climbing up (still frame)
AA - Void
AB - Sat down, facing right
AC - Right hand raised
AD - Left hand raised
AE - Both hands raised
AF - Winks at the right
B0 - Hands up, in the air, facing right
B1 - Blocks an attack at the right
B2 - Hands up
B3 - Void
B4 - Hands up, in the air, facing right
B5 - Normal pose
B6 - Sat down with empty eyes
B7 - Bowed at the right
B8 - Faces right with empty eyes
B9 - Walks left (still frame)
BA - Void
BB - Void
BC - Void
BD - Void
BE - Void
BF - Punches right (2 last frames)
C0 - Is about to punch right
C1 - Punches right (3 first frames)
C2 - Builds up (still frame)
C3 - Leans forward, facing right (Robo Tackle animation)
C4 - Spins holding something (Max Cyclone animation)
C5 - Void
C6 - Sat down then hands up, facing right
C7 - En garde with wagging chest
C8 - Opened body
C9 - Spins slowly, holding something on his shoulders (Rocket Roll animation)
CA - Void
CB - Open his head/mouth while sat down, facing right
CC - En garde, facing right
CD - Is hit from the right, with no tears in his eyes
CE - Bowed
CF - Is jumping (still frame)
D0 - Punches right, harder
D1 - Sat down with opened head/mouth
D2 - Hands up, in the air
D3 - Void
D4 - Spins holding something (2 Max Cyclone frames)
D5 - Normal pose
D6 - Walks
D7 - Walks (2 frames)
D8 - Faces left (blinking frame)
D9 - Void
DA - Hands up, in the air, facing left
DB - Runs (2 frames)
DC - Void
DD - Dead, facing right
DE - Surprised, facing right
DF - Win pose
E0 - Blocks an attack, facing up then right
E1 - Is about to walks (still frame)
E2 - Void
E3 - Punches right
E4 - Void
E5 - Punches the ground at the right (still frame)
E6 - Punches the ground, facing up
E7 - Punches (blinking frame)
E8 - Normal pose
E9 - Normal pose
EA - En garde, facing left
EB - Faces down then looks at his right
EC - Faces right, looks at his right then faces down
ED - Void
EE - Holds his head as if cogitating
EF - Laughs
F0 - Climbs up
F1 - Void
F2 - Sat down, facing right
F3 - Void
F4 - Void
F5 - Void
F6 - Normal pose
F7 - Beats his chest, facing right then left
F8 - Is hit from the left
F9 - Faces left
FA - Void
FB - Void
FC - Normal pose
FD - Void
FE - Faces down, looking at his right
FF - Normal pose

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  • Zurvan Surfer (+2500)
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« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2006, 11:42:58 am »
Very, Very nice job



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« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2006, 11:48:42 am »
Yes, definitely!


  • Heir to the Masamune
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« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2006, 12:19:48 pm »
Nice, I think I will finish Magus' during weekend, even without the textbox working...


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Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2006, 12:00:56 pm »
Finished Magus, sry for the typos and bad explanations  :oops:, need to get english pack for word...
"x; down" means he is facing down, sometimes it's also explained in the phrase(blabla looking down)

00 - Normal
01 - Walks;down
02 - Walks (only 2 frames); down
03 - Battle pose ;down
04 - Battle pose(1 frame);down
05 - was hit ;down
06 - Runs ;down
07 - glitchy
08 - died;  right
09 - Surprised ;down
0A - clockwise turn+cape throw(win pose) ;down
0B - cape throw(win pose) ;down
0C - wide cape throw(for a turn around) ;down
0D - glitchy
0E - on floor+standing up; up
0F - glitchy
10 - casting spell pose(hand from head towards enemy);down
11 - casting spell pose(hand towards enemy, 1 frame);down
12 - sits down+breathing;down
13 - normal;down
14 - normal;down
15 - Dance(hand up and down);down
16 - saying yes(head up and down);down
17 - Shaking head; down
18 - glitchy
19 - laughing(1 frame);down
1A - Laughing;down
1B - Climbs ladder;
1C - glitchy
1D - on floor(no breathing, 1 frame);down
1E - His left hand up; down
1F - his right hand up; down
20 - Both hands up; down
21 - eyes opening&closing;down
22 - cast pose(ice 2), cape flying to his left& his right arm pointing down;down
23 - closed cape ;down
24 - Spining
25 - glitchy
26 - in air hovering;down
27 - Normal
28 - sleeping pose(just head)
29 - looking towards ground;down
2A - normal
2B - Walk(1 frame); up
2C - glitchy
2D - glitchy
2E - glitchy
2F - glitchy   
30 - glitchy
31 - using scyte(none battle);down
32 - glitchy
33 - scyte+spin
34 - scyte+spin(moving slightly up and down)
35 - scyte+spin
36 - spell casting(moving both hand + "talking", looking on ground);down
37 - spell casting(same as aboth just lesser frames);down
38 - puts his hand frokm pointing down towards you;down
39 - glitchy
3A - summoning pose;up
3B - wide throwing cape(2 frames), down
3C - gettign sucked by portal(magus castle after fight)
3D - normal;left
3E - walking (1st frame);left
3F - walking (2nd frame);left
40 - battle pose(1st frame);left
41 - battle pose(2nd frame);left
42 - gets hit;left
43 - running; left
44 - glitchy
45 - glitchy
46 - dead;left
47 - normal(looking at ground); left
48 - normal;left
49 - closed cape;down
4A - closed cape;left
4B - glitchy
4C - on floor(not dead);right
4D - glitchy
4E - looking left with right arm up
4F - looking left with arm pointing left
50 - on floor(not dead);left
51 - normale;left
52 - normal;down
53 - casting spell(right arm in front of his chest, 1 frame);down
54 - normal;left
55 - shaking head(1 frame);left
56 - glitchy
57 - after fionas quest pose(leaning on tree)
58 - after fionas quest pose(leaning on tree)  
59 - climbing ladder(1 frame)
5A - glitchy
5B - on floor(not dead);left
5C - left arm up(1 frame);down
5D - rigth arm up(1 frame);down
5E - both arms up(1 frame);down
5F - closed eyes;left
60 - standing in wind(1 frame);left
61 - closed cape;left
62 - normal pose;down
63 - glitchy
64 - hovers+closed cape;left
65 - normal pose,down
66 - sleeping(only head)
67 - looking at the ground;left
68 - normal posw;left
69 - walking right(1 frame)
6A - glitchy
6B - glitchy
6C - glitchy
6D - glitchy
6E - glitchy
6F - summoning(?) facing left
70 - glitchy
71 - using scyte, looking left with scyte behind him;
72 - using scyte, looking left with scyte behind him;
73 - using scyte, looking left with scyte behind him, a bit more left;
74 - 1 frame spell, looking left, left arm above right and both in frong of head;
75 - 1 frame spell, looking left, left arm behind him pointing down, right arm in front of him pointing into the air;
76 - 1 frame spell, looking left, left arm behind him pointing down, right arm in front of him pointing down on the ground;
77 - glitchy
78 - summons upwards, 1 frame
79 - looking left, opens cape with left arm(1 frame);
7A - gets sucked by portal(magus castle after battle, 1 frame)
7B - normal; right
7C - walking right, 1st frame;
7D - walking right 2nd frame
7E - battle pose(1st frame); right
7F - battle pose(2nd frame); right
80 - gets hit;right
81 - running; right
82 - glitchy
83 - dead; right
84 - normal; right
85 - normal; left
86 - closed cape; down
87 - closed cape; right
88 - glitchy
89 - on floor(not dead), left
8A - glitchy
8B - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind-down, left arm in front-up
8C - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind-down, left arm pointing towards enemy
8D - on floor(not dead);right
8E - normal;right
8F - normal;down
90 - spell 1 frame, right arm in front of his chest;down
91 - normal;right
92 - shaking head(1 frame);right
93 - glitchy
94 - laughing 1 frame; right
95 - climbing 1 frame
97 - glitchy
98 - on floor(not dead);right
99 - left arm up;down
9A - right arm up;down
9B - both arms up;down
9C - closed eyes;left
9D - standing in the wind looking right(left arm pointing down)
9E - closed cape; right
9F - Normal
A0 - glitchy
A1 - hovering+closed cape;right
A2 - normal
A3 - slepping(only head)
A4 - looking at the ground;right
A5 - normal;right
A6 - waling(1 frame);left
A7 - glitchy
A8 - glitchy
A9 - glitchy
AA - glitchy
AB - glitchy
AC - summoning(?) looking to the right
AD - glitchy
AE - looking right, scyte behind his back
AF - looking right, scyte behind his back
B0 - looking right, scyte behind his back, a bit more right
B1 - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm above left, both in front of chest,
B2 - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind him pointing diogonally down, left arm in front of him pointing up,
B3 - 1 frame spell, looking right, right arm behind him pointing diogonally down, left arm in front of him pointing down
B4 - glitchy
B5 - summoning(1 frame)
B6 - summoning(?);right
B7 - gets hit;up
B8 - walking(1 frame);down
BA - glitchy
BB - walking(1st frame);right
BC - walking(2nd frame);right
BD - normal; left
BE - waling(1 frame); down
BF - glitchy
C0 - walking(1st frame); right
C1 - walking(2nd frame); right
C2 - normal; right
C3 - normal; right
C4 - glitchy
C5 - walking(1st frame);right
C6 - walking(2nd frame);right
C7 - normal;up  
C8 - normal;up
C9 - glitchy
CA - walking(1st frame); right
CB - walking(2nd frame); right
CC - normal;down
CD - normal;down
CE - glitchy
CF - walking(1 frame); left
D0 - normal;left
D1 - normal;left
D2 - glitchy
D3 - walking(1frame);left
D4 - normal;right
D5 - Normal;right
D6 - glitchy
D7 - Walking (1 frame);left
D8 - normal;up
D9 - normal;up
DA - glitchy
DB - walking(1 frame);left
DC - normal;down
DD - normal; down
DE - glitchy
DF - normal;right
E0 - normal;right  
E1 - glitchy
E2 - normal;right
E3 - normal;right
E4 - glitchy
E5 - normal;up
E6 - normal;up
E7 - glitchy
E8 - Normal;down
E9 - Normal;down
EA - glitchy
EB - walking(1 frame);left
EC - walking(1st frame);right
ED - walking(2nd frame);right
EE - walking(3rd frame);right
EF - normal;left
F0 - normal; left
F1 - glitchy
F2 - walking(1 frame);left
F3 - walking(1st frame);right
F4 - walking(2nd frame);right
F5 - walking(3rd frame);right  
F6 - Normal ;right
F7 - normal; left
F8 - glitchy
F9 - walking(1 frame);left
FA - walking(1st frame);right
FB - walking(2nd frame);right
FC - walking(3rd frame);right
FD - normal;up
FE - glitchy
FF - walking(1 frame);left


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Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2006, 07:49:06 pm »
Nice That looks Great!!!!


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2006, 05:59:33 pm »

Normal, 06 = Dalton Laughs
Normal, 07 = Dalton Casts a Spell
Normal, 08 = Dalton Gets Angry


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2006, 11:44:19 am »
NPC 10 - Castle Guard (Present)

Normal, 01 - Walking
Normal, 03 - Surprised

Sorry, but that was the one I was looking for. Back to work...


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2006, 02:33:34 pm »
I know that this is WAY off topic, but look in the address bar, its topic 2006 for Year 2006


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2006, 05:12:39 pm »
Here are more animations for the 1000 AD castle soldier:
02-Weird glitch
05-Knocked out
08-Walking quickly
09-Weird glitch
0A-Stretched out holding onto bridge


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2006, 05:32:54 pm »
I'm curious...
Can custom animations be made using Temporal flux?
Because I'm thinking about making some in my own hack.


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2006, 06:08:56 pm »
Yes, but you have to edit graphics (of course) and possibly sprite assembly. There's a new guide on ripping graphics and editing them at .


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #43 on: August 09, 2006, 03:23:19 am »
Can custom animations be made using Temporal flux?

Sort of.  One can put a bunch of singular frame animations together to make something that looks new, even though its not technically a new animation.  Magus's scene in the Flux teaser was strung together using several multi and single frame animations.

Making bonafied new animations is not on the list of improvements for the next version, or anytime soon for that matter.  There are other more complex things to figure out, like enemy AI and whatnot. 


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Re: Temporal Flux Animation Reference Project
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2006, 10:17:27 am »
*dreams about TF editing enemy AI*
*dreams about TF editing Techs*

*stops dreaming*

It'd be really hard but with the new info on Sprite Assembly if you figure out what frames an animation consist of you could draw use those frames as a "flip book" of the animation and just draw in custom graphics to those frames.  Of course if one frame is used in many animations it could screw up the other animations.
