Author Topic: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread  (Read 15554 times)


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The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« on: July 20, 2006, 11:19:04 pm »
This is where we post any new ideas or anything dealing with the third quest, which might become a third demo. Azarath, if you could sticky this, please.

Where we left on with Alex, he had just stumbled his way upon a new dimension, found about a disease, found herbs to cure the disease, then brought them back to the hospital and saved everybody. In his party are: Alex, Therris, and Vera.

In Crono's quest, they also had found their way into a new dimension, then found that Porre rules and Guardia is destroyed. While searching the Guardia ruins, they found that the Guardians have a secret refuge. They also found that the Guardians were being forced to sacrifice people to a monster in order to be allowed to live there. Crono and Marle killed the monster, and found out that the monster was a robot created by the alternate-dimension Crono and Marle. When they killed the monster they also saved a person about to be sacrificed, and she is alternate Crono and Marle's daughter, and she joins your party.

Ideas? I think from here that both sides should either go to a new time period, where they find and solve the problem of that era, or we put in something in the plot about the Chrono Stream, which leads us to another thing we need. We don't have what the Chrono Stream actually is. I propose that we make it an "End of Time" like place, except it is the gate between the various dimensions, rather than the various time periods as in Chrono Trigger. Anybody else with ideas?

« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 11:28:38 pm by DarkEpoch7 »


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 02:43:00 am »
can someone post a link 2 the second demo, my old one wont let me play Chrono's second quest


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 05:12:06 pm »
We can't get you the demo right now. Solidstar was working on the website when he got a call for a summer job. He won't be back for a month, so the site won't be up for a month, meaning the demo won't be up for month.


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 09:41:39 am »
Here's what I've been thinking for the third plot...

Alex, Verra, Therris: They have saved the people in the hospital and leave to find out how Alex stumbled across this dimension. Along the way, they meet alternate dimension Crono and Marle, who have been poisoned by something un-curable, causing them to go mad and kill people (example: the robot). Crono and Marle aproach Alex and his group and start to talk witht hem, all the while a dark figure stands behind Verra. Alex will notice him and Crono, Marle and the dark figure will attack. The battle will have Alex and his group lose, and they will dissapear to a lake, where they are stronded on a lone island. A man in all silver approaches them. He explains why Alex was brought to this dimension, where Porre rules. Alex has been brought here to help Porre continue their rule, for the man has forseen Porre's downfall. Therris, Verra, and Alex are allowed to leave the island now, as a bridge will appear leading to land. The brige has a name, the {bridge name pending}. There will be a forest blockng the path, and Alex decides to go ahead to see if the forest is safe. He finds a wounded man and heals him, and the wounded man joins Alex. You and the man return to Verra and Therris and you are prompted to choose a party. You are then approached by a demon, who claims to hail from the far north, and has been given the job of killing you. A battle ensues and the demon dies, ending Alex's quest for this part.

I haven't thought of anthing for Crono's quest yet, so if I get something, I'll be sure to post it.


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 10:11:16 am »
Not too bad.  Not sure if I like the idea of alternate Crono and Marle being poisoned, but yeah, they should definitely attack Alex.  I mean, Alternate Alex is responsible for Guardia hiding out in the caves.  A battle should ensue and Crono and Marle should run, blocking Alex's path to get to the Guardia mine / safety zone / whatever.  Afterwards, they explore what they can of the ruined Guardia Castle.  Find a warp point (same one used for Crono and Marle to escape) and this could possibly transport them to one of 2 places.  Both of which are exciting places.  However, I won't actually say here so as to contain spoilers (I'll PM you the places).  Anyways, in one quest Alex and co could have to face that demon thinger, while in another quest they would have to find a wounded man... or something similar to that...  :D Oh the things I have planned for them.
As for Crono's Quest, when last we left Crono, he was in the Guardia Cave / mines either saving or finding a dead dummy of their alternate daughter (whom I would like sprites for if possible - 5 - 10 year old would work - moreso 5 year old whom can really attack and such).  Either way, Crono and Marle go off to the ruined Guardia Castle and get warped to one of 2 locations (depending on what we all decide).  As you can probably tell, what they do will impact the quest of Alex since they are roughly 1 - 2 steps ahead of him.  However, after the quest they will go on, the story will either 1) come together at a meeting between the 2 groups (which I may save for later) or 2) branch off from each other slightly so as to get each side more ready for the task of what is to come.
That's what I have roughly for the next quests... hehe.


  • Porrean (+50)
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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 03:42:32 pm »
Me likey. :D Could you PM those exciting places to me too?


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 04:05:46 pm »
I'm leaning towards the, have them SEE each other, but do not interact, and branch off. Also, what I have been thinking, why not infuse the idea that Solid had with the transporting Alex and co. to 2 diff. spots? Why not send Alex to the wounded man, he heals man, he and man fight demon, while Verra and Therrisa end up somewhere totally different and they collect certain "items" essential to continuing in the game? Here is what I've been thinking for Crono's quest. It builds off of Solid's ideas.

Crono and Co.: Crono and co. (Marle, can't remember if they have their daughter or not) leave the mines/safe place and see four people, whom they ignore (Akex, man, Verra, and Therris). They enter The Forest (bom bom bom...) where they find a dead demon, who tells them of Alex and co. Crono and Marle (daughter) decide to search for Alex, to find some answers, but the demon leads them the opposite way of Alex and co. They head through the woods (Tree Spirit boss near the end) and enter a temple (Forest Temple for now). A voice tells them to find their way through the temple, and when they reach the end, a shadow approaches them and claims to be a man called Magus. The dark figure dissapears replaced by Magus, who fights you. If you win, Magus is wounded and he regains his memory, and if you lose, Marle gets wounded and Crono fights Magus one-on-one. That battle you MUST win, and we'll give Crono a crap-load of exp. Magus still regains his memory either way. But Marle is removed from your party for a while, replaced by Magus. Magus will either become a party member or he will leave you later on, we will discuss this some other time.

Thats what I got so far ^.^


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2006, 09:33:51 pm »
Hey guys, updated the site with a few pics... not great ones, but at least there's a few, and they are the remapped map pics.  Wheeee.


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2006, 11:31:03 pm »
yey but why is  the battle box messed up?


  • Porrean (+50)
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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 03:52:35 pm »
Nice screens Solid. Like he said, the battle menu looks a bit messed up. I think it's just a glitch or something though. I like the updated Wistful Woods.


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2006, 06:02:00 pm »
Like they said, the battle box is a little choppy, but other than that, they look awsome. Especially Guardia Castle. Looks just like CT.


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2006, 07:21:09 pm »
Whats the link?


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Re: The Official Third Demo/Quest Plot Development Thread
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 03:04:49 pm »
I like these ideas. I hope I can start thinking like you guys do. It's an interesting plot...especially the Magus bit. I should brainstorm some more to add something...