Author Topic: The Secret of Nu - by RabidTurtle  (Read 38898 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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The Secret of Nu - by RabidTurtle
« on: January 01, 2004, 08:31:33 pm »
I just read all the articles again, after winning both games again, and i came to a little conclusion:
Nu may work for the entity, but who is the entity? i think it might be another creature who lives symbotically with  the core of the earth, if this is correct lavos may have been trying to kill the entity, so Nu start to dissapper without a way to be powered. also it would make sense if he  kept on near dying he would need CHAMPIONS to take out lavos for it. when the guys from chrono trigger weren't enough, he needed Stronger  champions and might have had a hand with porre's uprising in chrono cross so he could get new champions, and might of manipulated the creation of the time devourer to Make sure they could kill Lavos for good. but the as far as I know rumored Chrono Break shows that either theres  another lavos or once again he needs champions maybe to fight the  orginal Lavos even! maybe after they fail the entity will grap all his champions for one final attack with him in it. that'll be cool! but probaly  hopping for an impossiblity :( .
without Nu to keep track of things, the world became more and more mechanlized. then you may ask, "then why do a few still exist?" the one in the blue pyramind might have been powered by the seal Queen Zeal ordered there, that's why he dissapers, then the 1 in 2300 AD, didn't we learn nu's where organic creatures when we fought them in  65,000,000 BC? or did it take to when we scratched a nu's back?  the  fact it had a switch tells me this is a cyborg nu, with it's own power core. Last spekko, well he's a mage of awesome porportions, but he said that Magus could teach him a  thing or 2, and since it's **generally** accepted that Magus used magic to create a disgue, couldn't spekkio do it to?
And then Time travel comes into play, remeber that Nu we shoved off in the ocean Palace? could he be sent by the Entity back in time to save him? and since the future is now ok, but the entity is dieing there are no Nu there. And maybe the entity keeps on having NEAR-death fights with  Lavos, creating Chrono Cross, and maybe even the next game. Oh and I keep getting my gurus mixed up.  because the way I see it the guru of  time should be at the end of time, BUT only the guru of time should be able to make a time machine. So which one's the guru of REASON? for  he probaly either wrote or had the book that talks about Nu.
but those are my thoughts, i'm 13 and had alot time to think I also  watched star trek all day, all the time travel eposides and 1st contact  movie, so time travel me trying to understand but TO  CONFUSING.


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The Secret of Nu - by RabidTurtle
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2004, 08:26:29 am »
Well at least we're >sure< that the Entity is the planet...
It makes much sense.


  • Iokan (+1)
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what about logic?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2004, 07:48:53 pm »
Have any of you considered that in logic, the greek letter nu stands for the 'or' function?

a v ~a--animals are good or animals are not good.

Now, if we are to put it in the context of set theory, and we view Chrono Trigger and Cross' dimensions/timelines as infinite in number and length, then time begins with an infinite set of possibilities and ends in an infinite set of possible ways.

adding the 'or' function between these two sets in a premise creates a tautology.

So time/space/life begins with infinity and ends with infinity, and thus is just sort of a singular 'infinite member.'  Or you could interpret the 'or' as meaning choice.  You can do this OR this, be it the beginning or the end.  It's up to YOU, and all that stuff.

Just my two cents.


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The Secret of Nu - by RabidTurtle
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2004, 03:53:37 am »
I just started playing Crono Cross again, and to my surprise  I stumbled with a couple of things that look interesting and support the idea of Nu beign water:

Firts we have what you can read in serge´ s tombstone:

Our beloved Serge
Died at the age of 7
No one can take anything away from him
Nor anyone can give anything to him

For what has come from the SEA
has returned to the SEA

Then we have what the old man tells you at Arni pier when you tell him you dont like the sea:

Uh, really, well that is fine, you are entitled to your opinion. But listen to me now, and believe later, Serge.
Life on this planet was born eventually from the sea and will eventually return to it. Even our blood is moslty water. That  has been the contract between the sea and all living creatures since ancient times.

No one can defy this rule, everyone will one day return to the sea.

Well, that is basically it, has been already 2 years since last time I played Crono Cross, so I dont quite remember anything, but I wonder if there are any other clues within that game, I´ll keep gaming to see what I found, I personally find very strange that first time Serge travels to the other world he is actually engulfed by a sea wave, I wonder if it means anything...?


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The Secret of Nu - by RabidTurtle
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2004, 09:33:23 am »
Heh, little point on the pronounciation of Nu. The vowel sound in it actually doesn't exist in English (in French, it's the same sound as in "une"). You can say it by pursing your lips as if to whistle and trying to say the long E. It ends up sounding somewhere between the long E and long OO.