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The translation might be wrong, or that someone else witnessed it (hello there were like a lot of Zealians in the Ocean Palace who could have used the Nu's exit) and could have seen it. Logged Chrono'99 Guru of Reason Emeritus God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #47 on: December 08, 2005, 05:36:28 pm » What? Since when were there Zealians in the Ocean Palace? Logged Naz Guardian (+100) Posts: 133 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #48 on: December 08, 2005, 05:47:28 pm » Quote from: Chrono'99What? Since when were there Zealians in the Ocean Palace?There were those people with the Queen, Schala, and Magus. Remember the Queen killed one of them? There's no way of knowing if they escaped though.Maybe Melchior and Janus were gated out while Crono & Co., the Queen, Schala, and Magus were in Lavos' PD. Logged Chrono'99 Guru of Reason Emeritus God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #49 on: December 08, 2005, 05:51:42 pm » Quote from: NazQuote from: Chrono'99What? Since when were there Zealians in the Ocean Palace?There were those people with the Queen, Schala, and Magus. Remember the Queen killed one of them? There's no way of knowing if they escaped though.Maybe Melchior and Janus were gated out while Crono & Co., the Queen, Schala, and Magus were in Lavos' PD.Okay sorry. I remembered the woman who was killed but not the other persons. Those are Enlightened Ones though. The guy who says the Janus/Melchior stuff is Earthbound. Logged Kazuki Temporal Warrior (+900) Posts: 948 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #50 on: December 08, 2005, 07:13:10 pm » Wait, when exactly were one of the Zealians killed? I have no memory of that whatsoever...though I do remember there were more than one Zealian in the palace itself. Logged Chrono'99 Guru of Reason Emeritus God of War (+3000) Posts: 3605 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #51 on: December 08, 2005, 07:31:13 pm » Quote from: KazukiWait, when exactly were one of the Zealians killed? I have no memory of that whatsoever...though I do remember there were more than one Zealian in the palace itself.If I recall correctly, she's the first person who is zapped by the Mammon Machine (that's in Magus' flashback). It seems she's killed and not gated like the other persons. Logged AuraTwilight Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1524 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #52 on: December 08, 2005, 09:00:05 pm » Wasn't Janus in Algetty because he and the Prophet went there to fetch Schala, who came to talk to Crono, which led to the cutscene of Crono's party being banished from 12,000 BC? o_o Logged Naz Guardian (+100) Posts: 133 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #53 on: December 08, 2005, 09:44:15 pm » Only Magus and Schala went to seal the gate. Janus probably stayed at the Palace. Logged AuraTwilight Errare Explorer (+1500) Posts: 1524 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #54 on: December 09, 2005, 06:48:38 pm » But I SWEAR I saw Janus there too. I distinctly remember Janus at Algetty! I remember it more clearly than Algetty's own name >.> Logged CyberSarkany Heir to the Masamune Black Wind Agent (+600) Posts: 695 "So zetta slow!" Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #55 on: December 09, 2005, 07:03:15 pm » Janus was there when Dalton came to capture Schala, and he said something like how dirty it is there... I think.. Logged Solidstar Guardian (+100) Posts: 148 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #56 on: December 09, 2005, 07:33:28 pm » You're right, I seem to remember that too. I can't remember if Dalton took him too or if he ended up running out to get to Schala though. Logged Zaperking Radical Dreamer (+2000) Posts: 2210 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #57 on: December 09, 2005, 08:20:15 pm » "What a filthy hovel" is what Janus said. Dalton comes and takes Schala. Janus tries to attack Dalton, but Dalton knocks him out and the group. When they reawaken, Janus ran off after Dalton, which is towards the ocean palace. Logged Lin_Zhen_Quan Earthbound (+15) Posts: 30 Janus and the Gurus fate.... « Reply #58 on: January 03, 2006, 02:41:17 am » QuoteQuote:... How exactly does that have anything to do with what the Elder said about Janus and Melchior?Because it's in the same context. So because the Elder is talking as if somebody told him what happened at the Palace, then that person would have seen Janus and Melchior disappear, and would testify to saying that no body saw Schala after they left etc. The elder does not have Time Travellers immunity therefore remembers it differently. Plus The elder wasnt there this is probably information he got from word of mouth.[/quote] Logged Print Pages: 1 2 3 [4] « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis » Characters, Plot, and Themes » Janus and the Gurus fate....