It's very simple why he didn't destroy the planet when magus summoned him. I'll use this analogy. When you are sleeping and a fly lands on your face, you just swat it off. You don't wake up in a rage and destroy your room. Magus was a fly that interupted his sleep.
Brilliant accuracy, my good sir. I couldn't have described it better myself.
I did have a thought, though: what if it was indeed possible for Frog to defeat Magus, on his own, with
out the Masamune? He did it in 12,000 BC (if you so chose), though granted he was (potentially) alot stronger because of his travels with Crono and crew. But who's to say Frog didn't level up for days and days in Magus' castle, eventually becoming more powerful than he probably would've been had Crono and crew fought with him, along with the use of the Masamune??