Yo dude!
I'm still around - I just don't check in often, and I'm currently on hiatus from the ol' video games (although I did re-start Another Eden on my cell phone, which I've put in maybe 30 minutes in the past week). While it's no Chrono Trigger, it's surprisingly good for a mobile game, and I'm really looking forward to the Chrono Cross collaboration they did back in 2021 or so.
Man, I'm so glad to hear you've kept up the exercise and seen the GAINS from it. Not just with the body, with the MIND. I know I always feel better when I'm working out and doing cardio, and my headspace improves greatly. How are you guys? How's the farm?
As for us -- same ol', same ol'. I'm working too much but overall very much succeeding at work. My wife got a new job at a new school last week, so the kids are also at a new school. It's about 30 minutes away, so there's a lot of hustle as we adjust the being that far from the school (compared to the 5 minutes or so we are now). We just got a ton of snow, so we've also been playing in the snow, sledding, and we built a huge bonfire, which is something we do every winter when we get a heavy snowfall. I don't know why.
All in all things are good, but busier than ever!