I know you didn't say anything bad about Bush but he's delt with alot of tradgities.First 9/11 now Hurricane Katrinia,for all of that it makes him a good president.
The thing is, he didn't deal with Katrina, and that makes him a bad president.
Now for my story.
It was my senior year in high school. That year, my school started a policy by which seniors could only take 5 (instead of the usual 6) classes, if they had enough credits to graduate. I did, so, given my love of sleep and hatred of high school, I gave my self an extra hour of sleep by not taking a class second period*. This meant my sister, who is two years younger than me, went to school an hour earlier than I did.
On the fatefull morning, my mother came into my room and woke me up. She explained to me, very calmly, what had happened. By this time, both of the towers had been destroyed. I should mention at this point, that both of my parents are from New York City. We have a lot of friends and family in that town, all of whom escaped injury that day. I was then enformed that I'd be going to school to pick up my sister and bring her home, because we were staying home that day, just in case there were any attacks planned against Los Angeles.
After retrieving my sister, we spent the day at home, and a good portion of it in front of the television, watching the news. I knew that it would be my generation's J.F.K. assissination so to speak: everyone would remember where they were when they heard of the first attack on American soil since World War II.
*At my school, there were periods 1-8. Most people took a 2-7, but 3-8 were not horribly uncommon. Period 1 were mostly classes you could take during summer school or if you needed to make something up.