Author Topic: New Radical Dreamers script  (Read 3960 times)


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New Radical Dreamers script
« on: April 07, 2022, 01:31:19 pm »
Here is the new Radical Dreamers script ripped from the files of the PC version of the Chrono Cross re-release! I wonder if anyone plans to put the new text into the old rom using the translation tools.

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Re: New Radical Dreamers script
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2022, 12:59:06 am »
Oh man, thank you for posting this script dump!

I just finished Radical Dreamers. It was nice to see this version of Kid more in line to how she was in Chrono Cross (accent and all).

Time to get the other scenario endings, as bizarre as they are! :D


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Re: New Radical Dreamers script
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2022, 09:54:48 pm »
What a legend. Rolls in, posts the entire script in all available languages, and rolls out.


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Re: New Radical Dreamers script
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2022, 11:00:10 pm »
Here we go. Got a difference. This is Demiforce:

"I was still little at the time, so I can't remember much of it... But there was this friend of hers who she'd grown up with, who died a while back. She said she wanted him to be able to rest with the Frozen Flame...



"She didn’t go into too much detail about who her mate was. Best I can remember is that I needed to find the grave of a girl who married another mate of hers an’ died not long after..."

I'll put more changes here if I find them, but for now, does that not sound like Marle's grave is the one Kid's supposed to bury the Flame in, not Crono's? And if Crono/Marle were married, that means that Crono did survive CT/was revived in the Ocean Palace, which kills the theory that the RD timeline goes off a "don't save Crono" ending. It also means that the Time Egg Kid received from Lucca is a new one, not the Chrono Trigger itself.


0x0133EF   " しかし石は、
"   "          “But the stone wished for her to live...”
"   "          Mais la gemme souhaitait que Kid vive.
"   "          ""Ma la pietra desiderava che vivesse...""
"   "          Aber der Stein wollte, dass sie weiterlebt ...
"   "          »Pero la gema deseaba que ella viviera...
0x013414   " 娘の時間を逆行させ、
"   "          “The hands of her clock were rewound...
          Her memories unraveled...
          The stone gave her a chance to begin again...”
"   "          Elle inversa le cours de sa vie...
          Elle effaça ses souvenirs...
          La gemme lui donna une chance de recommencer.
"   "          ""Le sue lancette vennero riportate indietro...
          I suoi ricordi rimossi...
          La pietra le diede la possibilità di ricominciare...""
"   "          Die Zeiger ihrer Uhr wurden zurückgedreht ...
          ihre Erinnerungen entflochten ... Der Stein gab
          ihr eine Chance auf einen Neuanfang ...
"   "          »Las manecillas de su reloj giraron hacia atrás...
          Se aclararon sus recuerdos...
          La gema le dio la posibilidad de comenzar de nuevo...
0x01346B   " 娘の持っていた石には、
"   "          “The stone had both the power and the will
          to bring all this about...”
"   "          La gemme en avait le pouvoir et le désir...
"   "          ""Aveva il potere e la volontà
          per far avvenire tutto ciò...""
"   "          Der Stein hatte die Macht und den Willen,
          dies alles in die Wege zu leiten ...
"   "          »El poder de la gema convirtió
          su voluntad en realidad...

Lol, what the fuck is the stone? Because it's not a Time Egg—there is no way Schala had a Time Egg randomly in the Ocean Palace. The only "stones" around were either her pendant, made of Dreamstone, or the Frozen Flame itself, assumed to be in the Mammon Machine (and considered to be the way Lavos pulled her in before Chrono Cross to fuse into the Dream/Time Devourers).

So then why on earth does Lavos suddenly care if Schala lives or dies, to the point of deaging her to a baby and sending her into the future? Is Lavos just a big old softy?

This literally makes no sense, lmao. I'm about to start pretending nothing after Chrono Trigger exists  :oops:
« Last Edit: November 13, 2022, 11:36:36 pm by ZeaLitY »