Author Topic: Final Fantasy Dimensions II  (Read 7334 times)


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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2018, 05:44:13 pm »
No, truth be told I never did. Spent $15 and never played the game out of that initial session. I really, REALLY should get back on that. If nothing else so we can dissect, discuss, and compare to the Chrono series.

I'm just not much for mobile phone games and that whole battle-oriented format. I prefer the exploration element of jRPGs, which kills pretty much any interest in the later mobile jRPG market. I've tried games like Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, as well as Star Ocean Amnesis amongst others. They're all gacha games with no exploration, just battle after battle, which gets old.

I agree I can't stand these new "summon" type games, gets boring quickly. A friend at work turned me onto The World Ends with you (Mobile Port) in case you've never tried it, it has some exploration, not too much, but has a very unique battle system and game style that I thought was great.

Well, mobile games tend to have a horrible quality, even when ported. While I am very interested on the story, I just cannot stand to even watch a walkthrough, although I may give it a try one day. But even story-wise, many cutscenes contain so much filler from what I saw  :(

((also I have heard good stuff on The World Ends With You))


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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2018, 04:27:47 am »
This sounds interesting, Im in for hearing more about it.

I don't understand mobile gaming like this. My friend has a 75" TV that was 500$ but these games come out for a 5" phone screen, what's up with that? Now ya know why the graphics can be so grainy, cause on a phone you can't tell.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2023, 10:52:31 pm »
Thread necromancy because I'm going to play this game so we know what *could have been* in Chrono Break.


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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2023, 08:18:48 pm »
I'll be curious how it goes down, because it sounds like civilization causes the Day of Lavos by itself again by triggering this "Flare" weapon. And then you have the ultimate Esper being some little chibi thing called "Mootie", which sounds like another Pip thing, christ. But there appears to be this overarching form of "Chaos" that's devoted to making sure the Day of Lavos-type thing happens regardless of humanity's intention.

Mysidia definitely seems to be the stand-in for Zeal. Ancient, floating civilization...hard to find out what the "crisis" was.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2023, 06:51:42 pm »
I did fire this back up last night and had a hefty 300mb download. I started a new game since I never got far last time.

Here are some more notes...

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2023, 07:15:17 pm »
The save is now called Chapter 1-1: In a Dream

Chapter 1, Part 1: Door to Another World

Standing in Morrow's village, Wrieg stands with several villagers under a wide-canopied tree, alongside a simple, type jRPG-esque bar.

Man: It's been ages, Wrieg. What've you been up to these days?
Woman: And where are you headed next? Back to the big city?
Boy: Wrieg, Wrieg! Is it true? Do ninja really exist?
Girl: Wh-who cares about ninja? Tell us about Westa instead!

Morrow rushes to the group from offscreen.

Morrow: Wrieg!
Wrieg: Oh, if it isn't Morrow! Late as always, haha! Did you sleep in again?
Morrow: Cut it out, I'm not a child! One day I'm gonna be a great adventurer just like you! So tell me all about it. Where'd you go this time?
Wrieg: Well, I was exploring the Agart Ruins when--

There is a flash of light from far off.

Morrow: A shooting star?

They all look up; the camera pans up to show the wide sky.

Wrieg: Everyone, get down!

The screen shakes as a massive red meteorite streaks across the sky and noisily crashes off screen. We pan down to find Morrow, Wrieg, and the villagers crouched down.

Wrieg: Is everyone all right?

They stand.

Morrow: I think so! But that was a close one. Seems that shooting star landed somewhere nearby.
Wrieg: I'll go check it out.

Wrieg walks through the crowd and begins to walk away, but Morrow assumes an excited pose.

Morrow: Me, too!
Wrieg: No, I need everyone to stay here. It's probably not safe to venture into the woods now.

Wrieg rushes off.

Morrow: Okay, okay...

Morrow walks through the crowd to where Wrieg departed.

Man: Morrow!
Woman: Wrieg said to stay here.
Morrow: Heh, so what? You expect me to just stand here 'n' wait while he has all the fun? No way! I'll be a great adventurer like Wrieg in no time, you'll see!

Morrow rushes off screen.

FADE to black... Then, to...

The overworld. We are on a small, forested island in a lake or sea with land on both sides. On the island are two locations: Navos Village and Navos Forest. The story indicates that Navos Forest is the next event location with a sword icon. There is a year icon in the upper left icon which reads AC2015. You can zoom in and out of the worldmap a bit.

Revisiting Navos Village allows me to see a list of villagers that I can talk to, as well as shop from the local Moogle Merchant, who a variety of weapons: daggers, swords, bows, etc.

Traveling to Navos Forest, there is an event quests titled Fallen Star. It is noted as being LV 1 and is described as, "Morrow pursues Wrieg into the forest."
« Last Edit: December 17, 2023, 08:23:43 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2023, 08:12:37 pm »
Quest: Fallen Star

Morrow stands in a forest.

Morrow: I lost sight of Wrieg already... Man, he's fast! I've gotta hurry!

A shadow looms over head, and Morrow looks up to see a ghastly, ghost-like pirate vessel flying through the sky.

Morrow: Whoa! Is that ship flying!?

It moves on, but from the sky drops a ghost-like Goblin creature.

Morrow: A ghost? From that phantom ship?

Battle begins...

Gameplay note: Now back at level 1, Morrow has 247HP and 65MP. He can only attack and use his abilities, which for now is only a single attack called Strike I. He has two summons, which are Choco Kick (a chocobo) and Cat Rain (a cait sith). Morrow has also lost his fancy weapon as seen in the prologue, and now has a bland, copper-looking sword.

After two rounds against ghostly goblins, a stronger chimera-like creature appears. It is a Chimera Ghost LV 1.

Morrow: This one's different from the others. Well, I've come this far. No turning back now!

The creature is defeated and we find Morrow back in the forest.

Morrow: Whew!

Again the shadow of the flying sea vessel passes overhead, now flying the opposite direction. It disappears

Morrow: The ship! No way! It vanished! I guess it really was a phantom ship.


Later, elsewhere in the forest, Morrow comes across the giant, smoking meteorite.

Morrow: So this is the shooting star, huh? Where did Wrieg go?

Suddenly everything begins to SHAKE violently.

Morrow: Whoa! What's with this light?

A light shines from within the meteorite, and suddenly the same girl from the prologue, Aemo, appears on the ground outside the meteorite. Morrow examines her.

Morrow: A girl?
Girl: Ahh...

She steps to her feet, to Morrow's surprise.

Morrow: It's you! The girl from my dream!
Girl: Huh? I...?

Gameplay note: After having finished this event quest, Morrow received EXP, AP, and Gil. Dr. Moogle let's me know that I learned a new ability from the equipped signet stone. Earning AP allows one to learn abilities (a la Final Fantasy IX) after the item is no longer equipped. He also informs me that there are certain special items that will allow the player to evolve signet stones that are at max AP and allow for more powered up abilities.

Quest complete.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2023, 08:25:29 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2023, 08:14:18 pm »
The save is now called Chapter 1-1: Mysterious Girl

Heading back into Navos Forest for the next story quest. Quest: Mysterious Girl LV 1: A fateful encounter deep in the forest.

Morrow and Aemo stand outside the meteorite.

Girl: Where... am I...?
Morrow: The forest of Navos. What's your name?
Girl: I am... Aemo. Who are you?
Morrow: I'm--

Suddenly a portal opens above them, and down drops an enemy, the familiar summon creature known as Atomos. A battle begins.

Gameplay sidebar: Aemo has two spells: a light spell known as Banish I, and Cure I. She also has two summons equipped: Chocobo (Choco Kick) and Carbuncle (Ruby Light).

After several rounds of battle, Wrieg leaps into the battle and attacks Atomos with a dragoon's jump attack.

Wrieg: Morrow! You all right!?
Morrow: Wrieg! I knew you were around here somewhere.
Wrieg: I was canvasing the area. I thought I told you to stay put.
Aemo: Who are you?
Morrow: This is Wrieg, an adventurer from Westa!
Wrieg: We'll talk later! For now, let's get out of here!

Gameplay sidebar: Wrieg has two spells: an earth physical attack called Stone Blow I, and Protect I. He also has two summons equipped: Omega (Demon Eye) and Titan (Earthen Wall).

The three defeat Atomos, with a strange portal starting to form from his mouth.

Wrieg: Space is...bending?

They begin being pulled towards it.

Morrow: Oh no, we're being sucked in! Ahhh!!!

The party is pulled into Atomos' portal; Atomos then disappears itself.


The party finds themselves on an ancient-looking stone platform floating in space. Broken pieces and shards float around the platform, and clock gears can be seen within. A large blue crystal sits at the center of the platform, with which Wrieg examines. Morrow lies on the ground while Aemo stands over him. Morrow stirs, then rises.

Wrieg: Are you all right, Morrow?
Aemo: Morrow... Where are we now?
Morrow: I don't know.

A strange, animal-like SOUNDS from off screen.

???: Kyu kyu!

Suddenly, a small black dragon dives into the group.

Morrow: Whoa! What is that thing!?
Wrieg: I'm not sure. It was already when I came to.
????: Kyu?

The creature stares at Morrow, and nudges close to him.

Aemo: It's so cute!

The giant crystal at the center of the platform begins pulsing with light, and there is a bright FLASH of light. A blonde woman with robes and a strange crown appears within the circle.

Crystal: Visitors? How odd.

The dragon flies towards the crystal.

Morrow: Whoa! There's someone in the crystal!
Crystal?: Greetings. I am Chronos.
Morrow: What are you doing inside that crystal?
Chronos: This crystal is my prison here in the Rift.
Wrieg: The Rift?
Chronos: This place is completely beyond the flow of time. As such, I do not age, so I have an eternity to repent for my crime. I don't even remember the last time I saw another human. This is the first time Atomos has ever opened the door to this dimension.
Morrow: Atomos? You mean that monster from before?

A voice speaks from off screen.

???: He's not a monster, kupo!
Aemo: Kupo?

A small green portal appears, and out of flies a small moogle.

Morrow: How many weirdos will we run into today!?
Kupo?: Learn to stay your tongue! We are considered gods among men, kupo!
Chronos: This is Mog, my warden moogle, and Atomos is the guardian of the Rift. They're both eidolons.
Morrow: Eidolons!? You mean those mythical beasts?
Aemo: Eidolons...
Wrieg: Divine beings, something akin to gods. I never imagined they really existed.

Aemo is taken aback.

Aemo: Gods...?
Wrieg: Don't they have stories about eidolons where you come from?
Aemo: I don't know...where I came from...
Wrieg: Don't tell me you lost your memory! When that meteorite hit the ground?
Morrow: Aemo...
Chronos: Things appear to be complicated. But Atomos bringing you here must mean you all have potential.
Aemo: Potential...
Wrieg: Us?
Moogle: Those signet stones allow you to use magic and skills by drawing on an eidolons power. This proves you have potential.
Chronos: We were once blinded by that power. However, the eidolons are seeking those who can use their power justly.

The screen SHAKES as another portal appears behind Morrow and Aemo. Atomos appears.

Chronos: Well, it's time. Atomos has come to take you to Eidola. Meet the eidolon king and the others and gain their approval.
Wrieg: The eidolon king?
Moogle: Yes, but beware, kupo! You can't just waltz into Eidola. There's a powerful guardian and you need to earn your entry! Use your signets and prove your worth.
Morrow: So we just hafta go and meet the eidolons, right?

Atomos uses his mouth to again produce a space-time distortion.

FADE to white:

????: Kyu kyu!


Still in the Rift, Chronos and Moogle are looking where the party once stood.

Moogle: K-kupo! The Eidolord went with them, kupo!?
Chronos: I look forward to seeing what they can do.

Aemo and Wrieg joined the party.

The quest is completed and we are now on a new world map. It is a collection of various island and ancient debris floating in a starfield. The year is marked as ?? ????. The area where we once stood is known as Chronos's Space, with the next quest location being marked as the Atomos Gate.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2023, 04:00:57 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2023, 01:31:24 pm »
The save now reads Chapter 1-1 Guardian Titan.

Back into the game, choosing Atomos' Gate gives me two quest options: Guardian Titan LV 3 and Atomos Gate LV 2.

I choose the Guardian Titan quest, which reads "Atomos leads the party beyond time and space." It appears to be an option to obtain a new summon, in this case Titan, which casts Stone I and can be used by Wrieg.

Morrow, Wrieg, Aemo, and Mootie appear in ruins floating through the stars. The small dragon has followed.

Morrow: Wow, you're here too?
????: Kyy kyu!
Wrieg: I thought I heard Mog call it "Eidolord." I don't suppose...
Morrow: Eidolord? What a mouthful. You're going to need a friendlier name. How about... Mootie! We'll call you Mootie, okay?
Mootie: Kyu! Kyu kyu!

Mootie jumps in an excited manner.

Wrieg: How are you doing that...?
Aemo: That's amazing, Morrow.

They enter battle, with Mootie now as a fourth party member. After battling the first two waves, they come across the Titan summon.

Wrieg: He must be the guardian Mog told us about.
Morrow: I thought it was just a fairytale, but isn't he the earth god Titan!?
Titan: Only the strong may enter Eidola. Prove your worth, measly humans!

The battle with Titan ends in it's defeat. The Titan looks at Mootie.

Titan: Y-Your Holiness! What are you doing here?
Mootie: Kyu kyu!

Both creatures look at Morrow.

Titan: You are not as weak as you look. Very well, I shall grant you entry to our kingdom. But do not forget: you are only human. Walking through Eidola is a privilege that must be earned. You shall be tested, but do not falter. Losing to anyone now would be a disgrace to my name.

The quest is completed, and Wrieg acquires the signet that allows him to summon Titan.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 12:56:06 am by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2023, 12:32:36 am »
The save file now reads: Chapter 1-1: Ramuh and Ifrit.

On the overworld of the colorful archipelago of Eidora, we can now choose to enter the Eidola Temple for an optional, repeatable battle (for grinding), or for the next story event. It is called Ramuh and Ifrit LV 4 and is described as, "Upon entering Eidola, Morrow and friends are welcomed by the vassals of Eidora."

Going into battle immediately throws us into three waves of enemies, all within brownish ruins.

Upon defeating the enemies, we catch up with Morrow and friends in the ruins.

Morrow: So this is Eidola. This building... I feel like I've seen it in a picture book before.
Wrieg: This isn't like our world. We can't afford to be careless, even if it is just a dream.

Lightning strikes the ground before the heroes, and Ramuh appears. He looks more Mystic-like than human, unlike how he normally appears in Final Fantasy games. He has grey, mottled skin and his beard curls and waves in the air.

Ramuh: Do not fret, honored guests. Our world is no dream.

Flames erupt beside Ramuh, and within them comes Ifrit. He has red skin and long, elf-like ears. Large, curved horns adorn his head.

Ifrit; Humans, what business do you have here in Eidola? Be gone at once, heathens, or I shall smite you with hellfire where you stand!

Ifrit menacingly erupts with flames, the screen FLASHING red. Mootie rushes to put himself between the Eidolons and his friends.

Mootie: Kyu kyu!
Ifrit: Y-Your Holiness! Why are you with these humans?
Ramuh: Ho ho. I had wondered where you went, Your Holiness. You just love taking trips to the Rift. But coming back with company is quite the surprise. We shall leave judgment in the hands of our king and queen.
Morrow: We're here because we were told to meet them!
Ramuh: However, you need the approval of the great sage first. Leviathan's knowledge is as deep as the sea, and I trust he will know how to proceed. Seek him at the Sage's Palace at the Great Lakeside. You will be granted an audience with our king if you are worthy.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 12:57:38 am by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2023, 12:52:39 am »
The save file now reads: Chapter 1-1: Sage's Trials.

Back on the overworld of Eidora, we can now choose the next story event at the Great Lakeside. It is called Sage's Trials LV 5 and is described as, "The party is to be faced with the sage's trials. What challenges await them?" There is also an optional repeatable battle here for grinding.

The characters appear in serene area. The ground is blue, with colorful green and pink flora. A robed figure stands before the party, the robes ancient and tattered. Beneath them is the Eidolon, Leviathan, who is still an aquatic serpent similar to other Final Fantasy games.

Leviathan: Welcome, travelers. I did not expect to be blessed with the Eidolord's presence.
Mootie: Kyu kyu!
Aemo: He doesn't look too shocked by Mootie...
Wrieg: Excuse me, but we're looking for a sage.
Leviathan: Then look no further. I presume you are the esteemed "guests" Ramuh spoke of.
You must pass my trials in order to gain an audience with our exalted monarchs.
Morrow: Trials? Sounds tough.
Leviathan: Indeed they are. Should you return alive, I shall bestow upon you the sanction you so desire.

Aemo is concerned and looks around nervously.

Aemo: Return alive...? From where...?

Leviathan reaches within his hood as the screen is overcome with blue light.

Leviathan: There is no need for such trifling questions. All that needs to be known shall be revealed in due time.

Morrow rushes forward.

Morrow: H-hey! Wait!

The ground SHAKES and a blue wave erupts from offscreen and rushes past Leviathan towards the party.


The party now finds them in a cavern of red stone. Openings in the wall reveal the same starfield seen elsewhere within the Rift and Eidola. Morrow lays on the ground while Mootie, Aemo, and Wrieg look down at him.

Wrieg: Hey, Morrow! Come on, get up!
Mootie: Kyu kyu!

Morrow STANDS to his feet.

Gameplay note: the next dialogue is spoken by Aemo, with her portrait, but is clearly a bug or issue and is meant for Morrow. I tried this twice and this is clearly a dialogue and portrait error and is repeatable.

Aemo: Sorry. Guess I overslept.
Wrieg: What a carefree guy. Sometimes I envy you.
Morrow: Where are we?
Wrieg: In the belly of the sage. It appears we've been swallowed by him. I guess this is where the trials take place.

The party walks off screen and we have the normal waved battles.

Upon completing them, there is a splash of water and Leviathan magically APPEARS before the party.

Wrieg: Leviathan?
Morrow: But that's impossible! How can you be in your own belly?
Leviathan: It would be a waste of breath to explain. The divine capabilities of the eidolons are beyond the limits of your asinine, human logic.
Wrieg: So do the trials end here?

Leviathan PULLS a spear from his cloak and assumes a battle stance.

Leviathan: Far from it. This is where they begin.

Boss battle against Leviathan LV 5. He can summon himself as an attack. Once defeated, we return to the event screen.

Leviathan: Intriguing. Perhaps there is some merit in allowing humans like yourselves into the graces of our noble king and queen.
Morrow: You mean--
Leviathan: Yes, I shall accede to your request. Now make haste towards the palace.

The quest is completed.

Back on the world map, a new location has appeared: Eidola Palace.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 01:00:05 am by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2023, 12:06:44 pm »
The save now reads: Chapter 1-1: King Odin.

Moving onward to Eidola Palace, the next quest, King Odin, reads: "Having defeated the trials, Morrow meets the king of the eidolons."

Morrow and his friends approach the throne of Eidola, where we see King Odin and his queen, Shiva.

Odin: I am Odin, king of the eidolons.
Shiva: My name is Shiva. We are the rulers of Eidola. You did well to come this far.
Odin: We commend you for passing the trials of both Titan and Leviathan, and recognize that you have the potential to wield our power. It may do you some good to learn more about eidolons. You will need the permission of His Holiness, the Eidolord, to explore our realm further.

Mootie approaches Odin and squeaks.

Mootie: Kyu kyu!

Both Odin and Shiva are surprised.

Odin: Y-Y-Your Holiness!
Aemo: Here we go again...
Morrow: Wow, Mootie. You're such a bigshot here!
Wrieg: The Eidolord. He's like a god among gods. I'd never guess by just looking at him, though.
Shiva: The flow of time in Eidola differs from the human world. The Eidolord was born not too long ago.
Odin: Are you traveling with these humans because you've already approved of them?

Mootie squeaks and flies up and down in confirmation.

Mootie: Kyu kyu!
Odin: To have earned the favor of the Eidolord in such a short amount of time certainly shows promise for the future of humankind.
Shiva: Indeed. A long time ago we isolated ourselves from the realm of humans. But we may be able to rebuild this relationship anew. It seems even His Holiness has faith in your abilities.
Odin: Master what you have learned here through experience. Only then can you become truly strong. Until next we meet--
Mootie: Kyu, kyu, kyu!

Mootie looks to Morrow.

Morrow: What'd ya say, Mootie? You wanna come with us?
Odin: Your Holiness, is that true? You wish to venture forth to the human world?

Mootie SQUEAKS in confirmation and performs a backflip.

Mootie: Kyu!
Morrow: Sounds like a great idea! Let's go!

Both Mootie and Morrow JUMP up and down in excitement.

Wrieg: We'd better think this through carefully, Morrow--
Shiva: It cannot be helped. If His Holiness wishes it, then so shall it be.
Odin: Then I shall concede as well, but please pay all due respects to the Eidolord.

Aemo MUSES quietly to herself.

Aemo: Reduce to ash...


The party walks through the halls of the palace and Atomos appears before them.

Wrieg: Why do I even bother... Well, it looks like Atomos has come to take us back to the Rift. Let's go.

Gameplay note: I now receive a note that we can accept sidequests in towns, which may revolve around collecting items or hunting monsters.

With a FADE TO BLACK, the quest is completed.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 12:07:57 pm by Boo the Gentleman Caller »

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2023, 08:45:10 pm »
The save is now Chapter 1-1: Back Home.

There are two sidequests back at Eidola Palace, and I can choose to speak to all the characters there for dialogue (although there's nothing worth mentioning here). The sidequests are Ramuh's Task 1 and Ramuh's Task 2.

Choosing the sidequest Ramuh's Task 1 takes me to Ramuh in the palace. Morrow and his friends stand before Ramuh.

Ramuh: Thank you for coming. I have a task which should be simple for young masters like yourselves. Goblins have begun to infiltrate the Temple of Eidola as of late. Would you kindly send them away?

The request is simple waved battles, and as a reward Aemo gets the signet of the summon Unicorn. You can repeat the quest, but there's no additional reward.

Choosing the sidequest Ramuh's Task 2 also takes me to Ramuh in the palace. Morrow and friends again stand before Ramuh.

Ramuh: Hoho, so you are willing to assist me, young masters? You have my gratitude. First venture to the forest near the Great Lakeside. There you shall find a spring which flows with a magical liquid known as Ether. Could I trouble you to return with a bottle of this precious potion?

Like the first side quest for Ramuh, it's waved battles and a reward for Morrow in the form of the signet Goblin summon.

To continue on in the story and leave Eidola, on the world map, you can choose the clock in the upper left corner to open up a time travel UI very similar to what was on the Epoch in Chrono Trigger. I need to return to the Rift, and choosing so causes the screen to WARP.

The main story event continues at Chronos' Space, and the quest for Back Home reads: "The party returns home from its journey through spacetime."

Chronos and Moogle are standing idle when Atomos appears and deposits Morrow and his friends.

Chronos: Welcome back. I trust you were approved by the eidolons?
Moogle: I was surprised the Eidolord accompanied you, kupo!
Mootie: Kyu kyu!
Chronos: Astonishing. At this rate, you might be able to change the future. No, even the past...!
Aemo: The future...and the past...
Chronos: Have you remembered something, Aemo? If not, why don't you return to the place where it all started? You may get some clue as to where you came from, or even when you should go next.
Wrieg: The forest in Navos?
Mootie: Kyu! Kyu!
Moogle: It seems His Holiness wants to visit your world, kupo.
Morrow: Then let's head back together. Gramps is probably worried since I've been gone so long, so let's get going!

The party teleports using Atomos and FADE TO...

Back in Navos Village, Gad (aka 'Gramps') is talking to several children. Morrow and his friends approach from off screen.

Gad: There you are, Morrow! Hoho, did Wrieg take you out on an adventure?
Girl: And who's this lovely lady?
Gad: A new friend, Morrow? Or an old acquaintance of Wrieg's?
Wrieg: Something like that.
Aemo: Friend...?
Mootie: Kyu!

Gad is surprised by Mootie.

Gad: And what's this, Morrow? A new pet? Keeping a pet is much more responsibility than it looks, you know.
Mootie: Kyu, kyu!
Morrow: He's not a pet, Gramps! He's an eidolon named Mootie.
Gad: An eidolon? Hoho! If you say so, Morrow. Just make sure to take good care of him.
Morrow: Sure thing, Gramps!
Mootie: Kyu!

The quest ends.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2024, 07:55:42 pm »
The save reads Chapter 1-1: Home Sweet Home.

Continuing the event in Navos Village...

Wrieg, Morrow, and Aemo speak to two villagers.

Woman: I wonder what ever happened to that shooting star.
Wrieg: I suppose it warrants further investigation. Could you tell everyone to stay out of the forest? It might still be dangerous.

The woman nods and the pair walk away. PAN over to the characters talking, now with Mootie in tow.

Aemo: Shooting star...
Wrieg: I hope it's still there.
Morrow: There's only one way to find out!
Aemo: Right. Maybe I'll remember something if I see it.
Wrieg: Let's hope so. In any case, be prepared for anything in these woods.
Mootie: Kyu!

FADE OUT as the event is completed.

The next quest is called Meteorite Revisited LV 6 and is described as: "Investigating the meteorite Aemo rode, deep in the forest."

Starting the quest immediately leads to waved battles in the forest.

Once completed, we find the heroes walking towards the meteorite in the forest... only to find that it's now just a crater - the meteorite is nowhere to be seen.

Morrow: It's gone!
Aemo: Where did it go...?

Suddenly, two Ghost Goblings (LV 6) and a Chimera Ghost (LV 6) appear in the crater and ATTACK the party. Once defeated, FADE TO the party standing in front of the crater.

Morrow: What's with these ghosts!?

Almost on cue, the shadow of flying pirate vessel moves over them and hovers directly overhead.

Wrieg: And what's that!?

The characters look up as the camera PANS up to reveal the ghostly vessel.

Morrow: The phantom ship!
Wrieg: From eidolons to phantom ships... What is going on here?
Aemo: That ship... Where have I...?

With a shimmering sound, the vessel DISAPPEARS.

Morrow: Did you remember something? Have you seen it somewhere before, Aemo?
Aemo: I'm sorry... I can't remember anything.
Wrieg: Enough, Morrow. Don't push her.
Morrow: Sorry, Aemo.
Aemo: It's okay.

Morrow looks at his feet and the quest ends. As a reward, the party receives a signet for the fire eidolon, Ifrit, which grants both a summon and spell ability.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Final Fantasy Dimensions II
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2024, 08:05:11 pm »
The save is now Chapter 1-1: Leaving the Island.

Two sidequests are available. The first of which is Navosian Herbs.

Morrow stands in the village and speaks to a woman.

Woman: Morrow, is there any chance you'll be heading into the woods today? If you don't mind, could you bring back some Navosian Herbs? I need them to make potions. Everyone's been feeling anxious with all the monsters roaming around lately, but having these potions gives us a small peace of mind. Could you help me?

The party can now to go Navos Forest and fight waved enemies to acquire the herbs. As a reward, the Wrieg acquires the signet for Garuda.

The next sidequest is called Forest Ravagers.

Choosing it finds Morrow and party talking to an adult male villager.

Man: Hey, Morrow, ever heard of chimeras? Sometimes I run into them when out hunting. Usually they don't attack humans, but recently they've been outta control. Think you can do somethin' about it?

The party can now to go Navos Forest and fight waved enemies to complete the quest. Completing it earns Aemo the signet for the eidolon called Mysidian Rabbit. The party also earns a Yellow Gem that can be used for upgrading a signet.