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Chapter 1-1: Mysterious GirlHeading back into Navos Forest for the next story quest.
Quest: Mysterious Girl LV 1: A fateful encounter deep in the forest.
Morrow and Aemo stand outside the meteorite.
Girl: Where... am I...?
Morrow: The forest of Navos. What's your name?
Girl: I am... Aemo. Who are you?
Morrow: I'm--Suddenly a portal opens above them, and down drops an enemy, the familiar summon creature known as Atomos. A battle begins.

Gameplay sidebar: Aemo has two spells: a light spell known as Banish I, and Cure I. She also has two summons equipped: Chocobo (Choco Kick) and Carbuncle (Ruby Light).
After several rounds of battle, Wrieg leaps into the battle and attacks Atomos with a dragoon's jump attack.
Wrieg: Morrow! You all right!?
Morrow: Wrieg! I knew you were around here somewhere.
Wrieg: I was canvasing the area. I thought I told you to stay put.
Aemo: Who are you?
Morrow: This is Wrieg, an adventurer from Westa!
Wrieg: We'll talk later! For now, let's get out of here!Gameplay sidebar: Wrieg has two spells: an earth physical attack called Stone Blow I, and Protect I. He also has two summons equipped: Omega (Demon Eye) and Titan (Earthen Wall).
The three defeat Atomos, with a strange portal starting to form from his mouth.
Wrieg: Space is...bending?They begin being pulled towards it.
Morrow: Oh no, we're being sucked in! Ahhh!!!The party is pulled into Atomos' portal; Atomos then disappears itself.

The party finds themselves on an ancient-looking stone platform floating in space. Broken pieces and shards float around the platform, and clock gears can be seen within. A large blue crystal sits at the center of the platform, with which Wrieg examines. Morrow lies on the ground while Aemo stands over him. Morrow stirs, then rises.
Wrieg: Are you all right, Morrow?
Aemo: Morrow... Where are we now?
Morrow: I don't know.A strange, animal-like SOUNDS from off screen.
???: Kyu kyu!Suddenly, a small black dragon dives into the group.
Morrow: Whoa! What is that thing!?
Wrieg: I'm not sure. It was already when I came to.
????: Kyu?
The creature stares at Morrow, and nudges close to him.
Aemo: It's so cute!The giant crystal at the center of the platform begins pulsing with light, and there is a bright FLASH of light. A blonde woman with robes and a strange crown appears within the circle.
Crystal: Visitors? How odd.The dragon flies towards the crystal.
Morrow: Whoa! There's someone in the crystal!
Crystal?: Greetings. I am Chronos.
Morrow: What are you doing inside that crystal?
Chronos: This crystal is my prison here in the Rift.
Wrieg: The Rift?
Chronos: This place is completely beyond the flow of time. As such, I do not age, so I have an eternity to repent for my crime. I don't even remember the last time I saw another human. This is the first time Atomos has ever opened the door to this dimension.
Morrow: Atomos? You mean that monster from before?A voice speaks from off screen.
???: He's not a monster, kupo!
Aemo: Kupo?A small green portal appears, and out of flies a small moogle.
Morrow: How many weirdos will we run into today!?
Kupo?: Learn to stay your tongue! We are considered gods among men, kupo!
Chronos: This is Mog, my warden moogle, and Atomos is the guardian of the Rift. They're both eidolons.
Morrow: Eidolons!? You mean those mythical beasts?
Aemo: Eidolons...
Wrieg: Divine beings, something akin to gods. I never imagined they really existed.Aemo is taken aback.
Aemo: Gods...?
Wrieg: Don't they have stories about eidolons where you come from?
Aemo: I don't know...where I came from...
Wrieg: Don't tell me you lost your memory! When that meteorite hit the ground?
Morrow: Aemo...
Chronos: Things appear to be complicated. But Atomos bringing you here must mean you all have potential.
Aemo: Potential...
Wrieg: Us?
Moogle: Those signet stones allow you to use magic and skills by drawing on an eidolons power. This proves you have potential.
Chronos: We were once blinded by that power. However, the eidolons are seeking those who can use their power justly.The screen SHAKES as another portal appears behind Morrow and Aemo. Atomos appears.
Chronos: Well, it's time. Atomos has come to take you to Eidola. Meet the eidolon king and the others and gain their approval.
Wrieg: The eidolon king?
Moogle: Yes, but beware, kupo! You can't just waltz into Eidola. There's a powerful guardian and you need to earn your entry! Use your signets and prove your worth.
Morrow: So we just hafta go and meet the eidolons, right?Atomos uses his mouth to again produce a space-time distortion.
FADE to white:
????: Kyu kyu!FADE TO:
Still in the Rift, Chronos and Moogle are looking where the party once stood.
Moogle: K-kupo! The Eidolord went with them, kupo!?
Chronos: I look forward to seeing what they can do.Aemo and Wrieg joined the party.The quest is completed and we are now on a new world map. It is a collection of various island and ancient debris floating in a starfield. The year is marked as
?? ????. The area where we once stood is known as Chronos's Space, with the next quest location being marked as the Atomos Gate.