Author Topic: Longing of the Wind score  (Read 3562 times)


  • Iokan (+1)
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Longing of the Wind score
« on: October 13, 2020, 01:01:29 am »
I transcribed Longing of the Wind from Chrono Trigger, and coded it with LilyPond. I'm pleased with how it turned out, however, I'd like feedback on it, if you all have the time. I noticed that there are no scores hosted on this website, and I think scores could be useful to musicians who are fooling around with the music. Anyone can do this, however, it does take time!

The forum software is not letting me upload the LilyPond code, so here it is, for those interested:

Code: [Select]
\version "2.20.0"

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
top-margin = 2\cm
left-margin = 2\cm
right-margin = 2\cm
ragged-right = ##t
tagline = ##f

\header {
title = "Longing of the Wind"
composer = "Yasunori Mitsuda"
arranger = "trans. Ryan Hoopes"

pizzStringsOne = \relative d' {
% set up bar numbers
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)
\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(modulo-bar-number-visible 4 1)
\time 4/4
\clef "treble^8"
\key d \minor
\partial 2 d''4^"melody has pizz. strings + flute patch" e |
f8 e c a d4 r8 d | c a f g a4 <g d> | e8 f a c <e c g>4 f | <c g f> r2 e4 |
f8 e c a d4 r8 d | c a f g a4 <g d> | e8 f a c <e c g> d <c a> d |
<d a g>4 r2. | \repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

pizzStringsTwo = \relative d' {
\time 4/4
\clef mezzosoprano
\key d \minor
\partial 2 r2 | d8 a' e'4 bes,8 f' c'4 | a,8 e' c c' f,, f' e, e' |
d, a' e'4 g,8 d'4 g8 | c, g' d' f <e c>4 r | d,8 a' e'4 bes,8 f' c'4 |
a,8 e' c c' f,, f' e, e' | d, a' e'4 g,8 g' a, a' | d, a' e' g <a fis d>4 r |
\repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

doubleBass = \relative d' {
\time 4/4
\clef "bass_8"
\key d \minor
\partial 2 r2 | d,,4 r8 d bes4 r8 bes | a4 c f e | d r8 d g,4 r8 g |
c4 r8 g c2 | d4 r8 d bes4 r8 bes | a4 c f e | d r8 d g,4 a | d2 r |
\repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

arcoStringsOne = \relative d' {
\time 4/4
\clef "treble^8"
\key d \minor
\partial 2 s2 | \repeat unfold 7 { b''1\rest } | b2\rest d4^"legato" e |
f8 e c a d4. d8 | c a f g a4 g | e8 f a c e4 f | c2. e4 | f8 e c a d4. d8 |
c a f g a4 g | e8 f a c e d c d | d2.. a'8 | a2 g4 f | e2 f4 g | e2. c4 |
a2. c4 | bes2 c4 d | e2 f4 g | e1 | c | a'2 g4 f | e2 f4 g | a2 g4 f |
e d e f | a2 g4 f | e d cis d | e1~ | \partial 2 e2 \bar ":|."

arcoStringsTwo = \relative d' {
\time 4/4
\clef "treble^8"
\key d \minor
\partial 2 cis''2^"on loop"\repeatTie | \repeat unfold 8 { s1 } | f,1 |
e4 d c cis | c1 | f2 e | f1 | e4 d c cis | c1 | g'2 fis | f' e4 d | c2 d4 e |
c2. a4 | f e f a | g2 a4 bes | c2 d4 e | c a g a | es f g8 a bes c | f2 e4 d |
c2 d4 e | f2 e4 d | a2~ a8 g a c | a1 | b1~ | b1 | \partial 2 cis2~ |
% draw the tie
\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f)
\hideNotes \stopStaff cis4

arcoStringsThree =\relative d' {
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\key d \minor
\partial 2 cis'2\repeatTie | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } | c2 d | g,4 bes a2~ |
a1 | g1 | c2 d | g,4 bes a2~ | a1 | a1 | d8^"non legato" d r d d d r d |
c c r c c c r c | c c r c c c r c | a a r a a a r a |
bes bes r bes bes bes r bes | g g r g g g r g | a a r a a a r a |
a a r a a a r a | d d r d d d r d | c c r c c c r c |
\repeat unfold 5 { d d r d d d r d } | \partial 2 cis2~ |
% draw the tie
\stopStaff \hideNotes cis4

arcoStringsFour = \relative d' {
\time 4/4
\clef alto
\key d \minor
\partial 2 a2\repeatTie | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } | d2 bes | a4 c f e |
d2 g, | c1 | d2 bes | a4 c f e | d2 g,4 a | d1 |
bes8^"non legato" bes r bes bes bes r bes | bes bes r bes bes bes r bes |
a a r a a a r a | d d r d d d r d | g, g r g g g r g | c c r c c c r c |
f, f r f f f r f | f f r f f f r f |
\repeat unfold 2 { bes bes r bes bes bes r bes } | b b r b b b r b |
b b r b b b r b | g g r g g g r g | gis gis r gis gis gis r gis |
a a r a a a r a | \partial 2 a2~ |
% draw the tie
\stopStaff \hideNotes a4

perc = \drummode {
\time 4/4
\override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #4
\tempo 4 = 84
\partial 2 r2 |
r4 tamb^\markup { \small \halign #-0.75 tambourine } r wbh^\markup { \small "wood block" } |
\repeat unfold 6 { r tamb r wbh } | r tamb r2 | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } |
r4 wbh^"wood blk." r2 | \repeat unfold 14 { r4 wbh r2 } | \partial 2 r4 wbh

cymbal = \drummode {
\time 4/4
% set dynamics above staff
\partial 2 r2 | \repeat unfold 7 { r1 } | << { s4\< s2\> s4\! } { cymc1 } >> |
\repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = \markup {
\column { pizz. "strings 1" } }
shortInstrumentName = \markup {
\column { pizz. "str. 1" } }
} \pizzStringsOne
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = \markup {
\column { pizz. "strings 2" } }
shortInstrumentName = \markup {
\column { pizz. "str. 2" } }
} \pizzStringsTwo
\new StaffGroup \with {
instrumentName = \markup {
\column { arco strings } }
shortInstrumentName = \markup {
\column { arco str. } }
\new Staff <<
\new Staff \arcoStringsThree
\new Staff \arcoStringsFour
\new Staff \with {
instrumentName = \markup {
\column { pizz. double bass } }
shortInstrumentName = \markup {
\column { dbl. bass } }
} \doubleBass
\new DrumStaff \with {
instrumentName = "percussion"
shortInstrumentName = "perc."
} \perc
\new DrumStaff \with {
instrumentName = \markup {
\column { crash cymbal } }
shortInstrumentName = "cymb."
} \cymbal
\layout {
\context {
\midi { }


  • Synergist of Marbule
  • Chronopolitan (+300)
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Re: Longing of the Wind score
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2020, 08:34:03 pm »
Hey, welcome to the party!

I think there are plenty of people out there that would be interested in seeing what's happening on paper.  Thanks!