800712B8 ????
800712BA ????
800712BC ????
800712BE ????
800712C0 ????
800712C2 ????
800712C4 ????
800712C6 ????
800712C8 ????
800712CA ????
800712CC ????
800712CE ????
800712D0 ????
800712D2 ????
Just look enemy list from ccenemyedit or what its posted over here and follow that order
**EDIT: Oh its on that image chart you uploaded.
...so the first code is for the first 16 enemies and adds it to doppelgang list
800712B8+XXXX, for first 16 enemies following the list.
0000 = none of them available, FFFF = all of them will appear on list
0001 = Radius
0002 = Beach Bum
0004 = Sand Squirt
0008 = Komodo Pup
0010 = Opah Fish
0020 = Mama Komodo
0040 = Karsh
0080 = Solt
0100 = Peppor
0200 = Tetze Fly
0400 = Wraith
0800 = Mama Dingo
1000 = Bubba Dingo
2000 = Drongo
4000 = Dodo
8000 = Solt
800712BA+XXXX Second group
800712BC+XXXX Third group...
And as the same goes..
They are Hex values, so different values will add more characters/enemies to the list, all combinations are possible. looks like just need sum any of them with an Hex calc. so 00FF will be the first 8 characters available on list.