So I feel super bad for not being here the last couple of months but ugh, the new job blocks the Compendium (assholes!) and it killed my Compendium routine. Lol So I’m here at home on my iPad and I’m going to work on doing this a couple times a week.
So the last 2 months have been... eventful. 3 weeks after starting my new job I needed surgery. I swear, never a dull moment with me. Lol Well I had the surgery and it went well and I was back at work. I missed about 2.5 weeks total so I was happy to have a job to go back to. That is, until I returned...
So the kind of surgery I had was...sensitive in nature. Well almost as soon as I got back, they started giving me a problem because I’m going to the bathroom more than the 30 minutes for break that I’m allotted. Most days I don’t even take a break, I use that time to go to the bathroom and they are still giving me a hard time about it. So I called my doctor’s office today and they have a doctor’s not waiting for me. However when I talked to my agency yesterday I was told they do not have to accommodate me even with a doctor’s note. The whole situation is bull. So needless to say I’m not happy at my job and I’m looking for another one because this is ridiculous.
So things have been a little rough but I know it will get better. It’s just been rough because I didn’t work for basically 3 weeks and it’s hurting us so much financially. I know it will get better but right now I’m just like, “Grrrrrr!”
Anyway I just wanted to say hi and let you know where I’ve been. I’m going to make sure to check in a couple times a week, I’ve really missed this place! I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season!