Author Topic: E3 2018  (Read 2936 times)

Acacia Sgt

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E3 2018
« on: June 10, 2018, 07:32:40 pm »
So, E3 is upon us again. Anyone been paying attention?

I have, and I must say, I like the new info on stuff like Fallout 76 and Kingdom Hearts III; and I know more will come later on. Also looking forward for new info on stuff like Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Certainly one E3 I'm paying attention to, hahahaha.


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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 09:38:48 pm »
I'm wary that 76 will feel derivative of 4 simply because of its setting not be radically different. New Vegas and the desert feeling took things away from the west coast, but from first look, 76 is back in 4 and Point Lookout's countryside frame of experience.

Plus Bethesda's writing it so I have zero hope of a good story, but...

Acacia Sgt

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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 10:01:20 pm »
Well, for 76's setting, while I can't really comment much on some things, I know that since it will chronologically take place even before the first game, some things will certainly be different. At least it's a Fallout game where we won't have to see the BoS, hahaha... hmm...

Yeah, I could agree on the story thing.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2018, 02:52:20 am »
My thoughts...

So I have ignored pretty much everything outside of Bethesda, just to be honest...

Devil May Cry 5
-Not a Bethesda game, but this is honestly the first time I've been interested in a DMC game. It actually looked fun, although the female van driver was a bit on the eh side (for me anyway). I am wondering if it's not a merge of the previous DMC series and the reboot from a few years ago, especially based on the ending. Could be cool!
-6/10 on excitement scale.

Doom Eternal
-I loved Doom 3 and the expansion, played through it two or three times. Bought the newest Doom but never played it. The gameplay looked amazing, and I did actually play the first level and enjoyed it, but like I said, I never got far into it... Regardless, the trailer was cool. Probably something I'd pick up when it goes on sale and never play, hahaha...
-6/10 on excitement scale.

-Fallout 4 was highly entertaining, but failed to capture the magic of both FO3 and FONV. It didn't feel unique enough, and although the settlement building mechanics were great fun, the world felt so generic when it came to NPCs and urban settlements.
-That being said, I'm not much of a multiplayer game type, so FO76 concerns me in that it will be a more story-oriented DayZ or yet another survival multiplayer game. I didn't get to listen to the whole shebang, but that was the word on the street before going into E3. The game could be fun, but likely won't be my cut of tea. I'll save my judgment though. Based solely off of the teaser and trailer thus far, I'm not overly excited. I mean, as an Elder Scrolls buff (my second favorite series behind Chrono Trigger), ESO was a huge letdown. Yet another generic MMO that I tried and tried to get into.
-7/10 on excitement scale

Elder Scrolls Blades
-Not super excited, but I'm sure I'll play it... but I'll likely never end up spending money on it since it's a freemium game. This is how it goes with freemium mobile games for me (FF Record Keeper, Kingdom Hearts Unchained X, FF All the Bravest, FO Shelter). Fun for a few months and then it hits huge difficulty spikes that can only become through insane grinding or shelling huge real world cash in troves.
-All in all, 6/10 on excitement scale.

-This game has had me hooked for a while, and it's nice to have a trailer... although we still don't know anything about it yet. The fact that it's "nextgen" means it will likely be a while, and maybe for the rumored PS5 in development? I'm mostly a PC guy these days (what little time for gaming), so as long as it's on PC I'm good.
-7/10 on excitement scale.

Elder Scrolls IV
-Bold move to drop this right at the end, and to have a super teaserific teaser at that. I am guessing this is also next gen based on previous comments from TH about the tech still being worked on (new game engine finally?!). I'm hoping this is really graphically pushing the boundaries like previous Elder Scrolls games.
-I'm also on the fence if it's High Rock / Orsimer or Hammerfell. It looked more like High Rock at first glance, but northern Hammerfell is not arid, so it could be either. Either way, I'm down.
-Off topic, but I had heard that Michael Kirkbride once said that the original intent was for every third game to be really alien and weird. I was (and still am) really hoping for something more akin to Morrowind: a truly original, creative world with immersive lore and alien beauty. Oblivion and Skyrim are both great games (although Skyrim has aged much better than Oblivion for me), but they haven't captured that oomph that Morrowind offers (ignoring gameplay issues with Morrowind, of course).
-All in all, there is not much here to get excited about, or to analyze. The fact that there is an official announcement is great, but I'm sure this is a 2020 or 2021 game, so who knows.
-7.1/10 on excitement scale.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 02:55:55 am by Boo the Gentleman Caller »


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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2018, 03:39:14 pm »
I have a feeling of overall disappointment towards this year's E3, though that may be due more to my feelings of gaming in general and my interests at the moment than what was announced.

I'm still a generation behind, with a PS3 and 3DS. I mostly use my PC and phone for gaming now anyways. Nothing shown has really convinced me to make the jump to PS4 or Switch, and the few things I was interested in had no substance (e.g. Elder Scrolls VI). Just teasers.

Pokemon still hasn't changed at all. Even though they promise a core series next year for experienced fans, I'm always disappointed in each generation because they toss out good designs. Bring back the Battle Frontier. Let pokemon follow us. Make character customization stay, goddamn.

Still no news on the Final Fantasy VII remake, and of course nothing related to Chrono.

I didn't even watch the new Kingdom Hearts trailer. I'm so lost in the story I don't think I can ever catch up without playing all these random side stories that shouldn't be essential to the plot.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2018, 04:54:40 pm »
Yeah, I was a bit underwhelmed by e3 as a whole. Nothing really stood out to me as overly exciting.

The TESVI reveal was literally the most exciting part.


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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2018, 12:08:24 am »
OK, so I actually missed this game, Sable. It looks lovely. Like a cross between Journey and the artwork of Moebius.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2018, 01:06:27 am »
OK, so I actually missed this game, Sable. It looks lovely. Like a cross between Journey and the artwork of Moebius.

I hadn't seen that either! Glad you shared it. I love indie art games like that. The music also really helped set the tone of the game. I'm not sure what Moebius is, though. I dig the graphic novel-esque graphics, though.

I recently played through Submerged, which sort of an emotive, slow, non-combat exploration game. I dug it and have been craving similar experiences.

Also: Kodokami, the more I learn about you the more I think we'd be friends IRL. :D


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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2018, 12:58:44 pm »
I feel the same way! Wouldn't be the first time I befriended and met a fellow Compendiumite either.

Moebius is the pen name of French artist Jean Giraud. His art is otherworldly, and I'm sure was the inspiration for the art style of Sable. Which, I found out, "sable" is the French word for sand.

I was also of the opinion that the manga of Nausicaa was reminiscent of Moebius' work. Add to my surprise that I learned just this morning that Miyazaki and Moebius were fans of each other's work! There was a Tumblr page that at one time was dedicated to coloring pages from the Nausicaa manga. It's worth checking out and comparing to the art of Moebius!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2018, 11:23:23 pm »
As a huge Miyazaki fan, I am glad you shared that link. Not only did I forget that some of Miyazaki's work was also a manga (Nausicaa included), but that art, damn... It really sheds a different light on the actual design and variation of Laputa itself. I'm going to need to find an English version to read.


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Re: E3 2018
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2018, 02:23:29 pm »
I highly recommend the Nausicaa manga. It is so amazing, and one of my favorite stories. The movie is great but doesn't do the whole manga justice. Big name book stores will sell the boxed collection upwards of $60-70, but a quick look on eBay has it at $35.