Author Topic: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...  (Read 16406 times)


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Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« Reply #105 on: October 07, 2012, 04:35:27 pm »
I don't understand why there's so many sexual stuff in my dreams. I even had one with Marle for lord's sake.  :picardno

( but she did look cute )

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« Reply #106 on: October 07, 2012, 07:39:01 pm »
Sexuality is a part of us innately. Stems from the instinctual desire to mate, I guess. It only makes sense to permeate our dreams on occasion. :)


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Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« Reply #107 on: October 07, 2012, 10:46:49 pm »
Sometimes it is obscue and vague. I recall I had a dream years ago about a man with a gas mask crawling in a tunnel (on top of a maya pyramid maybe), the gass mask had an unusual long canister. In dream I immediately realized what did that mean.


One of the most impressive dreams I had was inspired by a murder case. In that dream I talked with a friend who was at that time in City N. We were in a kindergarten (old places usually appeared in my dream so it was just common). Suddenly some small paper sheet slipped out from his pocket. (The paper sheet was as big as a ticket.) I picked it up and found there was a girl's name written on it. He was a bit angry about that and took the paper back immediately. Not sure about the later part of the dream, I only remember he said he had to return to that city soon.

Before the dream I heard a murder case. The police found a gir's corpse in a rental room in City N. The case was solved quickly because they found a train ticket in the victim's pocket, on which the murderer's phone number was written. Sadly, the police found her parents had been killed in another place by the same murderers. The victims was some sort of relatives of my family. The murderers were their friends. They cheated the parents that they found a studying abroad chance in Singapore for their daughter. I recall father once warned the parents that things might not be as simple as they expected, but they just too overtrusted their 'friends'. Stupid murderers, stupider victims.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« Reply #108 on: May 08, 2018, 03:15:14 am »
Motha. Fuggin'. Warning: This topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days THREAD NECROMANCY.

So I've been suffering from a minor case of insomnia the past two years or so. Nothing awful, but I average about 4 hours of sleep a night or so. Sooner or later it's going to bite me. I'm too afraid to get on some sort of sleep aide and have tried a multitude of remedies: running to tucker myself out, not using electronics for an insane amount of time before bed, various herbal/food remedies, the works.

Regardless, I still have dreams. I often like to write them down and use them for creative inspirations.

Last night's dream was a doozy. This dream was REALLY fascinating in that it was entirely third person and I wasn't a participant in the dream; it was like I was watching the story unfold as a casual observer, like I was watching it on a television screen. It was also strange that it had a clear resolution, although by the time the dream was winding down the story sort of got choppy and discombobulated and almost "blurry" as it seemingly rushed to a conclusion. Maybe due to a shift in a sleep cycle?

Regardless, I've been on a Studio Ghibli kick recently, although I haven't watched Princess Mononoke in probably four or five years. This dream definitely felt inspired by the move to some degree, so of course now I HAVE to watch it (it's also the only Studio Ghibli film I won't let my six year old watch just yet).

* * * * * *

A large human village in a deep forest. A shadow creature attacks, many people running off into the forest to escape. A small group of people end up stumbling upon a strange, mysterious forest meadow.

It is roughly one hundred feet by one hundred feet. A perfect circle. Soft grass, the only decorations or landmarks several cairn stones, of one which is larger than the others (at about 8 feet in height).

A forest spirit – a strange woman of light – comes to the survivors and explains that the shadow creature is the Change Bringer, an agent of order who has come to the forest to bring change, namely, the expulsion (death) of all humans within the forest. The humans had become selfish and no longer respected the forest, and as such the humans are being hunted. The spirit explains that the Change Bringer will remain in the forest for quite some time – weeks, perhaps months, and that the group cannot leave the circle or else they will be killed by the shadow creature. Because the shadow creature is one of shadow, as long as they are in the light it cannot detect them – it can only detect them if they come into contact with the shadows of the treeline, the shadows of the forest.

The group is thus trapped and has to make ends meet. No food, no shelter. It is partially a dream akin to a survival story as they try to adapt.

Eventually, they notice as wolves surround the meadow, and spend several days/nights “checking out” the group. The group is fearful, unsure what to do should the wolves attack. Eventually, however, a large dire wolf enters the clearing – it is larger than a normal wolf, its tail long and flowing, and it wears a strange mask. It is the leader of the wolves of the forest, and it approaches one of the men of the group and offers him a dead rabbit. More wolves start doing the same, including one that has a broken paw.

We then learn that the man was a hunter and found a wolf trapped in a bear trap. The wolf was emaciated, dying, so the hunter freed the wolf and gave it both food and water to help it regain its strength. In return for this kind deed, the wolves of the forest have all agreed to help the hunter and his friends by bringing them food – namely, small game.

Eventually one member of the group decides to leave the meadow and is ultimately killed by the Change Bringer.

In the climax, the group learns that the kindly forest spirit and the Change Bringer are actually one in the same, two sides of the same coin. They are able to escape the wrath of the Bringer and flee the forest, vowing never to set foot in its boundaries again.

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Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« Reply #109 on: May 16, 2018, 12:01:49 am »
It's not quite as cool as Boo's, but I dreamed a couple days ago that Trump came back on SNL to host, and me and this one other person beat the tar out of him.  :kamina

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« Reply #110 on: May 16, 2018, 09:45:15 am »
I dreamed last night that I was with a small group of humans (~50) and we were the last surviving humans in the universe. Earth was in ruins, and we had decided for some reason that where we were currently holed up wasn't cutting it in any longer.

So we packed up our stuff and decided to caravan to the end of the world.

Like, literally the end of the world. In my dream it took us weeks and weeks of walking, and at some point the earthen ground gave way to literal construct. There was no subtle change, no door to walk through, and no explanation. It was just a jump and BOOM! We were inside some sort of structure.

The structure was enormous, a maze of hallways and classroom-sized rooms, but it seemingly stretched on for infinity. The walls were mostly bare, painted cinder block, and there were no windows. It was mostly well-lit, with harsh white light of of overhead florescent lights. Occasionally a pipe would run along the wall or ceiling. All-in-all, it sort of looked a lot like a school or camp building.

Our trek lasted for weeks, and literally we'd have to set up camp right in the middle of the hall. No fires, since we were indoors. Eventually, however, I remember I was in the front of the pack and turned a corner, and the hallway ended. There was a door and window at the end of the hall, and through the window I could see nothing but the deepest pitch black. No starlight, nothing; it was the literal end of the universe.

Nearby we found several large rooms and decided that this would have to be our new home. Whatever we were running from (this was never clear to me), it was far away, but should it come for us, we'd be doomed, since we have nowhere else to run (it may have been an existential threat rather than a literal enemy or monster, my dream was never clear on this).

One of the rooms was a large ware-house like chamber with additional rooms, and I threw a huge rug down in the corner of the room, indicating that the space was now what would be my "room" and living space.

That was it.

The end.