Author Topic: Identifying battle sound effects  (Read 26033 times)


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Identifying battle sound effects
« on: February 28, 2018, 05:40:30 pm »
This is the current partial list of sound effects in battle.

Code: [Select]
00 - Confirm / Menu Cursor
01 - Error
02 - Miss

04 - Tonic 1
05 - X-Strike?
06 - Tonic 2
07 - Ether
08 - Unsheathe

4D - Impact (Spincut)
4F - Slash Hit

53 - Wind Effect (Slash, Spincut)

6A - Explosion

6E - ??? (Lightning)

71 - Magic Casting (Lightning)

7B - Lightning2 Hit
7C - Magic Casting (Lightning2)

88 - Tech learned
89 - Revive tune (Life)/Level up

A9 - (matches up with Battle Party Message index $0C, not used?)

C0 - Charm failed

D2 - "Whoosh" Spincut

There's a collection of SPCs that can be used to identify these sounds. I've also attached a Flux file, that if imported into Temporal Flux (with Hi-Tech installed), will replace Cylcone with a tech that just plays one sound.

0xFF is probably a special code, and 0xFA-0xFE may or may not be used.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2018, 08:52:17 am »
I'll get to work on this.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 01:18:03 am »
Outdated, see top of page 5 for current version:

wiki entry:

This old version is provided for historical interest, to show how the document has developed over time. It contains a number of omissions and errors.


All sounds are labelled with hexadecimal, which uses numbers 0-9 and letters A-F to represent 16 values. With two digits, this allows up to 256 different values, although not all are used.

I've listed the sounds in hexadecimal order. I describe the contexts in which they're used, and sometimes the sound itself. I use cf to compare similar sounds, and use from/to to reference frequent combinations. To show that a sound is played in repetition, I use x(number) eg x2 for twice. I use a question mark ? to denote where I'm uncertain of my results, but this is only in a few places.

I've also included Tech Recipes: combinations of sounds used for various techs employed by both the party and monsters. Aside from novelty value, this should make it easier to look up sounds; just think of a tech in which it's used and check for it. The techs are organized by single/double/triple and enemy techs, as well as by character and in-game order. I use commas for sounds that are played in sequence, and a slash / for sounds which overlap each other.

This is by no means complete or comprehensive. I was able to identify 184/200 sounds, or 92%. I couldn't get F3 to play, and I couldn't find the sound used in the Final Kick triple tech (perhaps they're one and the same). I went solely by the list of 200 SPCs; if there are other sounds, I didn't examine them (I think my best find was AC -- it's used when insectoid robot enemies fly towards you to attack, that was really obscure). Of the 16 unknown sounds, I think at least some, if not most, are unused in the vanilla game. 66 is subtle, and I may have overlooked it. I list the unknown sounds in the beginning, along with a few comments on them, and leave blank spaces in the main list (also, the fact that there's 16 missing sounds fits the hexadecimal theme).

The devs were clever in their use of sound fx. Many sounds are re-used in different contexts, while fitting the action each time. For example, C6 is used for the second phase of Evil Star (Lavos Core), as well as Water Rising (Giga Gaia) and Rock Teleport (Azala). I'm sure everyone has noticed that 6D is used for Aura Whirl and Halation, but it's also used by Guardian & bits. In addition, it's usually cut short -- by including the high-pitch tone at the end of Halation, it achieves the uncanny effect of distorting a familiar sound. By cutting sounds short or repeating them rapidly, they accomplish more with their given resources.

Credit goes to xcalibur. Any mistakes/omissions are my fault.


09, 48, 5C, 66, 79, 7D, A7, BA, C2, CA, CE, DB, ED, F2, F3, F9

09: alternate level-up?
48: repeating electronic sound?
5C: ? brief, high pitched. cf 05, 5D
66: enemy creature? it's listed near enemy attack sounds.
79: unused lit/ice magic charge?
7D: fire/explosions. unused fire tech? located next to Fire2 sounds.
A7: unused component of luminaire? also, cf C3
BA: boing? unused bouncy sound?
C2: unused wind effect? replaced by D4? cf 53
CA: unused enemy tech? status spell?
CE: unused shadow tech?
DB: unused shadow tech? teleportation?
ED: strange, subtle echoing sound, like a pin dropping.
F2: slashing attack? lightning?
F3: can't get this to play.
F9: unused Lavos Core tech? replaced by D0? cf, vague similarity.


00 menu cursor
01 error
02 miss/enemy movement
03 used during lifeline (short high pitch)
04 tonic/lapis 1/2, ether 1/2, double cure cast
05 x strike charge up (enemy), Aura Beam cast, enemy chaos techs 1/3 (to 8E), barrier item
06 healing. tonic/lapis 2/2, elixir, Aura Whirl 4/4.
07 ether use 2/2
08 unsheathe weapon for battle.
0A throw (Lucca throwing napalm grenade)
0B Aura Whirl 2/4. save point enemy?
0C correct target (Son of Sun)
0D party runs away
40 Chrono crit, enemy slash tech, Max Strike (Slash)
41 Robo melee crit, charging up laser spin
42 player's turn/menu activates
43 Marle ranged attack (bow)
44 Lucca melee attack (gun butt)
45 kiss. 1/3 charm (Ayla, naga-ette, Flea), leech (octoblush) x3
46 bonk (Yakra, Nizbel II, Frog's Slurp Cut failed, etc)
47 Marle melee attack, enemy melee (imps, etc)
49 X Strike (Chrono/Frog)?
4A enemy melee, Ayla cat attack 1/2
4B Ayla strike, used in Flame Kick.
4C Ayla strike, used in Rollo Kick 2/2 (from 64), Drop Kick, Drill Kick (from D5). hench attack.
4D Frog attack crit, Spincut impact
4E Frog attack
4F Chrono attack, Slash impact, Swordstream, enemy melee (decedent, red/blue beasts, etc)
50 Lucca alt ranged attack, proto 3 attack (rapidly repeated)
51 Robo chest punch charge-up x3, R-Series melee, Giga Gaia hand restore 2/2 (from 9C)
52 Lucca ranged attack, debuggest stomp attack
53 wind effect (Spincut, Slash, Confuse, Swordstream etc cast)
54 charge up Omega Flare, Giga Gaia Dark Plasma 1/2, debugger attack.
55 Frog ribbit (charging up Frog Squash to 6B), prehistoric frog attack
56 Fire1 cast cf 77. charge attack (Yakra, Dragon Tank, Nizbel II, etc.)
57 needle launch/Needlespin (Yakra, Lavos)
58 charm spell (naga-ette, Ayla)
59 healing/Salt, decedent attack
5A enemy water/bubble cast (Heckran, nereid, etc)
5B Volt Bite (Ayla, Chrono)
5D Lock/can't use techniques (ocean palace mage) x2
5E bell attack by avian chaos (early bird enemy)
5F Magus scythe, enemy melee (commonly used), Spire
60 Magus scythe crit
61 enemy melee (commonly used)
62 Ayla Cat Attack 2/2 x2, Drill Kick charge
63 enemy shriek (scout, gold eaglet, etc)
64 Ayla Rollo Kick cast (to 4C)
65 missile launch, Robo Tackle cast (to B3), 3D Attack (triple tech)
67 enemy melee (commonly used)
68 laser fire, Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos)
69 gargoyle/diablos hit. Life Shaver (repeated, then to 6A), Combination Punch (Masa&Mune) x3
6A explosion (Antipode 1, Lightning 1, enemy techs, etc)
6B falling. Frog Squash (from 55), Rock Throw. Yakra needles, Iron Orb.
6C impact (Frog Squash, Rock Throw)
6D Halation (Queen Zeal, Nu Spekkio), Aura Whirl 3/4, Guardian boss techs
6E zap (ends Dark matter/Spire/Super volt etc), used in Lightning1?
6F Ice1 cast (Marle, Spekkio)
70 ice impact/freeze, Cube toss cast
71 Lightning 1 charge
72 ice magic charge (Marle, Spekkio, Magus)
73 Robo Tackle/Rocket Roll/Triple Raid charge
74 Fire1 impact. various fire attacks & smoke grenade (Mud Imp, Reptites, etc. from 9A)
75 Ice Sword cast2 (from A3)
76 Ice Sword impact
77 Confuse/Fire sword cast, boss breakdown 2/2 from b6. cf 56.
78 Aura charge, techs by Zombor/Lavos Spawn/Slash, Magus Black Hole.
7A Frog sword chargeup (Leap Slash, etc)
7B Lightning 2 strike, Mammon Machine releases energy, Mother Brain attack without displays
7C Lightning 2 cast, cure magic charge
7E Fire 2 impact.
7F Fire 2 cast. Geyser (Magus), Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos), Dark Gear 2/2 etc. cf 81
80 Laser Spin (Robo, Mother Brain etc., Retinite)
81 Rocket Roll (Chrono/Robo), Mega Bomb (Lucca), Dark Mist (Magus), Evil Star 1/3, cf 7f
82 Dino Tail (Ayla), Tyrano charging up (cut short)
83 Water2 impact (Frog, Heckran), Mutant Gas (Black Omen mutants), Dark Mist (Magus)
84 Ice2, Cure Touch cast
85 Ice2, Ice Toss impact
86 Haste (Marle) 1/2
87 Haste (Marle) 2/2
88 new tech learned
89 level up
8A Shock tech (Robo), cf F4
8B Provoke (Marle) x3, begin Poyozo Dance (x4)
8C Cure Beam (Robo, Mother Brain's displays, other robots)
8D Heal Beam cast (Robo)
8E heal item (cures status), Heal tech (Frog), chaos techs 2/3 (Flea, Masa&Mune) from 05
8F stormy wind. Vacuum Wave 1/2, Ayla Tail Spin, tornado, chaos techs 3/3, etc.
90 burning sound, used in Flame Whirl. cf A8, E3
91 Chrono Cyclone
92 Hypno Wave (Lucca)
93 Delta Force I (fire), Invading Light.
94 Delta Force II (water/ice), Vacuum Wave 2/2 (Masamune)
95 monster defeated
96 Flare charge (Lucca), Invading Light charge (Lavos)
97 Flare cast (Lucca), Area Bomb (Robo)
98 Flare impact (Lucca, Nu Spekkio, Son of Sun)
99 Delta Force III (lightning). Fire Punch, Doublebomb impact.
9A alt throw sound (Mud Imp/Reptite smoke grenade, to 74).
9B Geyser 2/2, Grudge (Cyrus' ghost)
9C eruption/quake. crater enemies, Azala Break, GatlingKick, Giga Gaia hand restore (to 51)
9D bat attack (squeak)
9E Water1 bubble cast (Frog)
9F Frog tongue, enemy tongue (hp steal).
A0 bubble pop.
A1 Frog charging up water magic
A2 seeking laser impact 2/2, Bubble Snap/Icewater cast, Cyclone/water (Heckran)
A3 Ice Sword cast1 (to 75)
A4 seeking laser 1/2 to A2
A5 Luminaire charge, Guardian Revive Bit 2/2?
A6 Luminaire impact
A8 burning/exploding sound cf 90, E3. Inner Lavos triangles 2/2 from F4
A9 rat attack (gremlin) squeak.
AA Gato's song of love
AB Charm effect (Ayla, Flea)
AC Bug/insectoid robot flying (during attack)
AD Life1
AE Life2, Active Life (Lavos Core)
AF fire magic charge (Lucca, etc), orange pellets 1/2
B0 short jump used to set up techs ie Falcon Hit
B1 flapping/spinning to charge up tornado (Twister triple tech, Drill Kick, Rocket Roll, etc.)
B2 charging Delta Force/Storm, etc. (long high pitch)
B3 Robo Laser Spin charge, Robo Tackle(from 65)/Bubble Snap, R-series attacks
B4 Lifeline charge x3
B5 Lifeline cast
B6 boss breakdown 1/2 x3, followed by 77 for bosses, b7 for large bosses.
B7 large boss breakdown 2/2 fading out (Guardian, Giga Gaia)
B8 impact of throw/hammer/Nu attack/Lavos Core melee/etc
B9 radar status attack/50,000 hertz/sleep (cave bat, bug robot, scouter)
BB Glacier, Spin Strike (triple techs)
BC jump sound. enemy runs away x3 (to E3?). used in Bad Impulse (Mystical Knights)
BD chomp (Tyrano, krakker on Death Peak, Retinite, etc)
BE Darketernal cast, Delta Attack/shadow (Guardian & bits)
BF mp steal
C0 charm unsuccessful
C1 Ayla beckon (begins Falcon hit), Azala's Psychokinesis
C3 Lock All (rubble, boss orb), Protective Seal/Shining Bit from E2, Hexagon Mist/Starburst 1/3
C4 Hexagon Mist/Starburst (Queen Zeal) 2/3
C5 Hexagon Mist/Starburst (Queen Zeal) 3/3, Rainbow Storm (Flea)
C6 Evil Star 2/3 (Lavos Core), Water Rise (Giga Gaia), Azala's rock teleport.
C7 Delta Storm (triple tech) / Dreamless (Lavos Core)
C8 MP buster, Cube Toss impact
C9 Chaos Zone (Lavos, Mega Mutant, Spekkio's fifth form, etc)
CB Freeze/stop (Inner Lavos), Dark Flare/shadow (Retinite, etc.)
CC monster lightning/releases stored energy (Nizbel)
CD poison gas/Dalton blurp, Roulette Shuffle (Son of Sun)
CF robot opening/flexing x2 (Robo, R-Series)?
D0 instant ko spell (fifth form/Nu Spekkio, Black Omen alien)
D1 Antipode 2, Blanket Bomb/fire (enemy/boss tech)
D2 big jump used to set up techs (Falcon Hit, etc)
D3 Spire thunder (Frog/Crono)
D4 Blade Toss (Frog/Robo) Falcon Hit, Antipode 3, Spin Kick cast. enemy x strike cast (from 05)
D5 Drill Kick cast (to 4C)
D6 Icewater cast 2/2. Queen Zeal's Skygate lightning (repeated rapidly)
D7 Super Volt 2/2 (Crono/Robo)
D8 primeape attack
D9 Crimson Rain/hp down (cut short). (hench, scouter, imp etc)
DA Magus casts a spell/magic wall
DC Dark Bomb (Magus, Spekkio's fifth form)
DD Magus casting
DE Black Hole (Magus), lavos gate opening.
DF Dark Matter (Magus, Nu Spekkio)
E0 Lavos Spawn Needle, final multi-needle attack (Yakra XIII), Fire Tackle impact (Lucca/Robo)
E1 flying grab and drop attack
E2 Poyozo Dance. Protective Seal (Lavos), Shining Bit (Giga Mutant) to C3. Dark Gear 1/2
E3 burning sound, turret self-destructs.  cf 90, A8. enemy runs away 2/2? (cut short) from BC
E4 Antipode 3 impact. Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos)
E5 Robo Uzzi Punch
E6 Ayla chargeup for Triple Kick
E7 Ayla melee.
E8 Ayla melee crit.
E9 Slurp Kiss cast
EA Protect (Lucca) 1/2 to F0, shield item
EB Final Kick/Gatling Kick cast (triple tech)
EC Ice Sword 2 end
EE Boogie 1/2 (Robo, Ayla)
EF Boogie 2/2
F0 Protect (Lucca) 2/2 from EA
F1 Delta Force impact/end (party), other triple techs, Doors of doom open (Inner Lavos)
F4 Fire Dance (falling triangles, Inner Lavos), to A8, cf 8A
F5 Evil Star 3/3 (Lavos Core)
F6 Crying Heavens/hidden blow (Lavos Core)
F7 Grand Stone (Lavos Core)
F8 Spell/random status (Lavos Core)


Slash: 53, 4F
Lightning1: 71, 6E?/6A, 6A x3
Spincut: D2, 53, 4D x3 rapidly
Lightning2: 7C, 7B
Confuse: 53, 77, 91, 40
Luminaire: A5, A6
Aura: 78, 06
Ice1: 72, 6F, 70
Cure1/Cure2: 7C, 59
Ice2: 72, 84m 85 x2
Fire1: AF, 56, 74 x3?
Fire 2: AF, 7F, 7E
Protect: EA, F0
Flare: 96 (slightly cut short), 97 (repeated rapidly), 98
Slurp Cut: 9F, 4D
Water1: A1, 9E, A0
Heal: 7C, 59, 8E
Leap Slash: 7A, D2, 4D
Water2:  A1, 83
Frog Squash: 55, 6B, 6C x3
Rocket Punch: 51 x4, 65, B3
Robo Tackle: 73, 65, B3
Area Bomb: 51 x3, 97, 6A (repeated rapidly), 81
Rollo Kick: 64 x2, 4C x2
Rock Throw: B0, 6B, 6C
Charm: 45, 58, AB, C0 (if unsuccessful)
Triple Kick: E6, 53/4C x3
Magic Wall: DD, DA
Dark Mist: DD, 83/81
Black Hole: DD, DE, 78


Aura Whirl: 78, 0B, 6D (slightly cut short), 06
Ice Sword II: 72, A3, 75, 76, 91, EC
Fire Sword II: AF, 56, 77, 40
X Strike: 4D/49?
Swordstream: A1, 9E, A0, 53, 4F
Spire: 7A/71, D3/D2, 5F, 6E
Rocket Roll: 73, B1, 81
Drill Kick: 62, B1, D5, 4C
Falcon Hit: C1 x2, B0, D2, D4, 4F
Antipode1: 72, 6F, 70/AF, 6A x3
Antipode2: 72, 6F, AF, D1
Antipode3:  72/AF, D4, E4
Ice Water: 72/A1, 9F/A3, A2, D6, 84
Ice Tackle: 72, A3, 73, 65, 85
Bubble Snap: A1, A2, A0, B3
Slurp Kiss: 45, 9F, E9, 06
Beast Toss: 51 x3, B0 x4, D2, B8


Delta Force: B2, 93, 94, 99, F1
Arc Impulse: 72, A3, 75, F1, 40
Triple Raid: 73, 4E, 65, 99
GatlingKick: D2, EB, B1/D4, 9C
Lifeline: B4 x3/ 03 x4, B2/B5
PoyozoDance: 8B x4, E2, F1
DarkEternal: BE, C3 x3, F1
Omega Flare: 54, 80/6A (rapidly repeated)?, 98
Grand Dream: 7A, 80 (cut short), 8E, 0B, 6B x3/B8 x3, F1


Run Away (enemy): BC (x3), E3 cut short?
seeking laser (many enemies): A4, A2
Water Bubble: 5A, A0
smoke grenade: 9A, 74
orange pellets: AF, 74
x strike (Masa&Mune, others): 05, D4
Amplifire (Guardian): 6D (cut short), 8E
Revive Bit (Guardian): 6D (slightly cut short), A5 (briefly)?
Water Wave (Heckran): 5A, 83
Hurricane (Masamune): B1, 8F, B8
Vacuum Wave (Masamune): 8F, 94
Typhoon/chaos (Masa&Mune), Waltz of the Wind (Flea): 05, 8E, 8F
Prism Beam (Flea): 45, 6D (cut short), AB
Geyser/hp down (Magus): 7F, 9B x4
Psychokinesis (Azala): C1 x4, B8
Handblaster/fire (Giga Gaia): 7F, 6E
Dark Plasma/shadow (Giga Gaia): 54, CD
hand restoration (Giga Gaia): 9C, 51 x2
Bad Impulse/fire (Mystical Knights): BC, 45, 56, 4F
Delta Force/shadow (Mystical Knights, scouters): 93, 94, 99
Skygate/lightning (Queen Zeal): D6 repeated rapidly
Hexagon Mist/Starburst/water (Queen Zeal): C3, C4, C5
Dark Gear/shadow (Queen Zeal): E2, 7F
Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos): 68 x3/6A x3, 68 x3/6A x3
Protective Seal (Lavos)/Shining Bit (Giga Mutant): E2, C3
Doors of doom open (Inner Lavos): F1, 7B, 7E
Fire Dance/falling triangles (Inner Lavos): F4, A8
Shadow Doom Blaze (Inner Lavos): 7F, E4
Evil Star (Lavos Core): 81, C6, F5
Invading Light (Lavos Core): 96, 93
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 03:57:45 am by xcalibur »


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2018, 02:30:52 am »

I'll check the remaining unknowns later.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2018, 07:53:57 pm »
You're doing the lord's work. <3


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2018, 02:46:50 am »
66, 79, and 7D are unused.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2018, 04:02:29 pm »
finally, another discovery! I've identified CA with Burst Ball, an obscure enemy tech. It's used by TerraMutant (late in the attack queue), and by Dalton Plus (according to the encyclopedia, I haven't confirmed this). There seems to be some sort of filter applied to the sound when used in-game, but I'm confident that it's unique and that CA is the best fit. However, it would be helpful to have confirmation that CA is used.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2018, 04:19:27 pm »
TerraMutant definitely uses sound CA in tech EE (which could be described as Burst Ball). Dalton Plus uses tech 88, which also uses sound CA.

Dalton Plus has 5 attacks in his cycle, two slashes, two ball attacks (the same one used by the Mage enemy, physical damage), and one ball attack (different, magical damage).


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2018, 05:50:18 pm »
appreciated! just double-checked and confirmed CA for Dalton Plus. in both cases, Burst Ball comes at the end of their attack cycle, which means many people end up not seeing it because they've won the battle by then.

I mostly use the tech names given by the encyclopedia. Sometimes I add my own descriptions, eg orange pellets for Energy Ball.

Since I first posted, I've added lots of small changes, additions, and polish. Whenever I work on something, I get focused on improving and fleshing it out as much as possible (while trying not to get bogged down by perfectionism). I've been working on this from the front-end without digging into the code, it felt like solving a puzzle.

I've got all the triple techs (except for that sound used in Final Kick). I left out some single and double techs; my thinking was to cover most of them without making the recipe list too long. Should I add the rest anyway?

Let me know if there are any more sounds to be identified among the (now 15) unknowns.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2018, 06:11:28 pm »
I'll stick a simplified version of the list in Hi-Tech's interface, but include a full version as a text file, and stick a copy in the encyclopedia too.

Final Kick's sound effects: D2, 65 (x3), EB, ED. All of them use the three-byte play sound command. The third playing of 65 has a different unknown value than the first two.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2018, 06:32:31 pm »
Once again, thanks. As I said, I find it way easier to use the tech recipes as a reference rather than scanning the list each time. So I agree with including a full version alongside the abbreviated list.

Are you absolutely sure it uses ED?? That's the unknown sound with a 'pin drop' effect. You're sure it's not F3 (which won't play in Game Music Box)? The problem is that there's a 'screaming' sound which is very prominently heard during Final Kick. I haven't been able to identify this, and it's nothing like the 'pin drop' of ED. Thus my educated guess that the one sound I can't find must be associated with the one sound file I can't play.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2018, 06:43:13 pm »
Yes, definitely. I opened it in Hi-Tech, and I can see it uses ED with an unknown value of 2B that alters it somehow. It's also possible there's a second error in that sound collection, with sound ED. I'll double check things later.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2018, 07:10:11 pm »
It's rather surprising that they could transform a 'pin drop' into something between a minigun and a jet engine. but maybe that's what they did -- I wouldn't put it past the dream team.

Whenever I add an entry on here, I use multiple confirmations (comparing the sounds back and forth several times, looking up a youtube LP to make sure my setup is playing it correctly, etc). I'd like to be certain before taking a leap of faith and adding something I can't personally confirm without mucking around in temporal flux/hi-tech (which I haven't had to do yet).


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2018, 07:47:16 pm »
I modified Cyclone to play just sound ED, and it sounds nothing like the the SPC file I played.

I also recorded sound f9. It seems like it's a machine attack related sound.


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Re: Identifying battle sound effects
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2018, 09:23:07 pm »
just listened to ED in-game, and I can confirm, that's the sound for Final Kick. however, it seems to be cut off short. this is confirmed by F9, which is definitely cut off on the video compared to the spc file. Based on the spc, F9 sounds like a fancier version of D0, which leads me to speculate that the instant KO spell originally used F9, but this was replaced by D0. And based on placement, perhaps Lavos Core originally had the instant KO tech, but this was removed (presumably because he's challenging enough already). Of course, this is all speculation on my part.

What about F3? As I said, it won't play in Game Music Box, so I wonder whether it's an empty slot or if it's an issue on my end. I'd also like to know if there's any more used sounds among the unknowns (which are now down to 14).