@CptOvaltine -- Normally I have the television on while I work and am not in meetings, and recently I've had your album on repeat. It's amazing. For real. I cannot sing high enough praises for your work, my friend!
Well thank you, Boo! That means a lot, it really does.

I hope this can make the rounds in the Chrono community and others can discover and enjoy it as well.
Speaking of, I tried to post it to Reddit on the launch day and the post kept appearing greyed out with a red X on the top right corner. Google told me that means the post was removed, so I'm not sure I ever posted an announcement on Reddit that the album was out... Did you ever see anything?
I agree with Boo completely. I’m listening to it now and omg this is so amazing! I’m definitely telling my gamer friends, I’m absolutely in love with it!!
I'm so glad you like it, and were able to finally listen! Yes, please tell everyone! I think that if people will give it a chance they'll really enjoy it, it just needs the exposure!