Author Topic: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album  (Read 61187 times)


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2018, 12:30:00 am »
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive and working! Now that my performance season is over I can focus more on Cross symphonic.  So track previews will be coming out more often!

Here's a clip of the Ghost Ship theme.  Maybe a little unorthodox, but it fits in nicely with the three other themes I'm using for this section.

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2018, 12:52:45 am »
Sounded great -- very movie-esque. I can't wait for the final version!


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #32 on: May 11, 2018, 01:16:52 am »
Sounded great -- very movie-esque. I can't wait for the final version!

I'm glad you like it.  I know this one is pretty subtle and will be tough for most to catch, since I only used the last four bars of the theme.  But I think it makes sense in context, it's only a brief point in the game, and the atmosphere works to give you that "fog is closing in" feeling.


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #33 on: May 11, 2018, 10:11:06 pm »
So I've hit a little bit of a road block, maybe you guys can help me out with.

Just as a PSA, there are some spoilers in this post...if that's still a thing with a 19 year old game.

I've just finished track 06 (which is Dragon Knight with the Ghost Ship and a few other themes sprinkled in there) and am debating how I want to proceed with the album.

My original idea was to continue one with a track featuring the Mount Pyre and Fort Dragonia themes, then a track featuring Lynix's motif culminating in Kid's "Death." But then I got thinking about the Fairy Island conflict and the Water Dragon, and the little tid bit about Kid's backstory at the end of all of that and thought it might be nice to include that in some way.

So my thought was to maybe insert a track centered around Kid (which would make a track about her supposed death a little more impact-full) and leave out the Mount Pyre and Fort Dragonia themes since they really don't further the plot in any way other than to represent locations.

What do you think about that? How do people feel (story wise) about leaving out any sort of reference to Mount Pyre, Fort Dragonia (for now) and possibly the Water Dragon portion in favor of doing a track centered around Kid?



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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2018, 11:23:22 pm »
I'm not musically inclined at all, so this might not be feasible or even helpful, but what about a duality-type thing with a Water Dragon Isle / Kid track followed by one of Mount Pyre / Lynx?


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2018, 12:10:03 am »
I've thought about something like that, and the Mount Pyre/Lynx thing could work well I think, the Water Dragon/Kid is tricky though. I'm not a fan of medleys, so I would need a track that could represent the Water Dragon, and one for Kid that could be blended together seamlessly.

Out of curiosity,  what song from the ost do you think best represents the Water Dragon?
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 12:11:38 am by CptOvaltine »


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2018, 12:42:12 am »
"Garden of God" is what I hear when I think of the Water Dragon. Granted, that's the theme for all the Dragons, but it is the first time we hear it in the game. Razig's idea of having dual themed songs sounds neat, and "Garden of God" and "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (Kid's theme, right?) are pretty similar enough, in my opinion, that I think they could blend well. Mitsuda blended the latter really well with "Schala's Theme" in the arranged album.

Of course, obligatory "I'm not a musician" note here. But I still believe "Garden of God" is the best fit for the Water Dragon.

Also, really glad to see you're still working on this project!


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2018, 12:51:55 am »
Hey Kodokami! I had to take some time off to finish up some work, but now I'm back at it in force! I plan to have the rest of the album finished up by the end of the summer, or somewhere near there.

I had immediately thought about Garden of God as well, my only reservation there is that I wanted to save it for a later track that I had planned that focused on the dragons, but maybe now is as good a time as any to introduce it. I can always reuse the theme later. As for Kid, I briefly introduced her theme mixed with Scala's in the first track, I think I can expand on that with Garden of God. I loved how Mitsuda mixed them in the arranged album.

It sounds like to me that the general consensus is to try and work in the Water Dragon/Kid scenario into the album. That gives me a place to start then!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #38 on: May 13, 2018, 01:11:01 am »
So I definitely think that Schala's Theme + Star Stealing Girl (assuming that's what you're referring to as Kid's theme) should be it's own piece. It shouldn't be diluted with anything else. Both are iconic and the tune should be solely focused on Kid.

Garden of God definitely makes me think of water -- not just because it plays when meeting the water dragon, but because it's the song that plays over the Sea of Zurvan on the Chrono Cross title screen.

Side note: Any time I go snorkeling in a tropical environment (which isn't often, but I've managed to do it a few times) I think of this tune while I'm exploring the corals and what not. :)


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #39 on: May 13, 2018, 01:40:53 pm »
I had the same thought,  that mixing other tracks with themes centered around Kid would devalue the track. However, I came up with something rather interesting at the piano last night.  So now my new plan is to use elements of Kid and Scala's themes (yes, I'm using Star Stealing Girl as Kid's theme) much like I did in the first track, but perhaps a little more subtle. I'll save a full Kid track for when you realise she's still alive.

It'll be interesting to see some reactions on the track, as what I came up with sounds a lot darker and more ominous than the track does in the game. It will definitely hint at a darker purpose to the dragons. It'll also draw a small thematic connection between Kid and the Dragons, which I think is cool.


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #40 on: May 13, 2018, 02:43:52 pm »
Garden of God definitely makes me think of water -- not just because it plays when meeting the water dragon, but because it's the song that plays over the Sea of Zurvan on the Chrono Cross title screen.

Wow, you're right. This song is actually the first song we hear in the game (after the opening cinematic with "Time's Scar", of course). Can't believe I missed that. It's definitely got that dreamy feel of the ocean.


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2018, 11:37:47 pm »
Alright guys, I spent the afternoon working on the track.  I want to give you guys a little preview for helping me out.  I'll reset the link after a few days, so make sure you listen to it soon! :)

Please be aware that this is a rough export, there will be some small balance issues, as well as a few random pops and clicks.

I'm curious what you guys think.  I know it's a darker version than the original, but I wanted something that conveyed the devastation of the Fairy village, as well as hint that something might not be quite right with the dragons. I plan to sneak in a few Kid references as well to show the connection to Kid's flash back, as well as the small connection between her and the Dragons.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!  The track is still in progress, so if there's something that really bothers you, now is the time to speak! :D

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2018, 01:00:31 am »
I love it. It almost sounds like a unique/original tune for the first 30 seconds or so.

The chimes that come in around ~0:25, along with the deep strings ~0:40, and the deep bell gongs -- they remind me of Yoko Shimomura's work. I can't put my finger on it.

Maybe this?

Or it may be another piece she's done. She's done a lot of jRPGs, to be fair. Damn it, now I want to play Legend of Mana again. It has been a good 12 years or more...

Regardless, back to the tune.

When the Garden of the Gods theme finally hits ~0:52 it's great. You did a really good job with the choral arrangements. It's very subtle overall and very fitting.

Then, at 1:01 it kicks into gear. I have no idea what instrument it is, but it's lovely. Some sort of soprano oboe or cousin (piccolo?)? Anyway, with the rain or water flowing sound (I'm not sure what it was in the ambient background) it all merges together perfectly.

A++ work. No critiques here. Nothing but love for this album! It's quite fun listening as it shapes up. :)


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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2018, 02:50:16 am »
That's a relief!  I was afraid that it might be too different or dark for people, so I'm really glad you like it!  I'm trying to keep certain sections very recognizable, as there are a lot of very different places I want to take it. Kind of like my ghost ship section, the theme is there, but sometimes it's only recognizable by the feeling it gives you.

I had the idea for the whispering choir last night when I was trying to sleep. They're randomly saying words like "fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, life, death" etc. Its a cool effect that almost sounds like voices on the wind, there's something oddly soothing, yet unsettling about it. If I were to have a live choir do it they would slowly get louder before they cut out, and all of them end on the word "water."

The instrument you're talking about is the oboe, just in its upper register.  :)  the rain sound is created by a rain stick, which sounds even cooler in real life! So I'm keeping with my "all acoustic instruments" moto. Haha

I'm really excited to show this album to everyone, so it means a lot to see you enjoying it and getting as excited (or nearly haha) as I am!

Boo the Gentleman Caller

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Re: Cross Symphonic - A cinematic Chrono Cross album
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2018, 12:12:46 pm »
I was afraid that it might be too different or dark for people, so I'm really glad you like it!

Definitely not too dark or different. Besides, this is your interpretation. This is art, afterall, and you're the man with the paintbrush. You do what speaks to you. But yeah, definitely not too different (I mean, it's not like you're doing a metal or midi chiptune version, hahaha).

I had the idea for the whispering choir last night when I was trying to sleep. They're randomly saying words like "fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, life, death" etc. Its a cool effect that almost sounds like voices on the wind, there's something oddly soothing, yet unsettling about it.

I had no idea they were words -- now I definitely have to go back and listen and see if I can make them out!

The instrument you're talking about is the oboe, just in its upper register.

Although I'm a musician myself (percussionist), I went the rock band route and my knowledge of traditional instruments is pretty thin. I had no idea an oboe could get that high!