That's a relief! I was afraid that it might be too different or dark for people, so I'm really glad you like it! I'm trying to keep certain sections very recognizable, as there are a lot of very different places I want to take it. Kind of like my ghost ship section, the theme is there, but sometimes it's only recognizable by the feeling it gives you.
I had the idea for the whispering choir last night when I was trying to sleep. They're randomly saying words like "fire, water, earth, wind, light, dark, life, death" etc. Its a cool effect that almost sounds like voices on the wind, there's something oddly soothing, yet unsettling about it. If I were to have a live choir do it they would slowly get louder before they cut out, and all of them end on the word "water."
The instrument you're talking about is the oboe, just in its upper register.

the rain sound is created by a rain stick, which sounds even cooler in real life! So I'm keeping with my "all acoustic instruments" moto. Haha
I'm really excited to show this album to everyone, so it means a lot to see you enjoying it and getting as excited (or nearly haha) as I am!