No worries, I will definitely let everyone know when it's finished! haha
Funny that you should mention Yearnings of the Wind...When I was first putting together my composing rig that's the song I tested everything on. I started another arrangement of it last year that I never finished. I do want to get back to it, so maybe this will be the push. haha If the Cross Symphonic album does well then I fully plan on tackling some of the music from Chrono Trigger too.
That's awesome that you draw! I'm a horrible artists, (visual anyway) so I always admire people that pursue that craft! You should post some Chrono Cross stuff!

Thank again for the kind words! I fully plan on working harder, and hope to have the rest of the album finished by the end of the year. Then it's just a matter of licensing.
I'll be posting some news about the album in this thread in the next few weeks, so make sure you check back!