Here's a translation of the "choose which ending" code from the Opassa Beach fieldscript file. All endings refer to
this page.
IF(You completed Terra Tower all the way to Kid's final line on the boat) {
IF(You beat the Time Devourer normally) {
RUN the "Bad" ending
RUN the "Chrono Cross" ending
IF(You completed Chronopolis all the way to Harle bidding you "adieu") {
RUN the "Return of the Downtrodden" ending
IF(Harle has permanently left your party) {
IF(Dario has decided to rebuild Viper manor) {
RUN "Career change" ending
RUN "Darkened Fate" ending
IF(You escaped from Viper manor after rescuing Riddel) {
RUN "Onward Dragoons" ending
IF(Serge has body swapped into Lynx) {
RUN "New Beginnings" ending
IF(You have decided whether or not to try to heal Kid) {
IF(You took the Forest Route with Nikki) {
IF(You chose to try to save Kid) {
IF(Razzly is in your roster) {
RUN "Magical Dreamers" ending
RUN some version of "True Hero" ending
IF(You spoke with Leena at the dock) {
RUN "General Kid" ending
IF(You recruited Poshul in Home World) {
RUN "General Kid" ending
Request change to disc 2
RUN "Programmer's" ending
It's not just that you can't cross dimensions to get the developer's ending-- you can't make *any* progress in the game, whether by talking to Leena or recruiting Poshul.
From reading the fieldscript, it looks like there might be *three* versions of the True Hero ending, not just the two listed on that page. By my reading of the script, it looks like it's possible to cut to the final scene (with Solt, Peppor, and Pierre) after seeing Kid in Viper Manor (if you neither gave her the Hydra Humor nor recruited her with Doc), after Kid says "Bugger! How'd she know about that?", or after the Korcha/Macha scene. The Korcha scene can be skipped if you *don't* get Korcha's boat by promising that Kid will marry him, but instead go directly to Opassa Beach and fight the TD.
Whoa, did I just find a 13th ending?